Editorial Policy
Authors must agree that the whole or any part of their contribution may be quoted or used without charge for any non-commercial purpose.
As a counterpart both the authors and the editors/publisher (Association
"Carnets de Géologie") may at their discretion re-use it
(For instance, authors are free to deposit their work in any open online archive where it will be permanently and openly accessible).
Copyrights and other limitations
An article stored in our archives may be duplicated and circulated if it is not to be sold or used for any commercial purpose.
Written permission need not be obtained from the author(s) and "Carnets de Géologie" unless commercial exploitation is planned.
Except where otherwise noted, content on the pages is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Procedure for submittal
Authors do not need to pay any article submission
Proposals for publication must be submitted by email. Sent by
email the proposal should include the title of the work, a summary of its content that includes an estimate of its length and/or volume: the number of pages, figures, tables, annexes,
photos, the names and
email addresses of all authors, and the telephone number of the principal or his/her delegate.
The merit of some short notes may be difficult to assess from a summary. If, in the author's
judgment evaluation from a summary would be difficult, the full text may be submitted by
email as a proposal.
Priority restrictions
The work proposed must be original. In the event it is not the editor will determine whether or not online publication is desirable.
Our authors (? you) can submit their manuscripts online
Carnets has launched its online manuscript submission system. This program (OJS) provides each contributor (author, reviewer, editor) a secure environment for contact information, submittal and correspondence.
Handling of accepted papers
A work accepted for publication will be sent at once to two or more reviewers deemed expert in the field. Their comments and suggestions will be forwarded to the editor by
email. The editor will relay the commentaries to the
author(s) who may accept the suggestions and edit the work accordingly, or dispute the findings in an exchange of
emails with the editor.
The corresponding author (if more than one) will be sent a proof of his paper as it will appear by
email attachment(s) in PDF or HTML. His comments will be taken into consideration, but the editors'
judgments regarding emendations are final.
If authors are providing a camera-ready
manuscript, they should not need to pay any article processing charges.
In the event that an author is not entirely at ease in the language selected for publication the editor may
require --or the author request-- assistance in rendering the text more conventionally. Under special circumstances translation to English or French will be proposed free of charge.
Formats for submittals
facilitate the reviewing process, it is suggested here that you submit:
a text only file (with information on the location of the Tables, Figs. and
a low-resolution set of Figs. and Pls. (possibly organized in a single pdf file
- once your manuscript has been accepted, you will be requested to send the
corresponding vector files or high-resolution bitmap images -), and
the Tables as discrete (.ODS, .XLS or .XLSX) files.
RTF Template
Download the template to ease the final submission: 
Presentation of submittals
a. Required Sequence and Recommended Limitations:
TITLE: Not more than two lines of 40 characters each including spaces; no acronyms, numbers or abbreviations.
KEY WORDS: Maximum of eight. See list at GeoRef. website.
ABSTRACT: Less than 250 words, fewer for Letters. First sentence gives scope followed by details and conclusions.
TEXT: Length according to category.
REFERENCES: See style notes below. Maximum of twenty for Letters.
TABLES, CHARTS, MAPS: Each on a separate page and numbered consecutively.
TABLES should replace text, not duplicate it.
MAPS should include latitude and longitude in degrees and a North arrow.
FIGURE LEGENDS: Sans serif font; less than forty words.
FIGURES: On separate pages. Size may be altered to conform to page arrangement and a modest reduction is normal.
The order of presentation is indicated in the final CD by numbers and if required, also by letters:
discrete sets of numbers must accompany each of the several categories of illustration.
The editor will choose the sites of their placement following the author's recommendations insofar as possible.
b. Preferred fonts: The fonts listed here are satisfactory for net presentation. In general fonts without serifs are read more easily.
Georgia, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, Verdana, Times New Roman. Others may be used sparingly. Minimum size 9 points. If reduction is probable, 11 pts. Fonts for mathematical, biological and mineralogical presentations are accepted.
c. References: All references cited in the text or in figures or tables must be included in the list of
references (but not necessarily the references to authors of taxa used for
taxonomic purpose). They are listed alphabetically by the first author's
family name. Two or more authors follow, also alphabetically. If authors have more than one title to list, arrange them chronologically, earlier dates first.
Family names are underlined (everywhere). Journal names (which are italicized)
and book titles, publisher name and city of publication are not abbreviated.
Template for the bibliographic
references (2022/09/01):
Author(s) (Year).-
Title of the paper.- Title of
the journal (Series),
Town( - STATE),
vol./tome/Band/Jahr T, no./Heft U,
p. W-X (Y Pls./Pls. Y-Z) [in
LANG. with English summary]. DOI/URL
Author(s) (Year).-
Title of the chapter. In: Author(s)
(ed(s).), Title of the book.-
Publishing House, Town(
- STATE), p. Y-Z.
Author(s) (Year).-
Title of the book.- Publishing
House, Town( - STATE),
X p.
Author(s) (Year).-
Title of the thesis.- MSc/PhD
thesis, Institution/University,
Town( - STATE), X
1 author/1 editor: Author's family name +
Initial(s) of the author's given name(s) [e.g., Conley C.D.]
2 authors/2 editors: 1st author's family name
+ Initial(s) of the 1st author's given name(s) & 2nd
author's family name + Initial(s) of the 2nd author's given name(s) [e.g.,
J.A. & Waters J.A.]
More than 2 authors/2 editors: 1st author's family name
+ Initial(s) of the 1st author's given name(s), 2nd
author's family name + Initial(s) of the 2nd author's given name(s) ... &
last author's family name + Initial(s) of the last author's given
name(s) [e.g., Charollais
J., Clavel B., Granier B., Busnardo R. & Conrad
Titles of the papers, chapters or books: do not use first
capitalized letter for the words unless it is required [Right: Case study of the Happy Spraberry oil reservoirs in NW
Texas. Wrong: Case Study of the Happy Spraberry Oil Reservoirs in NW
Title of the journal is italicized and given in
full, i.e., not abbreviated.
Series may be required for
some journal [e.g., Bulletin de la Soci t G ologique de France (4e
S rie), Paris]
Town is not required 1) for journal issued by the largest
publishing houses [e.g., Elsevier, Springer] or 2) when it is already mentioned
in the title of the journal [e.g., Geologica romana, M moires de l'Acad mie Imp riale des Sciences de
St-P tersbourg, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London]
STATE (abbreviated) is
facultative [e.g., Cambridge - MA versus
Cambridge - UK]
information is
facultative [e.g.,
Slovak with English summary]
or numbering of plates = Pls. (Y Pls./Pls. Y-Z) or
text-figs. = Figs. are not required, but could be mentioned into brackets.
are not required, but could be mentioned for any online open access
Here are sample references in the style preferred for this journal:
Ahr W.M.
& Hammel B.S. (1999).-
Identification and mapping of flow units in carbonate reservoirs: An example
from the Happy Spraberry (Permian) Field Garza County, Texas USA.- Energy
Exploration & Exploitation, London, vol. 17, nos. 3-4, p. 311-334.
Carozzi A.V.
(1961).- Distorted oolites and pseudoolites.- Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, Tulsa - OK, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 262-274.
Charollais J., Clavel B., Granier B., Busnardo R.
& Conrad M.A. (2013).- Discussion
of the paper by Godet et al. 2011,
entitled "Reconciling strontium-isotope and K-Ar ages with biostratigraphy:
The case of the Urgonian platform, Early Cretaceous of the Jura Mountains,
Western Switzerland" (Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 104, 147-160).- Swiss
Journal of Geosciences, vol. 106, no. 3, p. 559-567. DOI:
Clayton J.L.
(2011).- Stratigraphy and reservoir architecture of a Permian toe-of-slope ooid
fan, Happy (Spraberry) Field, Garza Co., Texas.- Master, University of Texas at
Austin, 90 p.
Clayton J.L.
& Kerans C. (2013).- Reservoir
compartmentalization of a deep-water ooid fan, Happy Field, Permian Basin. In: Verwer K., Playton T.E.
& Harris P.M. (eds.), Deposits,
architecture, and controls of carbonate margin, slope and basinal settings.- SEPM
Special Publication, Tulsa - OK, vol. 105, p. 359-383.
Conley C.D.
(1977).- Origin of distorted ooliths and pisoliths.- Journal
of Sedimentary Petrology, Tulsa - OK, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 554-564.
Cushman J.A.
& Waters J.A. (1928).- Some
Foraminifera from the Pennsylvanian and Permian of Texas.- Contributions
from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Sharon - MA, vol. 4,
p. 31-55.
Eichenseer H.T., Walgenwitz E
R. & Biondi P.J. (1999).-
Stratigraphic control on facies and diagenesis of dolomitized sequences (Pinda
Group, Albian, offshore Angola).- AAPG Bulletin,
Boulder - CO, vol. 83, no. 11, p. 1929-1958.
Folk R.L.
(1987).- Detection of organic matter in thin-sections of carbonate rocks using a
white card.- Sedimentary Geology, vol. 54, no. 3, p.
Gentry M.D.
(2003).- Applications of artificial neural networks in the identification of
flow units, Happy Spraberry Field, Garza County, Texas.- MSc Thesis, Texas
A&M University, College Station - TX, 162 p. URL: https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/1604
Godet A., Durlet C., Spangenberg J.E.
& F llmi, K.B. (2016).- Estimating the impact of
early diagenesis on isotope records in shallow-marine carbonates: A case study
from the Urgonian platform in western Swiss Jura.- Pal ogeography,
Pal oclimatology, Pal oecology, vol. 454, p. 125-138.
Granier B.
(2019).- New stratigraphic and genetic model for the dolomitic Cretaceous Pinda
reservoirs in Angola. Part II - Compelling arguments against early
dolomitization and early leaching.- Carnets Geol.,
Madrid, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 47-70. DOI: 2042/69773
Granier B., Barbin V.
& Charollais J. (2014).-
Significance of partial leaching in calcareous ooids: The case study of
Hauterivian oolites in Switzerland.- Carnets Geol.,
Madrid, vol. 14, no. 22, p. 471-481. DOI: 10.4267/2042/56045
Granier B., Clavel B.
& Charollais J. (2016).- Comments
on "Estimating the impact of early diagenesis on isotope records in
shallow-marine carbonates: A case study from the Urgonian platform in western
Swiss Jura" by A. Godet et
al. [Pal ogeography Pal oclimatology Pal oecology 454
(2016) 125-138].- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 16, no.
17, p. 417-429. DOI: 10.4267/2042/61385
Granier B.R.C.
& Lapointe Ph. (2022).- The Kalkowsky Project
- Chapter III. Significance of primary radial fabrics associated with ancient
partly leached or recrystallized calcareous ooids.- Carnets
Geol., Madrid, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 149-160. DOI: 10.2110/carnets.2022.2205
Granier B.R.C., Kendall C.G.St.C.
& Vachard D. (2022).- The Kalkowsky Project
- Chapter IV. Case study of the Happy Spraberry oil reservoirs in NW Texas (with
a micropaleontologic and biostratigraphic supplement): Collapsed molds should
not be treated as a category of distorted ooids.- Carnets
Geol., Madrid, vol. 22, no. 8, p. 311-332. DOI: 10.2110/carnets.2022.2208
Hammel B.S.
(1996).- High-resolution reservoir characterization of the Permian (upper
Leonardian) Spraberry Formation, Happy Spraberry Field, Garza County, Texas.-
Unpublished MS Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station - TX, 156 p.
Kendall C.G.St.C.
(2005).- Lecture 6: Cementation & diagenesis.- Geol 751: Carbonate
petrography, University of South Carolina, Columbia - SC, 118 slides. URL:
Layman J.M.
II (2002).- Porosity characterization utilizing petrographic image analysis:
Implications for identifying and ranking reservoir flow units, Happy Spraberry
Field, Garza County, Texas.- MSc Thesis, Texas A&M University, College
Station - TX, 103 p. URL: https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/399
Mazingue-Desailly V.P.G.
(2004).- Assessing the influence of diagenesis on reservoir quality: Happy
Spraberry Field, Garza County, Texas.- MSc Thesis, Texas A&M University,
College Station - TX, 69 p. URL: https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/27
Saller A.
(1992).- Calcitization of aragonite in Pleistocene limestones of Enewetak Atoll,
Bahamas, and Yucatan - An alternative to thin-film neomorphism.- Carbonates
and Evaporites, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 56-73.
Shearman D.J.
(circa 1977, unpublished).- Laboratory handbook of carbonate petrology.-
Imperial College, London, 55 p.
Wardlaw N., Oldershaw A.
& Stout M. (1978).-
Transformation of aragonite to calcite in a marine gasteropod.- Canadian
Journal of Earth Sciences, Ottawa, vol. 15, no. 11, p. 1861-1866.
Wilkinson B.H., Buczynski C.
& Owen R.M. (1984).- Chemical
control of carbonate phases: Implications from Upper Pennsylvanian
calcite-aragonite ooids of southeastern Kansas.- Journal of
Sedimentary Research, Tulsa - OK, vol. 54, no. 3, p. 932-947.
Template for the synonymy lists:
V/non/pars Year Name of the taxa
eventually followed by the name of the original Author(s) [i.e., Author's
family name, 1st author's family name & 2nd
author's family name, or 1st author's family name et
al. (as an exact excerpt of the
publication)]; Author(s) [i.e.,
Author's family name, 1st author's family name &
2nd author's family name, or 1st author's family name et
al.], p. T,
Figs. K-L, M-N; Pl. V,
fig. W; Pl. X,
figs. Y-Z.
The synonymy list and text should follow both the ICZN and
the ICBN rules regarding the citation of authors. In the text, one can write
"Bouvard and P cuchet" but, 1) when this pair of Author
follows the name of a taxon they described, one should write "Bouvard
& P cuchet" or "Bouvard et P cuchet"
and, 2) when quoting a bibliographic reference, it should be "Bouvard
& P cuchet".
Still according to the ICZN and the ICBN, the nobiliary
particles [e.g., de, d', von, van] are not part of the author's
given name [Right: Collignoniceras carolinum (Orbigny,
1841). Wrong: Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny, 1841)].
In the bibliographic reference, Alcide d'Orbigny will be listed in the letter O
as Orbigny A. d'.
1841 Ammonites Carolinus, d'Orbigny; Orbigny, p. 310-311,
Pl. 91, figs. 5-6.
1980b Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Kennedy et
al., p. 574, Figs. 1B, 5; Pl. 68, figs. 1-11; Pl. 76, figs. 1-2 (avec synonymie).
1981 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); C.W. Wright
& Kennedy, p. 106, Pl. 30, figs. 4-5.
1982 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Am dro
& Badillet in Robaszynski et al., p. 196, Pl. 5,
fig. 4.
1988 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Kaplan, p.
14, Pl. 6, fig. 3.
non 1996 Collignoniceras n. sp. ? aff. C. carolinum (d'Orbigny);
Kirkland, p. 98, Pl. 45, figs. G, J; Pl. 46, fig. A [= ? Collignoniceras
woollgari regulare (Haas, 1946)].
2006 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Kennedy
& Juignet in Gauthier, p. 113, Pl. 60, fig. 2 a, b.
2014 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Wilmsen
& Nagm, p. 220, Pl. 12 d.
2016 Collignoniceras carolinum (d'Orbigny); Kennedy
& Gale, p. 291, Fig. 20 C-F.
2019 Collignoniceras sp. aff. canthus (d'Orbigny); Kennedy
& Kaplan, p. 65, Pl. 35, figs. 3-5.
Collignoniceras carolinum (Orbigny, 1841); Am dro
et al., p. 350-352, Fig. 8; Pl. 2 , fig. 2; Pl. 3 , figs. 1-2; Pl. 4 , figs.
1; Pl. 5 , figs. 1-2; Pl. 6 , figs. 1-2; Pl. 7 , fig. 1; Pl. 9 , fig. 2; Pl. 16
, fig. 1
English language editing
"Carnets Geol." publishes manuscripts in other languages (French, Spanish, ...) in addition to English, which however is currently the world's Lingua Franca. Many manuscripts in "English" submitted to us are by authors for whom it is not the mother tongue. For acceptance these proposals must be readily understood by reviewers (and later by readers). If you are uncertain about the clarity of your writing, it would be advisable to have your draft revised by a native-English speaker prior to submittal.
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Please contact the email address that follows for additional information: