◄ Carnets Geol. 15 (14) ►
[1. Introduction]
[2. Materials and methods]
[3. Results]
[4. Systematics]
[5. Discussion and conclusions]
[Bibliographic references] [Plates] and ... [Table]
Palaeoecological Research Group, Dipartimento di Scienze
Biologiche, Geologiche ed Ambientali, Università di Catania, Corso Italia 55, I-95129 Catania (Italy)
Published online in final form (pdf) on November 11, 2015
[Editor: Bruno ; language editor:
Donald E. ]
The ostracod associations of the Lower Pleistocene sedimentary succession cropping out at Serra San Biagio (Catania, Sicily NE) have been investigated. The ostracod fauna from nine samples is poorly diversified but well-preserved: A total of forty taxa of ostracods have been identified, thirty-three at specific level and seven at genus level or doubtful species. Thirty species are considered as constituents of the in situ original assemblages. The associations consist almost exclusively of bathyal taxa such as Bythocypris obtusata (1849, found in all samples of the section, which is here proposed as new.
), Anchistrocheles antemacella , Henryhowella ex H. hirta ( ) group, Quasibuntonia radiatopora ( ), Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima ( ) and Bathycythere vansraateni . Also the Krithe group is well-represented with Krithe compressa ( ) and K. pernoides ( ). Almost all species, some, particularly interesting from the palaeoecological and palaeogeographical point of view, have been here described, illustrated and commented on, including a species belonging to the genus Cytherella ,Marine ostracods; bathyal; palaeogeography; palaeoenvironment; new species; Early Pleistocene; blue clays; Mount Etna; Sicily.
F. (2015).- Palaeoenviromental and palaeogeographical traits on deep-water ostracod assemblages from the Lower Pleistocene sediments along the Ionian side of Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy).- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 15, nº 14, p. 179-197.
Caratteristiche paleoambientali e paleogeografiche dell'associazione ad ostracodi di sedimenti del Pleistocene Inferiore affioranti lungo il versante ionico del Monte Etna.- Sono state studiate le associazioni ostracodi della successione sedimentaria del Pleistocene Inferiore affiorante a Serra San Biagio (Catania, Sicilia NE). La fauna è spesso poco diversificata ma ben conservata: sono state determinati 40 taxa, 33 a livello specifico, 7 a livello generico. L'associazione consiste quasi esclusivamente di taxa batiali come Bythocypris obtusata (1849, viene proposta come nuova.
), Anchistrocheles antemacella , Henryhowella ex H. hirta ( ) group, Quasibuntonia radiatopora ( ), Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima ( ) e Bathycythere vansraateni . Anche il gruppo dei Krithe è ben rappresentato con Krithe compressa ( ) e K. pernoides ( ). Nel presente lavoro, inoltre, sono state descritte, illustrate e commentate più in dettaglio alcune specie particolarmente significative dal punto di vista paleoecologico e paleogeografico. Tra di esse una, rinvenuta lungo tutta la sezione ed appartenente al genere Cytherella ,Ostracodi marini; batiale; paleogeografia; paleoambiente; specie nuove; Pleistocene Inferiore; argille azzurre; Etna; Sicilia.
Caractéristiques paléoenvironnementales et paléogéographique des associations d'ostracodes des sédiments d'âge Pléistocène inférieur du versant ionien de l'Etna (Sicile, Italie).- Nous avons étudié les associations d'ostracodes de la série sédimentaire d'âge Pléistocène inférieur affleurant à Serra San Biagio (Catane, NE Sicile). La faune d'ostracodes de neuf échantillons est peu diversifiée mais bien préservée : 40 taxons y ont été identifiés, trente-trois au niveau de l'espèce et sept au niveau du genre ou d'espèces discutables. Trente espèces sont considérées comme appartenant aux associations primaires autochtones. Les associations se composent presque exclusivement de taxons bathyaux tels que Bythocypris obtusata (1849, et observée dans tous les échantillons de la coupe, est nouvelle et fait l'objet d'une description.
), Anchistrocheles antemacella , Henryhowella ex groupe H. hirta ( ), Quasibuntonia radiatopora ( ), Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima ( ) et Bathycythere vanstraateni . Le groupe Krithe est aussi bien représenté avec Krithe compressa ( ) et K. pernoides ( ). Presque toutes les espèces, dont certaines, particulièrement intéressantes du point de vue paléoécologique et paléogéographique, ont été ici décrites, illustrées et commentées ; une de ces espèces, attribuée au genre Cytherella ,Ostracodes marins ; étage bathyal ; paléogéographie ; paléoenvironnement ; nouvelle espèce ; Pléistocène inférieur ; argiles bleues ; Etna ; Sicile.
Bathyal Plio-Pleistocene sediments crop out widely in Sicily. Only some of their ostracod associations have been so far studied in detailed, namely those of the "Trubi" and blue clay outcrops at Mont St. Nicola (2000), those of "Trubi" of Capo Rossello ( & , 2001) and those of Plio-Pleistocene sediments of Capo Milazzo ( , 2014, inter alias), Furnari ( & , 2008) and Centuripe ( et al., 2003).
et al.,Quaternary sediments occur also on the slopes of the Mount Etna, particularly along his Ionian side, where they crop out discontinuously at different heights above the present-day sea level. This area is located in a complex geological and geodynamic context just at the contact between the volcanic products of the Mount Etna to the South and the thrust front of the Kabylo - Calabride Units to the North. Environments and palaeo-environments are strongly controlled by active tectonics (Fig. 1 ).
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 1: Tectonic scheme of the central Mediterranean area with the site of the study area. 1 = Corsica - Sardinia; 2= Calabrian Arc, Kabylians and "Internal" Flysch sequence ophiolites; 3 = Maghrebian-Sicilian-Southern Apennine nappes and deformed foreland; 4 = foreland and mildly folded foreland (Tunisia, Hyblean plateau, Apulia); 5 = areas with superimposed extension; 6 = Plio-Quaternary volcanoes; * = studied area (after et al., 1996).
The Quaternary sediments, were deposited unconformably on the Apennine-Maghrebian units during the Plio-Pleistocene (1999) and, in their turn, constitute the substratum for lava flows of the Etna volcano ( et al., 1979), Holocene lava debris and alluvial deposits. Quaternary marine sediments have greatly variable thickness ( et al., 1999) and generally consist of calcarenites grading upward to clays and sandy silts. The clays are known as "argille grigio-azzurre" formation and crop out discontinuously in Acitrezza, Vambolieri, Ficarazzi, Nizzeti, Cannizzaro, Vena, Santa Venera, Poggio Cibali and Catira areas, below the Mount Etna lavas.
et al.,Several authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have analyzed the invertebrate faunas of the blue clays from these localities located in the hills near Catania; one of the first was 1858); posteriorly (1900) inter alias, based on the molluscan fauna, referred these sediments to the "Post Pliocene" or Piacenziano auct. ( , unpublished data). Recently, the mollusc faunas of the Monte Vamboleri have been analysed by (2000, and unpublished data) who highlighted that the numerous Early Pleistocene mollusc species identified presumably lived in bathyal environments located at depths exceeding 400 meters. Microfaunas from thee sediments cropping out at Mt. Catira were analysed by (1862).
, whose mollusc collection from the Nizzeti clays, was described and published by (The same Pleistocene sedimentary succession is also well exposed norhwards of the Acitrezza area, along the Ionian coast of Mount Etna, near Fiumefreddo, on Serra San Biagio hill, along the right side of the Torrente Minissale (Fig. 1 ). In this locality the Pleistocene sedimentary succession cropping out with a thickness of about 80 m includes both the calcarenites and the clays. The age of these sediments has been referred to the Early-Middle Pleistocene by et al. (1999), whereas & (2002) suggest a time interval between the Sicilian and the Ionian Stage (MNN 19e and MNN 19f zones).
There are no recent publications on the ostracod fauna coming from the "argille grigio azzurre" out cropping along the Jonian side of the Mout Etna, located in a complex geological context characterized by intense active tectonics (1996). Therefore, a study of ostracod associations from the Pleistocene sediments cropping out at Serra San Biagio hill (Fiumefreddo, Catania) was undertaken, as part of a program on systematic, stratigraphic and palaeoecological study of fossil ( , 2003, 2005; & , 2008, inter alias) and Recent ( , 2014; et al., 2010) bathyal faunas. The results are given in the present paper.
et al.,The study of ostracod associations focuses on the sandy-silty sedimentary succession, six metres thick, cropping in a quarry on the Serra San Biagio hill, along the right side of the Torrente Minissale (Tav. Fiumefreddo, F. 262, II NO; 37°48'17.52"N 15°13'35.38"E), near the village of Fiumefreddo (CT) (Figs. 2 - 3 ).
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 2: Geological map of the study area (from Carta geologica d'Italia 1:50.000, Foglio 613 Taormina). CFF =Pleistocene calcarenites and FAG = Pleistocene clays. vf = Volcanics. gn3 = Old alluvial deposits. Bb = Recent alluvial deposits. a1a = Landslide deposits.
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 3: General view of the North side of Serra San Biagio hill and location of the quarry.
Nine samples collected along the quarry were analysed (Figs. 4 - 5 ). Ostracods were studied from 300 cm3 samples. The sediments were routinely washed and ostracod specimens picked up from the > 63 microns fraction. The specimens were examined and measured under a stereomicroscope and photographed by a LMU Tescan Vega II Scanning Electron Microscope.
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 4: The investigated sedimentary succession exposed in the quarry of Serra San Biagio hill. Sample locations indicated in figure. Note: the bulldozer blade created the vertical grooves oblique to the stratification.
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 5: The Lower Pleistocene sandy-silty sediments in the quarry of Serra San Biagio hill. Scale: the diameter of the coin is 21 mm.
The presence of carapaces and valves is indicated in Table 1. The presence of juvenile valves was also recorded. Distinction between autochthonous and allochthonous specimens was defined on the basis of the knowledge of the ecological distribution of species, ontogenetic structure, taphonomic features and palaeoecological inferences (cf. , 2003; et al., 2003).
Species have been grouped based on their distribution in the context of the benthic zones (1989; et al., 1998; & , 2002, inter alias): species restricted to the bathyal zone (bathyal group); species typically found from the deepest outer shelf (circalittoral zone) to the bathyal (shelf edge-bathyal group); species ranging from the shallow circalittoral zone to the bathyal (circalittoral-bathyal group) and widely distributed species (ubiquitous group).
& ,The material is housed in the Paleontological Museum of Catania University. The repository number of Holotype, Paratypes and figured specimens is given in the systematic accounts.
The examined sediments are mainly terrigenous and their texture falls within silts and very fine sands. The carbonate component is very slight and consists predominantly of foraminifera tests, ostracods and rare molluscs (Fig. 5 ).
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Figure 6: Schematic block diagram shows the sedimentary substrate below the lava flows of Mt. Etna (after et al., 2014). * studied area.
A total of forty ostracod taxa have been identified, thirty at specific level and ten at genericlevel or doubtful species (Table 1). Thirty species are considered as constituents of the in situ original assemblages. The remaining taxa are rare everywhere, and includ Aurila, Celtia and Urocythereis species. They were considered displaced and constitute the allochthonous component of the fauna.
The lower part of the section (samples 1-5) is characterized by the presence of most of the in situ ostracod taxa (29 taxa), that are usually abundant. The most abundant and common species are Anchistrocheles antemacella 1969, Bairdoppilata conformis ( , 1878), Bythocypris obtusata ( , 1866), Cytherella carmela n. sp., less abundant but still frequent are the Krithe group species, Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta ( , 1880), Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima ( , 1887), Henryhowella ex gr. H. hirta ( , 1853) and Macrosarisa bensoni , 1990. Finally, the less abundant and less frequent species are Argilloecia acuminata , 1894, Sclerochilus contortus , 1866, and species belonging to Cytheropteron. The upper part of the section (samples 6-9) is characterized by less abundant and less frequent species with a total of 24 taxa.
,Among all the species found along the stratigraphic section, some particularly significant from the palaeoecological point of view are described, commented and figured below. Furthermore, a species belonging to the genus Cytherella 1849, found in all the samples, is here proposed as new.
,Class Ostracoda
, 1806Subclass Podocopa 1866
,Order Platycopida 1866
,Superfamily Cytherelloidea 1866
,Family Cytherellidae 1866
,Genus Cytherella 1849
,Type species: Cythere ovata (1841)
,Cytherella carmela n. sp.
1978 Cytherella vulgata , 1962: , Pl. 2, fig. 3;
2009 Cytherella robusta s.l. & (1980): et al., p. 884, Pl. 1, figs. 7-12.
Derivatio nominis: from the name Carmela, my mother.
Material: eight right valves and nine left valves from samples 1 and 2.
Holotype: a complete carapace from sample 1 figured in Pl. 1 , fig. E (L = 890 µm; H = 480 µm; l max = 220 µm) (PMC.O13 H 06/11/2014).
Paratypes: the two left valves figured in Pl. 1 , fig. A, D, the two right valves figured in Pl. 1 , figs. B-C (PMC.O48-51 P. 06.11.2014) and other valves not figured.
Type locality: the quarry along the right side of Torrente Minissale, near Fiumefreddo (Tav. Fiumefreddo, F. 262, II NO, 37°48'17.52"N 15°13'35.38"E), in the Lower Pleistocene blue sandy silts.
Stratigraphic range: Early Pleistocene, Sicilian stage.
Diagnosis: Cytherella carmela n. sp. is characterized by a large bottleneck in the median part of the carapace and by prominent and acute spines in the posterior area.
Description: Carapace medium-sized, which shows, in lateral view, the typical shape of the genus (Pl. 1 , figs. A-E). Anterior and posterior margins regularly arched. Dorsal margin concave toward the front, ventral margin slightly convex.
In dorsal view the central part of the carapace is characteristically skimmed (compressed) (Pl. 1 , fig. E), posterior area with rounded margin more inflated than the anterior; anterior margin slightly acute.
Outer surface ornamented by numerous tiny papillae distributed especially around the central part to form a thin festooned structure (Pl. 1 , figs. A-C, G). In the anterior margin the papillae form some curved lines parallel to the outer margin (Pl. 1 , fig. G). In the posterior area the papillae become progressively thicker towards the outer rim, been replaced by acute and ribbed spines (Pl. 1 , fig. F). Normal pore canals few, simple, and distributed regularly on the carapace (Pl. 1 , figs. A-C). Closure of the valve (Pl. 1 , fig. D) and muscle scars (Pl. 1 , figs. D, H) as for the genus.
Remarks: In lateral view the specimens of Serra S. Biagio (Pl. 1 ) show general morphologic features similar to C. robusta & , 1980 [particularly to the specimen from the Pleistocene of the Vrica section, figured by & (1980, Pl. 6, fig. 4), and the specimen figured by et al. (1996: Pl. 2, fig. 9)]. Nevertheless, the posterior area is characterised by a different ornamentation. Indeed in C. robusta the ornamentation in the posterior area consists of simple and stumpy papillae or tubercles. Conversely in C. carmela n. sp. prominent and acute, in some cases sometimes ribbed (Pl. 1 , fig. F), spines are present. In dorsal view C. carmela n. sp. shows a concavity in the central area of the carapace more marked than C. robusta. The specimens found at 1798 m wd in the Western North Atlantic by et al. (2009) were referred to the Latest Pleistocene-Holocene. The specimen figured by (1978), found in the Alghero-Provencal Basin, is referred to the Piacentian (Late Pliocene, now Early Pleistocene sensu & , 2008).
Order Podocopida 1866
,Family Bairdiidae
, 1865Genus Bairdoppilata 1935
et al.,Type species: Bairdoppilata martyni 1935
et al.,Bairdoppilata subdeltoidea (1830) var. conformis ( , 1878)
,1878 Bairdia subdeltoidea V. var. conformis , p. 93, Pl. 10, figs. 17 a-c;
1883a Bairdia subdeltoidea V. : , p. 58;
1883b Bairdia subdeltoidea V. : , p. 124, Pl. 1, fig. 8;
1975 Bairdia conformis ( ): et al., p. 22, Pl. 6, figs. 5-10;
1980 Bairdia conformis ( ): & , p. 52, Pl. 1, fig. 5;
2000 Bairdoppilata conformis ( ): et al., p. 85, Pl. 1, fig. 2;
2008 Bairdia conformis ( ): & , p. 35, Pl. 1, fig 2;
2014 Bairdoppilata conformis ( , 1878): , p. 4.
The muscle scars of the figured specimen in Pl. 2 , fig. A, are very similar to those figured by (1969: p. 15, fig. 3i) and fit well within the genus Bairdoppilata. In the Recent this species has a wide ecological distribution. In the Mediterranean it is reported from 50 m wd down to the Bathyal Zone ( et al., 1983) and in the Atlantic from 1245 m wd. Bairdoppilata subdeltoidea var. conformis is also known as fossil from Plio-Pleistocene sediments deposited in bathyal environments such as those of the Monte San Nicola section ( et al., 2000), the Vrica section ( & , 1980) and the Capo Milazzo area ( , 2014). The stratigraphic range of this species is from Lower Pleistocene to Recent.
Family Bythocyprididae 1969
,Genus Bythocypris 1880
,Type species: Bythocypris reniformis 1880
,Bythocypris obtusata (1866)
,1866 Bairdia obtusata , p. 24;
1880 Bairdia obtusata var. producta, , p. 191;
1880 Cytheridea lucida , p. 290, Pl. 16, fig. 51;
1987 Bythocypris lucida ( ): , p. 48, Pl. 2, fig. 6;
1972 Bythocypris obtusata ( ): , p. 79, Pl. 3, figs. 10-11;
1972 Bythocypris lucida ( ): , p. 78, Pl. 3, figs. 8-9;
1975 Bairdia obtusata : , p. 205, Pl. 2, fig. 9;
1980 Bythocypris obtusata ( ): & , p. 52, Pl. 2, figs. 9-10;
1981 Bythocypris obtusata ( ): , p. 83, Pl. 4, figs. 1-3;
2008 Bythocypris obtusata ( ): & , p. 35, Pl. 1, fig. 3;
2014 Bythocypris obtusata ( ): , p. 4.
B. obtusata has been reported from the Recent in the Atlantic-Mediterranean Region between 600 and 2669 m wd (1983), particularly at 300 m wd in the Gulf of Naples ( & , 1979), between 145 and 165 m wd off Norwegian and British coasts ( , 1928) and between 150 and 2905 m in localities of the Mediterranean Sea ( et al., 1969).
et al.,Fossils records of this species are from sediments referable to bathyal environments including the Tyrrhenian Sea (1988, 1990), Le Castella section ( , 1965), Capo Milazzo ( , 2003, 2005), Furnari ( & , 2008) and the Vrica section ( & , 1980). The stratigraphic range of B. obtusata is from the Miocene ( & , 1985; , 1972) to the Recent.
et al.,Genus Anchistrocheles 1889
& ,Type species: Anchistrocheles fumata 1890
,Anchistrocheles antemacella 1969
,1969 Anchistrocheles antemacella , p. 116, Figs. 60 i-l;
1974 Zabythocypris antemacella ( , 1969): et al., p. 173;
1980 Zabythocypris antemacella ( , 1969): & , p. 68, Pl. 30, figs. 9-10;
1988 Zabythocypris antemacella ( , 1969): & , p. 282;
1990 Zabythocypris antemacella ( , 1969): et al., p. 488.
The Serra S. Biagio specimens are very similar to those figured by 1980) in pl. 30, figs. 9-10. In particular, the H/L ratio is roughly comparable and is diagnostic to distinguish the specimens of A. antemacella from A. interrupta, described and figured by et al. (1996), and from A. tenera ( , 1975).
& (This species is so far unkown as living from the Mediterranean Sea. The stratigraphic range entirely covers the Pleistocene as A. antemacella has been reported from bathyal sediments of the Vrica section (1980), from the ODP LEG 107, Site 654, in the Tyrrhenian sea ( et al., 1990) and from Monasterace ( et al., 1974). This species has been also found subfossil in the Mozambico Channel in submerged sediments deeper than 1800 m wd ( , 1969).
& ,Family Macrocyprididae 1912
,Genus Macrosarisa 1990
,Type species: Macrosarisa bensoni 1990
,Macrosarisa bensoni 1990
,1972 Macrocypris sp.1, , p. 79, Pl. 3, fig. 14;
1990 Macrosarisa bensoni , p. 88, Figs. 12 (8, 9) et alias;
2004 Macrosarisa bensoni , p. 166;
2009 Macrosarisa bensoni et al., p. 887.
Until now, M. bensoni has been not reported as living in the Mediterranean Sea, whereas it thrives in West Indies and North Brazil (1880) and in South Atlantic at 834-939 m wd ( , 1990), and the Gulf of Mexico at 1079 m wd ( et al., 2009). This species is known as fossil from the bathyal sediments of the Calabrian Stage tage of Rodi ( , 1972).
,Genus Macrocyprissa
, 1960Type species: Macrocyprissa cylindracea (1855)
,Macrocyprissa arcuata (1980)
& ,1965 Macrocypris sp. , p. 89, Pl. 1, fig. 7;
1980 Paramacrocypris arcuata & , p. 106, Pl. 25, figs. 1-8;
1990 Macrocyprissa arcuata ( & , 1980): , p. 85, Pl. 30, figs. 7-10;
2000 Macrocyprissa arcuata ( & , 1980): et al., p. 89.
M. arcuata is reported as living from the northeastern Atlantic Ocean at 1491-1500 m wd (1990). Fossils of this species are known from bathyal sediments of Le Castella ( , 1965), the Vrica Section ( & , 1980) and from the Porcupine Basin at 700-750m wd ( et al., 1996).
,Family Krithidae 1958
,Genus Krithe 1874
et al.,Type species: Ilyobates praetexta 1866
,Krithe frutex 1993
et al.,1993 Krithe frutex et al., Pl. 4, figs. 1-4, Pl. 6, fig. 15.
This species seems to be rare in the Mediterranean area and presently reported only from the Monte san Nicola section from the Lower Pleistocene (1993).
et al.,Krithe pernoides (1855)
,1855 Bairdia pernoides , p. 358, Pl. 20, fig. 7;
1986 Krithe sinuosa , p. 87, Pl. 17, figs. 13-53;
1993 Krithe pernoides ( ): et al., p. 362, Pl. 2, figs. 6-12; Pl. 3, figs. 9-10;
2008 Krithe pernoides ( ): & , Pl. 1, fig 7.
The specimen here figured share its morphological features with the specimen figured by 1993) in Pl. 2, fig. 7. Strong affinities are also present with K. padovani & , 1980, as figured in their Pl. 1, fig 5 ( & , 1980).
et al. (In the Mediterranean area K. pernoides (1994).
) is known from the Lower Miocene to the LowerEarly Pleistocene. In the Atlantic Ocean this species is known from Miocene to Quaternary in deep-water sediments and also in the Recent with a wide depth range between 185 and 5440m ( et al.,Krithe marialuisae 1993
et al.,1993 Krithe marialuisae et al., p. 361, Pl. 2, figs. 1-6; Pl. 6, fig. 5;
1999 Krithe marialuisae et al., 1993: et al., p. 6, figs. 3 I-J & 8 G-H.
K. marialuisae is not reported as living in the Mediterranean sea. Valves of this species have been reported from the Tasman Sea and off southern Australia, at depth 1066 and 2860 m (1999). Fossil distribution ranges from the Upper Pliocene to the Lower Pleistocene ( et al., 1993).
et al.,Krithe perpulchra 1993
et al.,1993 Krithe perpulchra et al., p. 364, Pl. 3, figs. 6-9; Pl. 6, fig. 13;
1999 Krithe perpulchra et al.: et al., p. 10, Figs. 5C, 5E, 8R.
This species is known as fossil in the Mediterranean basin from the Upper Pliocene to the Lower Pleistocene (1993). In the Australian continental slope valves of K. perpulchra were found at depths of 759, 773 and 1321 m ( et al., 1999).
et al.,Krithe undecimradiata 1974
,1974 Krithe undecimradiata : et al., p. 175-177, Figs. 6, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b;
1986 Krithe undecimradiata : , Pl. 18, figs. 2-3.
1974) described K. undecimradiata from the Calabrian stage of Monasterace and considered this species as a psychrosphaeric taxon.
(Krithe aequabilis 1986
,1986 Krithe aequabilis , p. 87, Pl. 17, figs. 1-2;
1990 Krithe aequabilis , 1986: et al., p. 488, Pl. 1, figs. 5-6;
1994 Krithe aequabilis , 1986: et al., p. 78, Pl. 1, figs. 7-12;
2009 Krithe aequabilis , 1986: , p. 5.
In the Mediterranean area this species is known only as fossil. In the Holocene of North Atlantic it is known between 1200 to 4000 m wd (1994). In subpolar North Atlantic Ocean this species has been reported from MIS 6 up to the Lower Holocene , 2009).
et al.,Krithe compressa (1880)
,1880 Ilyobates compressa , p. 325, Pl. 17, figs. 30, 30A;
1974 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): et al., p. 173;
1988 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): & , p. 285;
1993 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): et al., p. 354, Pl. 3, figs. 1-5; Pl. 6, figs. 6-8;
1994 Krithe reversa ( , 1958) (pars): et al., p. 77, Figs. 3 A, D;
1999 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): et al., p. 6, Figs. 2A-B, 3A-D, 8A-B;
2003 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): , p. 273.;
2008 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): & , p. 222, Pl. 5, figs. 1-5;
2008 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): & , p. 35, Pl. 1, fig. 6;
2014 Krithe compressa ( , 1880): , p. 4.
This species is not known as living in the Mediterranean Sea. In the Holocene, valves of K. compressa have been reported from the Tasman Sea and from off southern Australia at water depths ranging from 759 to 3281 m (1999). K. compressa is distributed from the Miocene to the Quaternary in North Atlantic ( et al., 1994) and from the Miocene to the Pleistocene in the Mediterranean basin ( et al., 2000).
et al.,Family Trachyleberididae 1948
- ,Genus Quasibuntonia 1958
,Type species: Quasibuntonia radiatopora (1880)
,Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta (1880)
,1880 Cythere radiatopora sculpta , p. 193;
1954 Buntonia radiatopora sculpta : , p. 562, Figs. 17-17a;
1958 Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta ( ): , Figs. 22-22a;
1965 Buntonia (Quasibuntonia) radiatopora sculpta ( ): , p. 100, Pl. 12, fig. 3;
1973 Quasibuntonia radiatopora ( ): , p. 67, Fig. 3 (4);
1980 Quasibuntonia sculpta ( ): & , p. 64, Pl. 27, figs. 3-5;
2008 Quasibuntonia radiatopora ( ): & , p. 35, tab. 1, Pl. 1, fig. 10;
2014 Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta ( ): , p. 5, Pl. 1 , figs. C-D.
2005) considered this subspecies as a simple morphological variant of Q. radiatopora ( ), because differences between the two subspecies are minimal and, above all, because the two morphotypes are commonly found associated. Here, following (1954, 1958), the distinction between the two subspecies is maintained based on the presence or absence of the ornamentation in the anterior part of the carapace, that cannot be considered minimal. The genus Quasibuntonia ( ) is known as a bathyal taxon ( , 1958), and Q. radiatopora was reported among the psychrospheric ostracods by (1972, 1973). The species is known from the Lower Pliocene ( , 1954, 1958) to the Lower Pleistocene ( & , 1988) and commonly reported from bathyal sediments of the Mediterranean Basin. At Serra San Biagio this species is common all along the section. In the Recent Q. radiatopora has benn recorded from between 600 and 2669 m wd in the Atlantic Ocean.
(Genus Bathycythere 1971
,Type species: Bathycythere vanstraateni 1971
,Bathycythere vanstraateni 1971
,1971 Bathycythere vanstraateni , p. 410, Pl. 1, 2, figs. 2-4;
1971 Xandarosina n. nudum & - , p. 68, Figs. 3 a-b;
1975 Bathycythere vanstraateni , p. 213, Pl. 4, fig. 20;
1980 Bathycythere vanstraateni : & , p. 52, Pl. 4, figs. 7-8;
1983 Bathycythere vanstraateni : et al., p. 463;
1985 Bathycythere vanstraateni et al., Pl. 1, fig. 7;
1987 Bathycythere vanstraateni & , p. 81, Pl. 6, fig. 3;
1988 Bathycythere vanstraateni : & , p. 283;
1988 Bathycythere vanstraateni : & , p. 732, Pl. 1, fig. 1;
1990 Bathycythere vanstraateni : et al., p. 483;
1997 Bathycythere vanstraateni : & , p. 18;
2004 Bathycythere vanstraateni : , p. 48, Figs. 25 K-N.
B. vanstraateni is listed among the abyssal ostracods living in the Atlantic Ocean. It seems to be extinct in the Recent Mediterranean, from where it is known as fossil at shallower depths (1990). In the study on the Vrica section, B. vanstraateni is reported among psychrospheric ostracods by & (1997). In the Adriatic Sea (1975) found this species in sediments of the Upper Pleistocene including the Allerød and the Younger Dryas climatic stages. In the Santa Maria di Leuca Coral Province this species is poorly represented and it seems restricted to the Framework Corals facies (FC) and to hardground fragments colonized by solitary coral growths at 775 m wd ( & , 2015). According to et al. (1990), in Hole 654 A (Tyrrhenian Sea), the last occurrence of B. vanstraateni occurs within the Glacial Pleistocene above the Pseudoemiliania lacunosa LAD, therefore the specimens of (1975) in the Adriatic sea have been reworked. According to & (1988) this species, as well as Krithe monosteracensis and Macropyxis adriatica, disappeared from the eastern Mediterranean about 9 Ka ago following an anoxic event related to sapropel deposition. According to - et al. (1985) Bathycythere vanstraateni and Macropyxis adriatica are cold-climatic markers.
,Family Bythocytheridae 1866
,Genus Retibythere 1981
,Subgenus Bathybythere 1987
,Type species: Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima (1887)
,Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima (1887)
,1972 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): , p. 68, Figs. 1, 3;
1973 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): , p. 1003, Fig. 2 B;
1974 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): et al., p. 173;
1987 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): & , p. 80.;
1990 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): & , p. 223;
2002 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): et al., p. 203;
2002 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): et al., Fig. 2 B;
2005 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): , p. 222;
2014 Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima ( ): , p. 4;
2015 Bythoceratina scaberrima ( ): & , Fig. 5.C
This species is extinct in the modern Mediterranean Sea but it is considered a characteristic Mediterranean psycsthrospheric ostracod from Miocene to the Early Pleistocene (Early Calabrian, Santernian age, with the first appearance of Hyalinea balthica) (1972). Pleistocene findings include Le Castella section ( , 1965), Vrica section ( & , 1980), Monte S. Nicola section ( et al., 2000) and Capo Milazzo ( , 2005, 2014). & (1988) found this species in the Quaternary of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and in the Holocene of the NE Atlantic Ocean.
,According to 2002), Retibythere scaberrima could be a relatively warm water-bathyal species characteristic of the post glacial period in Late Quaternary Arctic Ocean. The occurrence of this species would be allowed by an increase of the thermohaline circulation in the Nordic seas and an influx of warmer Atlantic deep water into the Arctic Ocean.
et al. (Palaeobiogeography
The nine samples analyzed from the Pleistocene section of the Serra S. Biagio quarry showed very similar ostracod associations. In all samples, the ostracod allochthonous component is very scarce, both in terms of abundance and species richness. The studied samples include a Pleistocene ostracod association that, in addition to a strong bathyal affinity, shows a remarkable Atlantic and/or oceanic affinity as well. Today, indeed, some of the species found have an Atlantic - Mediterranean distribution; they are Bairdoppilata conformis, Bythocypris obtusata, Argilloecia acuminata, Pseudocythere caudata, Henryhowella hirta. Other species, on the other hand, are no longer reported in the Recent of the Mediterranean Sea, and presently have either an Atlantic distribution (Cytherella carmela n. sp., Krithe aequabilis, Bathycythere vanstraateni, Quasibuntonia radiatopora, Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima, Macrocyprissa arcuata) or an even wider (Atlantic-Pacific, Indo-Pacific) distribution (Krithe perpulchra, K. marialuisae, K. compressa, Macrosarisa bensoni, Anchistrocheles antemacella).
The data related to the Atlantic provenance ostracods are in agreement with the general trend of the invertebrate Mediterranean faunas during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. According to 1989), et al. (1996), and & (1998), there was a progressive establishment of invertebrate taxa of Atlantic provenance in the Mediterranean basin. This is allegedly presented as a consequence of the temperature lowering during the Pleistocene cold periods. However, how did the passage of the benthic fauna from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean happen and why have the deep-Mediterranean waters become so cold (4°C) are still a matter of controversy. The assessment of the only area where the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean waters come into contact might therefore shed some new light on the issue.
et al. (According to 1972), et al. (1989), and et al. (1996), during the Pliocene, the threshold at Gibraltar was deeper than today due to the raising of the sea level (or even the absence of a real threshold at Gibraltar). This allowed the Mediterranean to be widely connected to the Atlantic and its deep-water masses to participate in the global oceanic circulation with the development of a psychrosphera with water temperature ranging between 4°C and 6°C in more than 1000 m depth. Deep and cold waters of polar origin, coming from the Atlantic ( , 2005, inter alias) and entering the deep Mediterranean, allowed its colonization by some stenotermic and stenobathic taxa of Atlantic origin. This scheme explains the presence of psychrospheric taxa, such as Agrenocythere pliocenica, Quasibuntonia radiatopora, Krithe undecimradiata and Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima in deep-water Pliocene sediments.
(According to 2004, 2008), during the Pleistocene the depth of the Mediterranean Sea was comparable to that of the present-day, the threshold at Gibraltar was located at about 300 m wd, and this prevented or limited the entry of the deep benthic faunas of Atlantic origin. Furthermore, during this time interval, benthic faunas were affected by Quaternary climatic fluctuations ( et al., 1989; et al., 1997). The migration of the Atlantic species in the Mediterranean basin was mainly determined by the change of the current system between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea across the Strait of Gibraltar.
& (During glacial period, the Atlantic boreal-arctic cold stenothermic taxa both eurybathic and stenobathic (shelf taxa), such as Cytheropteron testudo and other Northern Guests colonized the Mediterranean basin (2011), while the psychrospheric, deeper-cold taxa either disappeared, as Agrenocythere pliocenica, or remained as residual faunas, as it is possibly the case for Bathycythere vanstraateni ( , 2005). Presently, psychrospheric Atlantic waters cannot enter in the Mediterranean basin because the Gibraltar threshold is too shallow ( , 1984). This causes the disappearance of psychrospheric and bathyal stenothermic taxa from the Mediterranean Sea.
& ,According to 2007), this palaeogeographic pattern can be extended to the bathyal Pleistocene vertebrate fauna.
's study of the bathyal sharks of Serra san Biagio (Palaeodepth
This autochthonous association is significantly indicative of bathyal environments, although species that show a wide depth range are present. This datum is also supported by the presence of the Krithe group, one of the most common deep-sea taxa in the open ocean, and one that also occurs in abyssal assemblages (1978; , 2009, inter alias). According to (1984), the association structure shows features that are typical of bathyal environments, being constituted by few dominant species accompanied by many scarcely represented species. The similarities between the Serra S. Biagio ostracod fauna and the Monasterace ostracod fauna studied by et al. (1974) are particularly interesting. In fact, the species reported from both localities (Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima, Quasibuntonia radiatopora, Anchistrocheles antemacella, Bathycythere vanstraateni and Krithe undecimradiata) are extremely significant from an ecological point of view and point to a paleodepth deeper than 800 m. Therefore, studied associations testify a sedimentary paleobasin with typically oceanic paleo-environmental conditions, characterized by very low temperatures, and located in the Bathyal Zone, approximately at a depth of about a thousand metres. Consequently, Cytherella carmela n.sp. can be considered as a bathyal stenothermic taxon of Atlantic affinity and it is expected that further findings will confirm this assumption.
,This datum agrees with the sedimentation depth of the Pleistocene sediments cropping out in the Strait of Messina area that, while belonging to different palaeoenvironmental domains, contain a rich bathyal association of Atlantic affinity invertebrates (1989; , 1995).
et al.,Stratigraphic remarks
The occurrence of the benthic foraminifer Hyalinea balthica in all samples suggests deposition during a Pleistocene cold period, not earlier than the Emilian Age. All the detected ostracod species have stratigraphical distributions, that although wider, include this stage. In particular, Quasibuntonia radiatopora, Krithe pernoides, K. marialuisae, K. undecimradiata, K. perpulchra and Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima have been reported up to the Globigerina cariacoensis Zone (1993), whereas Krithe compressa and Bathycythere vanstraateni are known up to the close of the Pleistocene and Krithe aequabilis until the early Holocene.
et al.,Some other species, even if considered allochthonous, may provide some useful stratigraphic information; among these, Aurila latisolea has been reported from the Pliocene to the Sicilian Stage.
The author is grateful to the reviewers and the editors for detailed suggestions and comments to the manuscript. Thanks are also due to Donald
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Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
Cytherella carmela n. sp.
A - Left valve. Paratype PMC. O48 P. 06.11.2014 external lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
B - Right valve. Paratype PMC. O49 P. 06.11.2014 external lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
C - Right valve. Paratype PMC. O50 P. 06.11.2014 external lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
D - Left valve. Paratype PMC. O51 P. 06.11.2014 internal lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
E - Complete carapace. Hoolotype PMC.O13 H 06/11/2014. Dorsal view (scale bar 200µm);
F - Detail of the posterior part of the carapace ornamented by spines. (scale bar 20µm);
G - Detail of the anterior part of the carapace ornamented by papillae festooned (scale bar 50µm);
H - Muscle scars (scale bar 100µm).
Click on thumbnail to enlarge the image.
A - Bairdoppilata subdeltoidea (1830) var. conformis ( , 1878). Right valve internal lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
,B-C - Anchistrocheles antemacella 1969. B - right valve internal lateral view. C - right valve external lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
,D-F Macrosarisa bensoni 1990. D - Right valve external lateral view. E - left valve internal lateral view (scale bar 200µm). F - muscle scars (scale bar 100µm);
,G - Macrocyprissa arcuata (1980). Left valve internal lateral view (scale bar 200µm);
& ,H - Krithe pernoides (1855). Left valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
,I - Krithe marialuisae 1993. Left valve internal lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
et al.,L - Krithe undecimradiata 1974. Left valve internal lateral view (scale bar 100 µm);
,M-N - Krithe aequabilis 1986. Left valve internal lateral view. N - right valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
,O - Krithe compressa (1880). Right valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
,P - Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta (1880). Left valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
,Q - Henryhowella ex H. hirta (1853) group. Left valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm);
,R - Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima (1887). Right valve external lateral view (scale bar 200 µm).
,Table 1: List of the Ostracod species (in order of appearance) found in the Serra San Biagio quarry (X = 1-5 specimens; XX= 5-10 specimens; XXX= 10-20 specimens; XXXX = > 20 specimens).
Species | Samples | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Anchistrocheles antemacella ( 1969) | ,xxx | xx | xx | xx | xx | x | x | |||
Bairdoppilata conformis | , 1878xx | xx | xx | xx | x | x | x | x | ||
Cytherella carmela n.sp. | xx | xx | x | xx | x | x | x | x | x | |
Krithe compressa (1880) | ,xx | xx | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Krithe marialuisae 1993 | et al.,x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Cytheropteron bifidum 1980 | & ,x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Bythocypris obtusata ( | , 1866)xxx | xx | xx | x | x | |||||
Cytheropteron omega 1996 | et al.,x | x | ||||||||
Pseudocythere caudata 1866 | ,x | x | ||||||||
Argilloecia spp. | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Retibythere (Bathybythere) scaberrima (1887) | ,x | x | x | x | x | x | x | xx | ||
Henryhowella ex H. gr. hirta (1853) | ,x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Quasibuntonia radiatopora sculpta 1880 | ,x | x | xx | xx | xx | x | x | |||
Macrosarisa bensoni 1990 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Paracytherois striata 1894 | ,x | x | ||||||||
Paradoxostoma simile 1894 | ,x | |||||||||
Krithe undecimradiata 1974 | ,xxxx | x | x | x | ||||||
Macrocyprissa arcuata (1980) | & ,x | xx | x | x | ||||||
Argilloecia acuminata 1894 | ,x | |||||||||
Monoceratina oblita 1975 | et al.,x | |||||||||
Krithe frutex 1993 | et al.,x | |||||||||
Krithe pernoides (1855) | ,x | |||||||||
Pterygocythereis sp. | x | x | x | |||||||
Bathycythere vanstraateni 1971 | ,x | |||||||||
Krithe monosteracensis | , 1885xxx | |||||||||
Pontocypris acuta | et al., 1976x | |||||||||
Rectobuntonia sp. | x | x | ||||||||
Krithe perpulchra 1993 | et al.,xxx | |||||||||
Bythocypris sp. | x | |||||||||
Sclerochilus contortus | , 1866x | |||||||||
ALLOCHTONOUS | ||||||||||
Aurila spp. | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Celtia sp. | x | x | ||||||||
Costa punctatissima | , 1961x | x | ||||||||
Aurila (Cimbaurila) latisolea | , 1975x | |||||||||
Cytherelloidea beckmanni 1971 | ,x | |||||||||
Graptocythere hscripta ( | , 1849)x | x | x | x | ||||||
Loxoconcha minima 1894 | ,x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Mutilus sp. | x | x | x | |||||||
Tenedocythere prava | , 1850x | x | x | |||||||
Urocythereis favosa 1838 | ,x | x | x |