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Plate 3: Scale bar: 100 µm

A-C: Paracypris aff. posteriusacuminatus Andreu, 1996. A-C: C, ULVG-9880, sample 140.13 m, L: 0.874, H: 0.434, W: 0.368, A: right view, B: left view, C: DV.

D-I: Cophinia ovalis Piovesan, Cabral & Colin sp. nov. D: holotype, C, right view, f, ULVG- 10389, sample 30.40 m, L: 0.960, H: 0.700, W: 0.560; E: paratype 1, C, DV, f, ULVG- 10384, sample 40.65 m, L: 0.870, H: 0.620, W: 0.500; F-G: paratype 2, C, m, ULVG- 10390, sample 59.60 m, L: 0.920, H: 0.580, W: 0.440, F: right view, G: DV; H: paratype 3, LV, EV, f, ULVG- 10226, sample 39.60 m, L: 0.840, H: 0.600; I: paratype 4, LV, IV, f, ULVG- 10302, sample 50.00 m; L: 0.915, H: 0.649.

J-P: Fossocytheridea potiguarensis Piovesan, Cabral & Colin sp. nov. J: holotype, C, right view, f, ULVG-10181, sample 33.80 m, L: 1.060, H: 0.640, W: 0.540; K: paratype 1, C, DV, f, ULVG-10195, sample 34.05 m, L: 1.000, H: 0.600, W: 0.500; L: paratype 2, C, left view, f, ULVG-10184, sample 33.80 m, L: 0.960, H: 0.600, W: 0.470; M: paratype 3, C, right view, m, ULVG-10187, sample 33.80 m, L: 1.220, H: 0.660, W: 0.520; N: paratype 4, C, left view, m, ULVG-10169, sample 33.00 m, L: 1.040, H: 0.540, W: 0.460; O: paratype 5, C, DV, m, ULVG-10186, sample 33.80 m, L: 1.000, H: 0.640, W: 0.500, P: paratype 6, LV, IV, f, ULVG-10177, sample 33.80 m; L: 0.920, H: 0.580.