
Sous-embranchement (subphylum) des Rhynchonelliformea
Classe des Rhynchonellata
Ordre des Terebratulida
Sous-Ordre des Terebratellidina
Super-famille des Laqueoidea


Genus Glaciarcula Elliott, 1956

[Type species= Terebratella spitzbergensis Davidson, 1852 (p. 78)]

Small, elongate-pyriform, biconvex, smooth, thin shelled, rectimarginate; ventral beak elongate, moderately incurved, suberect, attrite; foramen mesothyrid; deltidial plates long, narrow, disjunct. Hinge teeth supported by vertical, lamellar dental plates; pedicle collar long, sessile. Cardinalia with well-developed inner and outer hinge plates; inner hinge plates steeply inclined, uniting with low median septum to form septalium; cardinal process a very short, transverse myophore; septal flanges developed on juvenile septal pillar; adult loop haptoid to incipiently trabecular.

Present (Holocene)

Diagnosis from volume 5 of the
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (2006)

Extant Species of Glaciarcula
  • G. spitzbergensis (Davidson, 1852)
  • G. frieli (Davidson, 1878)
  • Diagnosis

    Glaciarcula spitzbergensis   (Davidson, 1852)

    Type locality: "Spitzbergen"
    Depth range: 32 - 2450 m

    Terebratella spitzbergensis Davidson, 1852
    Terebratalia spitzbergensis

    Diagnosis in preparation -

    Glaciarcula frieli  (Davidson, 1878, p. 438)

    Type locality: "off Halifax, lat. 41°15'N., long. 65°45'W., in 1,340 fathoms"' [2450 m]
    Depth range: (?150) - 2450 m

    Terebratella frieli Davidson, 1878
    Glaciarcula frielei: Zezina (1994)

    Diagnosis (Davidson, 1878)

    8. Terebratella Frieli, n. sp. - Shell small ovate, smooth, white; valves moderately convex, loop doubly attached ; length 10, width 9, depth 5 millims.
    Two examples were dredged off Halifax, lat. 41° 15' N., long. 65° 45' W., in 1,340 fathoms; and two other specimens, which appear to be referable to the same species, near the Philippine Islands in from 82 to 102 fathoms. l have felt much uncertainty with respect to the identification of this species. Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys considers it to he new, and to he referableto the genus Terebratella.