Figure 20: Thin-section photomicrographs of the Santonian planktonic foraminifers observed in the Unaz Formation from the Uyuzhamamı section, Haymana region. A. Dicarinella asymetrica (Sigal): Uy-28a; B. Dicarinella sp. cf. D. asymetrica (Sigal): Uy-31; C-D. Globotruncana hilli Pessagno: C. Uy-28a, D. Uy-29; E-G. Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana Pessagno: E. Uy-27. F. Uy-28, G. Uy-29; H. Marginotruncana sp. aff. M. sigali (Reichel): Uy-29. The scale bar is indicated at the bottom of the figure.