
Sous-embranchement (subphylum) des Linguliformea
Classe des Lingulata
Ordre des Lingulida
Super-famille des Linguloidea
Famille des Lingulidae

Genus Eolingularia Bitner & Emig, 2016
[Type-species = L. siberica]   -   see figure below that belongs to the diagnoses of the species
Shell elongate-oval in outline, lateral margins subparallel, anterior margin broadly rounded. Valves weakly to strongly convex.
Dorsal valve with posterior margin rounded, narrow median beak sometimes present, and a narrow internal central ridge extending over about 1 mm posterior to anterior oblique muscle scars.
Ventral valve with triangular umbo formed by small to large internal propareas, continuous with posterolateral margins and separated by a deep pedicle groove; pair of narrow subparallel, V-shaped, grooves extends internally from the anterior adductor pair to posterior adductor where grooves join.

Posterior adductor scar heart-like in outline.
Main ventral and dorsal canals curved and convergent ante- riorly

Occurrences: Russia, China, and Spain.

Diagnosis from Bitner & Emig (2016) with complete description.

Species of Eolingularia

  • E. siberica (Biernat et Emig, 1993)
  • --------------

    ? Lingula subspatulata Hall et Meek, 1855
    ? Lingula mytiloides Sowerby, 1813
    ? Lingula ovalis Sowerby, 1855 and L. subovalis Davidson, 1852

    The references of this page are:

    • Bitner M. A. & Emig C. C., 2016. On the type species of Lingularia, and description of Eolingularia n. gen. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 16 (22), 543-555.   

    • Biernat G. & C. C. Emig, 1993. Anatomical distinctions of the Mesozoic lingulide brachiopods. Acta Palaeont. Pol., 38 (1/2), 1-20.   

     FIGURES : Eolingularia

    Eolingularia siberica (Bitner & Emig, 1993)

    Lingula polaris Lundgren, 1883; Dagys, 1965.
    Lingularia siberica Biernat & Emig, 1993
    ?Lingula polariformis ex. aff. polaris Wurm, 1911.
    ?Lingula olenekensis Dagys, 1965.
    Holotype: ZPAL Bp.XXIV/3. Type locality: Olenek River, Northern Siberia (see Dagys, 1965, p. 12). Type horizon: Middle Triassic, Anisian.
    Etymology: Siberica because the specimens previously referred to polaris were collected in the northern part of Siberia.

    Diagnosis - (Biernat & Emig, 1993)
    including the figures

    Numerous fine radial striae and commonly concentric microlines between thicker growth lines generally visible on the shell. Umbonal region rounded on dorsal valve, pointed on ventral valve; small propareas separated by a deep and wide striated pedicle groove, not continuous with internal valve face.
    Body muscles characterized by internal anterior oblique located near anterior oblique; internal posterior oblique not observed.
    Mantle canals almost straight, convergent.

    L. siberica


    Lingulide muscle arrangement