The PaleoHISTORY Miocene
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The PaleoHistory of the Mediterranean Sea
A common approach to Mediterranean Plio-Pleistocene paleoecology in the last four decades has been the benthic bionomic model of the Endoume School. Mediterranean Neogene communities are considered similar to the present-day Mediterranean biocenoses. Furthermore, since the Neogene, they have comparable substrates and bathymetric requirements, parallel to the modern biocenoses, and play the same ecological role in the Mediterranean Basin (Pelosio & Raffi, 1973; Di Geronimo, 1975, 1985; Bernasconi, 1989; Bernasconi & Robba, 1993). Consequently, Mediterranean paleobiocenoses are interpreted and defined using the same criteria and the same characteristic living species used by the Endoume School. |