Acrobrochus vema (Cooper, 1973)
Type locality: “V-17-61. Latitude 54°44'S, longitude 55°39'W, at 1814-1919 meters, off east end of Burdwood Bank, east of south end of Argentina.”
Depth range: 732 - 2578 m
Liothyrella? vema Cooper, 1982
Liothyris vema Zezina, 1976
Acrobrochus hendleri Cooper, 1982
Diagnosis - (Cooper, 1973)
Large, nearly equivalved Liothyrella?, with stout loop and broadly uniplicate anterior margin.
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Acrobrochus blochmanni (Jackson, 1912)
Type locality: “Station 417; lat. 71°22'S., long. 16°34'W. (off Coasts Land). Depth, 1410 fathoms. March 18, 1904” [depth 2579 m].
Depth range: 103 - ? 3697 m
Liothyrina blochmanni Jackson, 1912
Liothyrella blochmanni Thomson, 1918
?Liothyrella multiporosa Foster, 1974
?Liothyrella scotti Foster, 1974
Liothyris blochmanni Zezina, 1976
Diagnosis - (Jackson, 1912) - in preparation
Should be added:
Muscle disposition: see Fig. in front - the posterior accessory diductor scars sometimes with several separate units.
Muscle attachment (modified, from Foster, 1974 - with absence of separate posterior accessory diductor muscles base, the pair of ventral adductor muscle bases in &a single unit)
Acrobrochus marotiriensis Bitner, 2007
Type locality: Station DW 1886; 27°51.27’S, 143°32.39’W, Marotiti island, Australes archipelago (French Polynesia). Depth, 620-1000 m.
Depth range: 360 - 1000 m
Diagnosis - Bitner (2007)
Acrobrochus of medium size, strongly biconvex, loop with subparallel descending branches and very broad, gently folded transverse band.
(modified, from Bitner, 2007)