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Carnets Geol., formerly known as "Carnets de Geologie - Notebooks on Geology", is an open-access journal published electronically, which has been established to provide a new and rapid means of presenting papers in the field of sedimentology, stratigraphy, and paleontology, but submissions on other subjects will be considered for publication.

Carnets Geol. is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author(s) for any non-commercial re-use. Papers are distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. It is understood that, only in case of commercial re-use, one should ask prior permission from the publisher and/or the author(s).

Most papers are in French or English, but others in Spanish, German, or Italian will appear; all include abstracts in English and French. Contributions will appear in the form of numbered issues as soon as they have been approved by the reviewers and any revisions necessary have been made by their authors.

Prospective authors, as well as special editors (symposium volume, ...), are requested to submit their proposal either to the publisher or to a committee member who will forward it. Insofar as it is feasible all aspects of the publication process will be handled electronically.

Current issues are hosted by Paleopolis using the "Red IRIS" server in Spain. Archives are currently hosted by the "Red IRIS" in Spain and the "INIST-CNRS" in France.

Copies of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM version of "Carnets de Géologie" are deposited annually in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris as a permanent archive and record of our publications. Contact us if you want to get one or more for your records or to establish a subscription:
- Tome 1 (CD), 2003/1 (December 2003): out-of-print,
- Tome 2 (CD), 2004/2 (December 2004): out-of-print,
- Tome 3 (CD), 2006/3 (March 2006): out-of-print,
- Tome 4 (CD), 2007/4 (July 2007): out-of-print,
- Tome 5 (CD), 2008/5 (September 2008): out-of-print,
- Tome 6 (DVD), 2009/6 (July 2009): out-of-print,
- Tome 7 (DVD), 2010/7 (September 2010): out-of-print,
- Tome 8 (DVD), 2011/8 (October 2011): out-of-print,
- Tome 9 (DVD), 2012/9 (January 2013).
Tome 10 (DVD), 2014/10 (March 2014), was freely distributed to more than hundred libraries worldwide. It includes all publications from 2002 to March 2014.
Note that the ISSN number of this DVD-ROM (or, previously, CD-ROM) version is different from that of the online version and that of the CD-ROM version.

If you are reluctant to consider electronic publishing here are the obvious advantages:

(1) An ISSN (as in any "reputable" printed scientific journal): ISSN 1634-0744 for the online version, ISSN 1765-2553 for the CD-ROM version (2003-2008), and ISSN 2108-5196 for the DVD-ROM version;

(2) Permanent archives (all papers will be included therein and freely accessible) under Paleopolis / Red IRIS (Spain), INIST-CNRS (France) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium);

(3) A peer-review system (one goal of the scientific and editorial committee is to peer-review contributions immediately or to send them at once to competent reviewers);

(4) Publication faster than in any commercially printed scientific journal (including illustrations and photographs in color);

(5) Full royalty assured (when applicable): "Carnets de Géologie" reserves the right to negotiate royalties in place of the author(s) for the reproduction for commercial purposes of any material it has published (non-commercial use remains free). When economically viable the author(s) will receive in toto any sum accrued thereby;

(6) Guaranteed readership: On February 19, 2010, more than 2,400 readers were registered to receive email notification of the posting of a new contribution (registration began on June 10, 2003). Electronic publishing facilitates access to the information required for education and research;

(7) We are now listed in these Directories and Databases as the initial stage of a continuing effort to increase our recognition:
- BIOSIS - Biology Browser,
- Zoological Record (Ovid Technologies Inc.),
- ISI (Thomson Scientific)
- GeoRef ( American Geological Institute),
- Geoscience e-Journals (Spain),
- HAL - Hyper Article en Ligne (France), pro parte
- SUDOC - abes,
- Electronic Journal Access Project (USA),
- The Alliance (Colorado, USA),
- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB (Germany),
- CADIST (France),
- PASCAL (France),
- Petroleum Abstracts (USA),
- CFI - Comité français de l'IFLA (France),
- NTIC (Canada), etc.

(8) the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM versions are available:
- in France at Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris), CADIST - Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire Jussieu (Paris; corresponding person: François BOTTINI), SCD Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II (Marseille; corresponding person: Claire FAYAT), and INIST-CNRS (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy; corresponding person: Sylvie GRÉSILLAUD),
- in Belgium at Bibliothèque Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels; corresponding person: Dominique LERINKX),
- in Germany at UB Regensburg (Regensburg; corresponding person: Simone GRAF),
- in Argentina at the 'Biblioteca' of the Instituto Superior de Correlación Geologica - INSUGEO (San Miguel de Tucumán; corresponding person: Héctor Rodolfo AREDES),
- in the UK at The Natural History Museum of Londres (corresponding person: Lisa di TOMMASO),
- in the USA at the Auburn University Libraries (Auburn - AL; corresponding person: Lisa BEALL), at the Amherst College Library (Amherst - MA; corresponding person: Peter NELSON) and at the Indiana University Geology Library (Bloomington - IN; corresponding person: Lou MALCOLMB).

If you are interested in these advantages please review your work to determine if you have any project for publication that might appear in our journal.

Credits: Many of the photographs featured on Carnets' website were provided by our authors and our readers. Special thanks are due to:
Karen Carr - Silver City (NM)
Mitch Covington - Tallahassee (FL)
Alexandre Lethiers - Paris
Marc Philippe - Villeurbanne
Brent Wilson - St. Augustine, Trinidad


"Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the published articles are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors."

"The authors are the 'sole responsible' for the usage made of texts, illustrations (tables and drawings), photos and videos provided and used in their respective publications."

Except where otherwise noted,
content on this site is licensed
under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Creative Commons