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Plate 10: Scale bar: 50 µm (A-D; I-L); 100 µm (E-H)

A-B: Indet. gen. 3 POT 2. A-B: C, ULVG-9906, sample 74.40 m, L: 0.440, H: 0.221, W: 0.280, A: right view, B: DV.

C-D: Indet. gen. 4 POT 2. C-D: C, ULVG-9922, sample 60.20 m, L: 0.540, H: 0.265, W: 0.295, C: right view, D: DV.

E-F: Indet. gen. 5 POT 2. E-F: C, ULVG-9876, sample 74.40 m, L: 0.790, H: 0.470, W: 0.340, E: right view, F: DV.

G-H: Indet. gen. 6 POT 1. G: C, right view, m, ULVG-10282, sample 47.60 m, L: 0.810, H: 0.450, W: 0.310; H: C, DV, f, ULVG-10351, 60.20 m, L: 0.740, H: 0.442, W: 0.390.

I-J: Indet. gen. 7 POT 1. I-J: C, ULVG-10380, sample 74.40 m, L: 0.360, H: 0.200, W: 0.330, I: right view, J: DV.

K-L: Indet. gen. 8 POT 1. K: C, right view, ULVG-10297, sample 50.00 m, L: 0.430, H: 0.260, W: 0.260; L: C, DV, ULVG-10311, sample 54.90 m, L: 0.440, H: 0.250, W: 0.275.