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Plate 4: Scale bar: 100 µm

A-D: Fossocytheridea POT 1. A: C, right view, f, ULVG-10205, sample 38.00 m, L: 0.640, H: 0.380, W: 0.340; B-C: C, f, ULVG-10215, sample 39.60 m, L: 0.620, H: 0.360, W: 0.300, B: DV, C: left view; D: C, right view, m, ULVG-10168, sample 33.00 m, L: 0.690, H: 0.360, W: 0.300.

E-H: Fossocytheridea? POT 2. E-F: C, f, ULVG-10428, sample 75.30 m, L: 0.900, H: 0.540, W: 0.460, E: right view, F: DV; G: C, right view, juvenile, ULVG-10318, sample 55.50 m, L: 0.740, H: 0.480, W: 0.370; H: LV, IV, juvenile, ULVG-10330, sample 58.60 m, L: 0.780, H: 0.500.

I-M: Ovocytheridea anterocompressa Piovesan, Cabral & Colin sp. nov. I-K: holotype, C, f, ULVG-10283, sample 47.60 m, L: 0.840, H: 0.520, W: 0.400, I: right view, J: DV, K: left view; L: paratype 1, C, right view, m, ULVG-10237, sample 40.20 m, L: 0.780, H: 0.420, W: 0.320; M: paratype 2, LV, IV, f, ULVG-10160, sample 31.80 m, L: 0.700, H: 0.460.

N-R: Ovocytheridea triangularis Piovesan, Cabral & Colin sp. nov. N: holotype, C, right view, f, ULVG-10112, sample 27.90 m, L: 0.880, H: 0.600, W: 0.440; O: paratype 1, C, DV, f, ULVG-10119, sample 28.30 m, L: 0.800, H: 0.540, W: 0.440; P: paratype 2, C, left view, f, ULVG-10090, sample 27.60 m, L: 0.840, H: 0.600, W: 0.460; Q: paratype 3, C, right view, m, ULVG-10075, sample 26.70 m, L: 0.900, H: 0.480, W: 0.380, R: paratype 4, LV, IV, ULVG-10149, sample 30.20 m, L: 0.890, H: 0.560.