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Plate 9: Scale bar: 50 µm (A-C; R-U); 100 µm (D-Q)

A: Pelecocythere POT 2. A: C, right view, ULVG-10124, sample 29.20 m, L: 380, H: 0.130, W: 0.185.

B: Phlyctocythere? POT 2. B: C, right view, ULVG-10121, sample 28.45 m, L: 0.480, H: 0.260, W: 0.165.

C: Sagmatocythere? POT 1. C: C, right view, ULVG-9928, sample 62.30 m, L: 0.279, H: 0.158, W: 0.145

D-E: Soudanella POT 1. D-E: C, ULVG-10043, sample 140.30 m, L: 0.742, H: 0.400, W: 0.340, D: right view, E: DV.

F: Leguminocythereis? POT 1. F: C, right view, ULVG-9984, sample 207.00 m, L: 1.050, H: 0.505, W: 0.490.

G-H: Deroocythere? POT 1. G-H: C, ULVG-9985, sample 140.30 m, L: 0.706, H: 0.335, W: 0.302, G: DV, H: right view.

I-J: Trachyleberididae indet. gen. 2. I-J: C, ULVG-10022, sample 185.50 m, L: 0.720, H: 0.320, W: 0.340, I: right view, J: DV.

K: Trachyleberididae indet. gen. 3. K: C, left view, ULVG-10334, sample 58.60 m, L: 0.650, H: 0.305, W: 290.

L-M: Trachyleberididae indet. gen. 4. L-M: C, ULVG-10372, sample 74.70 m, L: 0.940, H: 0.430, W: 0.375, L: DV, M: right view.

N-O: Trachyleberididae indet. gen. 5. N-O: C, ULVG-10366, sample 75.30 m, L: 0.840, H: 0.410, W: 0.400, N: DV, O: right view.

P-Q: Trachyleberididae indet. gen. 6. P-Q: C, ULVG-10141, sample 29.70 m, L: 0.720, H: 0.360, W: 0.320, P: right view, Q: DV.

R-S: Xestoleberis POT 2. R-S: C, ULVG-10381, sample 82.70 m, L: 0.370, H: 0.180, W: 0.230, R: right view, S: DV.

T-U: Xestoleberis POT 3. T-U: C, ULVG-10070, sample 26.70 m, L: 0.410, H: 0.260, W: 0.242, T: right view, U: DV.