Soft Substrate
Euryhaline and eurythermal biocenosis - LEE
Biocenosis of fine sands in shallow waters - SFHN
Biocenosis of well-sorted fine sands - SFBC
Biocenosis of superficial muddy sands in sheltered waters - SVMC
Biocenosis of coarse sands and fine gravels mixed by waves
Biocenosis of coarse sands and fine gravels under bottom currents - SGCF
(also found in the Circalittoral)
Biocenosis of infralittoral pebbles
Biocenosis of Posidonia oceanica meadow - HP (= Association with Posidonia oceanica)
Hard Substrate
Biocenosis of infralittoral (photophilous) algae - AP

Distribution of the infralitoral biotopes on soft substrates according to water motion (from Picard, 1983; modified)

Relationships between the biocenoses of the Infralittoral, Circalittoral and Bathyal - © Emig