

The Logos and Publications

1er Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Brest 1985 :
    Les Brachiopodes Fossiles et Actuels


Racheboeuf P. R. & C. C. Emig (eds), 1986. Les Brachiopodes fossiles et actuels. Actes 1er Congr. int. sur les Brachiopodes, Brest, 1985. Biostratigraphie du Paléozoïque, 4, 1-500, 30 pl. [out of print]

2e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Dunedin 1990 :
    Brachiopodes à travers les âges

2nd International Brachiopod Congress: Dunedin 1990:
    Brachiopods through time

Mackinnon, D. I., Lee, D. E. & J. D. Campbell (eds), 1990. Brachiopods Through Time. Proceedings of the 2nd International Brachiopod Congress (Dunedin). Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. [no vol. available on BrachNet]

Three photos

3e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Sudbury 1995 :

Third International Brachiopod Congress: Sudbury 1995:

Copper P. & J. Jin (eds), 1996. Brachiopods. Proceedings of the third International Brachiopod Congress (Sudbury). Dunedin. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. [no vol. available for BrachNet]

Logo ?

4e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Londres 2000 :
    Brachiopodes - Passés et Présents

Fourth International Brachiopod Congress: London 2000:
    Brachiopods - Past and Present

Brunton C. H. C., Cocks L. R. M. & S. L. Long (eds.), 2001. Brachiopods past and present. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63, 441 p.

5e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Copenhague 2005 :
    Brachiopoda: Fossiles et Récents

Fifth International Brachiopod Congress: Copenhagen 2005:
    Brachiopoda: Fossil and Recent

Harper D. A. T. , Long S. L. & C. Nielsen (eds), 2008. Brachiopoda: Fossil and Recent. Fossils and Strata, vol. 54, 331 p.

6e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Melbourne 2010
    Brachiopodes existants et éteints

Sixth International Brachiopod Congress: Melbourne 2010
    Brachiopods : extant and extinct

Shi G. R. et al. (eds), 2011. Brachiopods : extant and extinct. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, xxx p. [vol. not available for BrachNet]

7e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Nanjing 2015

7th International Brachiopod Congress: Nanjing 2015
    The Brachiopod World

Abstract volume 2015 in Permophiles, 61 (suppl. 1)  PDF

BrachNet issued a paper of Adam Halamski about this congress  

8e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - Milan 2018

8th International Brachiopod Congress: Milan 2018
    Brachiopod in a changing planet: from the past to the future

Abstract volume 2018 in Permophiles, 66 (suppl. 1)  PDF

9e Congrès International sur les Brachiopodes - St. Catherines, 2024
    Brachiopodes: Sentinelles du Phanérozoïque

9th International Brachiopod Congress: St. Catherines, 2024
    Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic

Program & Abstract volume 2024   PDF

For the proceedings of each congress: see in the reference pages
Only the reprints and volumes received by BrachNet are quoted


PS : Il était une fois dans le Vieux-Monde une tradition qui voulait que dans les congrès thématiques la langue du pays, ayant organisé le premier, reste toujours une des langues officielles... mais tout se perd même dans les Jeux Olympiques - quel dommage !

PS: Once upon a time in the Old World, there was a courtesy tradition : the language of the country organizing the 1st congress remains among the official languages... a tradition which is lost even in the Olympic Games - a pity.