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Fig. 9

Figure 9 : Field photographs from the Güdük section in the north of Alagöz region, a. General view showing the basal part of the Güdük section, including small pelagic limestone blocks of the Early Cretaceous age within the matrix of the Elmadağ Olistostrome, b-c. Detailed view of radiolarian-rich cherty limestone block of the latest Valanginian-early late Hauterivian age where sample Güd-2 was retrieved, d. Panoramic view from SE to NW showing the distribution of rock units (the Elmadağ Olistostrome, Unaz, and Haymana formations) on the deviation of section locality of the Güdük section, e. Another panoramic view from NW to SE showing the lithostratigraphic units in the Güdük section, f. Detailed view of sampling levels (Güd-3 to Güd-15a) from the red pelagic limestones of the Santonian Unaz Formation, g. View from the top of the Güdük section, showing the red pelagic limestone of the Santonian Unaz Formation passing to the alternating red- to green-colored sandstone and mudstone of the Campanian-Maastrichtian Haymana Formation.