Figure 21: Thin-section photomicrographs of the Santonian
planktonic foraminifers observed in the Unaz Formation from the Güdük section,
north of Alagöz region. A-C. Dicarinella asymetrica (Sigal): A. Güd-8; B. Güd-3a; C.
Güd-15; D-E. Dicarinella sp. cf.
D. asymetrica (Sigal): D. Güd-3a, E. Güd-13; F-H.
Dicarinella concavata (Brotzen):
F-G. Güd-4; H. Güd-7; I-J. Dicarinella
sp. cf. D. concavata (Brotzen):
I. Güd-3, J. Güd-4; K.
Dicarinella primitiva (Dalbiez):
Güd-15a; L.
Globotruncana arca (Cushman): Güd-3; M. Globotruncana sp.
cf. G. arca (Cushman):
Güd-13; N.
Globotruncana linneiana (Orbigny): Güd-3; O.
Marginotruncana coronata (Bolli): Güd-3a; P-R. Marginotruncana sp.
cf. M. marginata (Reuss): P-Q. Güd-3, R. Güd-10;
Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana Pessagno:
S. Güd-10, T. Güd-5; U.
sp. cf.
M. schneegansi (Sigal):
Güd-5; V.
Marginotruncana sp. cf. M. tarfayaensis (Lehmann): Güd-15a;
W-X. Muricohedbergella sp. cf. M. flandrini (Porthault),
Güd-13, X. Güd-11. The scale bar is indicated at the bottom of the figure.