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![]() Álvarez F., Emig C. C. & J. Tréguier, 2016. Brachiopodes actuels: historique et révision de la collection D.-P. Œhlert (Laval) ; brachiopodes des côtes françaises métropolitaines. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences naturelles de l'Ouest de la France, hors-série 1, 386 p. - & Sciences etc, Annales des collections de Sciences et techniques du Musée des Sciences de Laval, hors-série 1, 386 p.
Afanasjeva G. A., 2016. Independent similarity in the morphological evolution of brachiopods. Paleontological Journal, 50 (14), 1561-1568. Andrade B., Duarte LV., Joral FG., Goy A. & Henriques MH., 2016. Palaeobiogeographic patterns of the brachiopod assemblages of the Iberian Subplate during the Late Toarcian-Early Aalenian (Jurassic). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 442), 12-22. Angiolini L. et al., 2016. Brachiopods from the CisuralianGuadalupian of Darvaz, Tajikistan and implications for Permian stratigraphic correlations. Palaeoworld, 25 (4), 539-568. Astibia H. et al., 2016. Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene strata of the Pamplona Basin and surrounding areas (Navarre, western Pyrenees). Journal of Iberian Geology, 42 (1), 7-28. Atif K.F.T., Aretz M., Legrand-Blain M., Bouzid A. & Aimouche M., 2016. Braquiópodos y corales rugosos en un biostroma del Serpukhoviense superior (Misisípico): resultados preliminares del yacimiento de Djebel Arhlal (Cuenca Béchar, Argelia). Boletin Geologico y Minero, 127 (2-3), 345-360. Baeza-Carratalá J. F., Manceñido M. O. & F. García Joral, 2016. Cisnerospira (Brachiopoda, Spiriferinida), an atypical Early Jurassic spire bearer from the Subbetic Zone (SE Spain) and its significance. Journal of Paleontology, 90 (6),1081-1099. Baeza-Carratalá J. F., García Joral F., J. E. Tent-Manclús, 2016. Brachiopod faunal exchange through an epioceanic-epicontinental transitional area from the Early Jurassic South Iberian platform system. Geobios, 49 (4), 243-255. Balinski A., Racki G. & Halamski A. T., 2016. Brachiopods and stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) succession of the Radlin Syncline (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 66 (2), 125-174. Balinski A. & Y. Sun, 2016. Cyrtinoides Yudina and Rzhonsnitskaya, 1985, an aberrant Middle Devonian ambocoeliid brachiopod genus from China. Palaeoworld, 25 (4), 632-638.. Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2015. Fenxiang biota: a new Early Ordovician shallow-water fauna with soft-part preservation from China. Science Bulletin, 60 (8), 812-818. Balseiro D. & Halpern K., 2016. Environmental preferences of brachiopods and bivalves across major climatic changes during the Late Palaeozoic ice age (Pennsylvanian, western Argentina). Palaeontology, 59(6), 803-816 Baranov VV. & Blodgett RB., 2016. Two new brachiopod genera from the Lower Pragian (Lower Devonian, Soda Creek Limestone) of west-central Alaska. Paleontological Research, 50 (1), 34-40. Barucca M., Canapa A. & Biscotti M. A., 2016. An overview of hox genes in Lophotrochozoa: evolution and functionality. Journal of developmental Biology, 41 (12). Bassett-Butt L., 2016. 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Middle Miocene (Badenian) brachiopods from Yasen, northwestern Bulgaria: taxonomic composition and biogeographical significance. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 279 (1), 7-22.Bitner M. A. & Emig C. C., 2016. On the type species of Lingularia, and description of Eolingularia n. gen. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 16 (22), 543-555. Brand U. et al., 2016. Methane hydrate: killer cause of Earth's greatest mass extinction. Palaeoworld, 25 (4), 496-507. Brusca RC., Moore W. & Shuster SM., 2016. The lophophorates phyla Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda. Invertebrates, 3rd ed., Sinauer, Sunderland, p. 635-668. Budil P., Mergl M. & Smutek D., 2016. Paleontologicky vyzkum lokality Brloh v Zeleznych horách (Lipoltické souvrství, spodní ordovik). Geoscience Research Reports, 49, 149-156. Buhl-Mortensen L., Ellingsen K.E., Buhl-Mortensen P., Skaar K.L. & Gonzalez-Mirelis G., 2016. Trawling disturbance on megabenthos and sediment in the Barents Sea: Chronic effects on density, diversity, and composition. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73, i98-i114. Carbonaro F.A. & Ghilardi R.P., 2016. Fósseis do devoniano de goiás, Brasil (Sub-bacia alto garças, bacia do paraná). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56 (11), 135-149. Carlson S. J., 2016. The Evolution of Brachiopoda. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 44, 409-438. Chen Z.-Y., Kim M.-H., Choh S.-J., Lee D.-J. & Chen X., 2016. Discovery of Anticostia uniformis from the Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, South China and its stratigraphic implication. Palaeoworld, 25 (3), 356-361. Chu D. et al., 2016. Biostratigraphic correlation and mass extinction during the Permian-Triassic transition in terrestrial-marine siliciclastic settings of South China. Global aand Planetary Change, 146, 67-88. Cisterna G.A. & Sterren A.F., 2016. Late Carboniferous postglacial brachiopod faunas in the Southwestern Gondwana margin. 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Quale è il metodo migliore per preparare le conchiglie di invertebrati per l’analisi al SEM? Un esempio di sperimentazione di diverse tecniche su esemplari recenti e fossili di brachiopodi. Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 55 (2), 111-125 Cross EL, Peck L S., Lamare MD &, Harper EM., 2016. No ocean acidification effects on shell growth and repair in the New Zealand brachiopod Calloria inconspicua (Sowerby, 1846). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73 (3), 920-926. Da Rocha R.B. et al., 2016. Base of the Toarcian Stage of the Lower Jurassic defined by the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at the Peniche Section (Portugal). Episodes, 39(3), 460-481 Denayer J., Aretz M., Poty E. & B. Mottequin, 2016. Royseux: a palaeobiodiversity hotspot in the Late Viséan (Carboniferous) of Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 19 (1-2), 7-20. Dulai A., 2016. 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Finnegan S., Rasmussen CMO. & Harper DAT, 2016. Biogeographic and bathymetric determinants of brachiopod extinction and survival during the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 283 (1829). Försterra G., Häussermann V. & J. Laudien, 2016. Animal forests in the Chilean fjords: Discoveries, perspectives and threats in shallow and deep Waters. Marine Animal Forests, p. 1-34. Fürsich F.T., Pan Y., Wilmsen M. & Majidifard M.R., 2016. Biofacies, taphonomy, and paleobiogeography of the Kamar-e-Mehdi formation of east-central Iran, a middle to upper Jurassic shelf lagoon deposit. Facies, 62 (1), 2. Gaetani M., 2016. Brachiopods from the type-section of the Bithynian substage (Anisian, middle Triassic, northwestern Turkey). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 122 (2), 61-75. Gaspard D. & Nouet J., 2016. Hierarchical architecture of the inner layers of selected extant rhynchonelliform brachiopods. 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Patterns of brachiopod faunal and body-size changes across the Permian-Triassic boundary: Evidence from the Daoduishan section in Meishan area, South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 448, Special Issue, 72-84. Hiller N., 2016. New Cretaceous brachiopods from the South Island, New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 30, 5–12. Holmer L.E., Popov L.E., Klishevich I. & Ghobadi Pour M., 2016. Reassessment of the early Triassic lingulid brachiopod ‘Lingula’ borealis Bittner, 1899 and related problems of lingulid taxonomy. GFF, 138 (4), 519-525. Holmer L.E et al., 2016. Ordovician (Darriwilian–Sandbian) linguliform brachiopods from the southern Cuyania Terrane of west-central Argentina. Australasian Palaeontological Memoir, 49, xxx. Hryniewicz K., Bitner M.A., Durska E., Hagström J., Hjálmarsdóttir H.R., Jenkins R.G., Little C.T.S., Miyajima Y., Nakrem H.A. & A. Kaim, 2016. Paleocene methane seep and wood-fall marine environments from Spitsbergen, Svalbard. 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