Soft Substrate
Biocenosis of coastal terrigenous muds - VTC
Biocenosis of the muddy detritic bottom - DE
Biocenosis the coastal detritic bottom - DC
Biocenosis of coarse sands and fine gravels under the influence of bottom currents - SGCF
(can be found in the Infralittoral)
Hard Substrate
Coralligenous biocenosis - C
Semi-dark caves (also in enclave in the Infralittoral)

Relationships between the biocenoses of the Infralittoral, Circalittoral and Bathyal - © Emig
The coralligenous in the Mediterranean Sea [Definition of the coralligenous assemblage in the Mediterranean, its main builders, its richness and key role in benthic ecology as well as its threats]. RAC/SPA - Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas, 2003 - and in 
UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA. 2008. Action plan for the conservation of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea. Ed. RAC/SPA,Tunis : 21 p. - and in