◄ Carnets Geol. 19 (17) ►
[1. Introduction]
[2. Material and methods]
[3. Systematic palaeontology: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3]
and ... [Bibliographic references]
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitute und Naturmuseen, Sektion Marine Evertebraten III (Bryozoologie), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Former address: Senckenberg am Meer, Abteilung Meeresforschung, Südstrand 40, 26382 Wilhelmshaven (Germany)
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitute und Naturmuseen, Sektion Marine Evertebraten III (Bryozoologie), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Departments of Earth and Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD (UK)
Institut für Geologie, Universität Hamburg, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg (Germany)
Published online in final form (pdf) on October 10, 2019
DOI 10.4267/2042/70501
[Editor: Bruno Granier]
The bryozoan collection of Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany is a world-renowned collection of great scientific value. It is the world's largest collection of fossil bryozoans from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene and a unique archive documenting the evolution of this phylum of marine invertebrates during this time interval in the Boreal Chalk Sea that extended from the British Isles to the Aral Sea in Central Asia.
The Voigt Collection contains over 300,000 specimens and was relocated to the Senckenberg Institute in 2005 according to the bequest of Ehrhard Voigt. As a result of a DFG-funded project, we present here a three-part type catalogue of the holotypes and neotypes of 256 bryozoan species in the Voigt Collection, of which this is Part 3. In total over the three parts, 247 species are re-illustrated but the name-bearing type specimens of 20 species are missing and no material could be found for 9 species. Two species, described as ctenostome bryozoans by Ehrhard Voigt, are questionable, while a further three 'ctenostome' species and one 'ctenostome' genus are considered as ichnotaxa.
• Bryozoa;
• Cheilostomata;
• Cyclostomata;
• Ctenostomata;
• ichnofossils;
• type catalogue;
• palaeontological collections;
• Cretaceous
Martha S.O., Matsuyama K., Scholz J., Taylor P.M. & Hillmer G. (2019).- The bryozoan collection of Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) at the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt. Part 3 - Ascophoran Cheilostomata and bibliography.- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 19, no. 17, p. 369-419.
La collection de bryozoaires du Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) conservée à l'Institut Senckenberg de Francfort. 3e partie - Chéilostomates Ascophores et bibliographie.- La collection de bryozoaires du Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) conservée à l'Institut de recherche Senckenberg de Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) est une collection de renommée mondiale et de grande valeur scientifique. C'est la plus grande collection au monde de bryozoaires fossiles du Crétacé supérieur et du Paléocène. Elle constitue un patrimoine unique documentant l'évolution de ce phylum d'invertébrés marins au cours de cette période dans la mer de la Craie Boréale qui s'étendait des îles britanniques à la mer d'Aral en Asie centrale.
La collection Voigt qui compte plus de 300.000 spécimens a été transférée en 2005 à l'Institut Senckenberg grâce à un leg testamentaire d'Ehrhard Voigt. À l'issue d'un programme financé par la DFG, nous présentons ici en trois parties un catalogue des holotypes ou néotypes de quelques 256 espèces de bryozoaires de la collection Voigt, catalogue dont la présente contribution est la dernière des trois. 247 espèces sont illustrées ici à nouveau, tandis qu'aucun matériel n'a pu être retrouvé pour neuf d'entre elles. Les spécimens-types porte-noms de vingt espèces n'ont pas été retrouvés, Deux espèces, décrites comme des bryozoaires cténostomes par Ehrhard Voigt, sont douteuses, tandis que trois autres espèces "cténostomes" et un genre "cténostome" sont considérés comme des ichnotaxa.
• Bryozoa ;
• Cheilostomata ;
• Cyclostomata ;
• Ctenostomata ;
• ichnofossiles ;
• catalogue des types ;
• collections de paléontologie ;
• Crétacé
Phylum Bryozoa Ehrenberg, 1831
Class Stenolaemata Borg, 1926
Order Cheilostomata Busk, 1852
Suborder Ascophora Levinsen, 1909
Infraorder Acanthostega Levinsen, 1902
Superfamily Bifaxarioidea Busk, 1884
Family Platyglenidae Marsson, 1887
Genus Pnictoporopsis Voigt, 1975
Pnictoporopsis pontifera Voigt, 1975
(Fig. 66e–f )
*# 1975a Pnictoporopsis pontifera n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 257, Pl. 2, figs. 14–22, Pl. 3, fig. 7.
# 1983 Pnictoporopsis pontifera Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 4, figs. 14–15.
# 1996 Pnictoporopsis pontifera Voigt – Gordon & Voigt, Fig. 4C–D.
Holotype: SMF 24568 (Voigt, 1975a, Pl. 2, figs. 16–18).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7406.
Locus typicus: Chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early late Campanian age.
Further distribution: Santonian to late Campanian, Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Early Campanian, Hannover-Misburg and Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Santonian (Micraster rogalae echinoid Zone to Marsupites testudinarius crinoid Zone) to late Campanian.
Remarks: Pnictoporopsis pontifera is the type species of Pnictoporopsis Voigt, 1975. Small, roundish pores along the lateral margins (areolar pores?) are only present in specimens from Hannover-Misburg (Voigt, 1975a, Pl. 2, figs. 14–15). Gordon and Voigt (1996) described faint sutures on the underside of the frontal shield in one specimen indicating a field of four costae.
66 (continuation): e-f Pnictoporopsis pontifera Voigt, 1975, holotype, SMF 24568, late Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Superfamily Cribrilinoidea Hincks, 1879
Family Cribrilinidae Hincks, 1879
Genus Abdomenopora Voigt, 1995
Abdomenopora schumacheri Voigt, 1995
(Fig. 67a–b )
*# 1995c Abdomenopora schumacheri n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 226, Figs. 1-2, Pl. 1, figs. 1–3, Pl. 2. figs. 1–4, Pl. 3, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: SMF 26151 (Voigt, 1995c, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2, Pl. 2. figs. 1–4, Pl. 3, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 13132.
Locus typicus: Abandoned chalk pit in Lüneburg-Zeltberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Belemnella obtusa belemnite Zone of the early Maastrichtian.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Abdomenopora schumacheri is the type species of Abdomenopora Voigt, 1995. D. Schumacher collected the type material and gave it to Voigt. Although a very primitive cribrimorph genus, Abdomenopora combines many different characters not observed together in any other genus.
Genus Anornithopora Lang, 1916
Anornithopora responsa Taylor & McKinney, 2006
(Fig. 67c–d )
*# 2006 Anornithopora responsa n.sp. – Taylor & McKinney, p. 139, Pl. 99, fig. 1a–e.
Holotype: SMF 26572 (Taylor & McKinney, 2006, Pl. 99, fig. 1a–e).
Original label: Voigt collection number 13962.
Locus typicus: Macon, Mississippi, United States of America.
Stratum typicum: Demopolis Chalk; encrusting a shell.
Stratigraphical range: Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Genus Ascancestor Voigt & Gordon, 1995
Ascancestor bretoni Voigt & Gordon, 1995
(Fig. 67e–f )
*# 1995 Ascancestor bretoni sp. nov. – Voigt & Gordon, p. 16, Figs. 1–9.
# 1996 Ascancestor bretoni Voigt & Gordon – Gordon & Voigt, Fig. 3A–F.
Holotype: SMF 26137 (Voigt & Gordon, 1995, Figs. 4, 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12975.
Locus typicus: Étretat, Normandy, France.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Coniacian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Coniacian.
Remarks: Ascancestor bretoni is the type species of Ascancestor Voigt & Gordon, 1995. G. Breton collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt.
Figure 67: a-b Abdomenopora schumacheri Voigt,
1995, holotype, SMF 26151, early Maastrichtian (Belemnella obtusa belemnite Zone), abandoned chalk pit in Lüneburg-Zeltberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Anornithopora responsa Taylor & McKinney, 2006, holotype, SMF 26572, Campanian, Macon, Mississippi, United States of America. e-f Ascancestor bretoni Voigt & Gordon,
1995, holotype, SMF 26137, early Coniacian, Étretat, Normandy, France. |
Genus Castanopora Lang, 1916
Subgenus Castanoporina Voigt, 1993
Castanopora (Castanoporina) wunderi Voigt, 1993
(Fig. 68a–b )
*# 1993b Castanopora (Castanoporina) wunderi n.sp. – Voigt, p. 147, Pl. 6, figs. 1–4.
# 2005 Castanopora (Castanoporina) wunderi Voigt, 1993 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 534.
Holotype: SMF 25995 (Voigt, 1993b, Pl. 6, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12850.
Locus typicus: Wunder gravel pit in Schwanheide-Zweedorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift containing White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Castanoporina Voigt, 1993, was described as a subgenus of Castanopora Lang, 1916, differing from the latter by the spine-like projections of the pelmata.
Genus Confusocella Voigt & Gordon, 1995
Confusocella dendroidea Voigt & Gordon, 1995
(Fig. 68c–d )
*# 1995 Confusocella dendroidea sp. nov. – Voigt & Gordon, p. 17, Figs. 10–21.
# 1996 Confusocella dendroidea Voigt & Gordon – Gordon & Voigt, Fig. 4A–B.
Holotype: SMF 26140 (Voigt & Gordon, 1995, Fig. 10).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11512A.
Locus typicus: Épernon, Centre-Val de Loire, France.
Stratum typicum: Earliest Campanian.
Further distribution: Santonian, La Pipe near Étalondes, Normandy, France. Earliest Campanian, Hanches, Centre-Val de Loire, France.
Stratigraphical range: Santonian to early Campanian.
Remarks: Confusocella dendroidea is the type species of Confusocella Voigt & Gordon, 1995. G. Breton collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt. The holotype is mounted on an SEM stub with four other samples depicted by Voigt and Gordon (1995).
Genus Craticulacella Voigt, 1994
Craticulacella schneemilchae Voigt, 1994
(Fig. 68e–f )
*# 1994a Craticulacella schneemilchae n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 12, Pl. 5, figs. 1–4, Pl. 6, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 26041 (Voigt, 1994a, Pl. 5, figs. 3–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11113B (= Voigt collection number 12956).
Locus typicus: Schinkel pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Offaster pilula echinoid Zone of early Campanian age.
Further distribution: Middle Santonian, Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Early Campanian, Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Middle Santonian to early Campanian.
Remarks: Craticulacella schneemilchae is the type species of Craticulacella Voigt, 1994. U. Schneemilch collected the type material and gave it to Prof. Dr E. Voigt. Both in the species description and in the figure captions, 12956 is indicated as the Voigt collection number of the holotype. However, no specimen with this number could be found in the Voigt collection. The holotype imaged by Voigt (1994a, Pl. 5, fig. 5) was found on an SEM stub given the Voigt collection number 11113A.
Figure 68: a-b Castanopora (Castanoporina) wunderi Voigt,
1993, holotype, SMF 25995, early Maastrichtian, Wunder gravel pit in Schwanheide-Zweedorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Confusocella dendroidea Voigt & Gordon,
1995, holotype, SMF 26140, earliest Campanian, Épernon, Centre-Val de Loire, France. e-f Craticulacella schneemilchae Voigt,
1994, holotype, SMF 26041, early Campanian (Offaster pilula echinoid Zone), Schinkel pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Genus Distansescharella Orbigny, 1853
Distansescharella fallax Voigt, 1949
(Fig. 69a–b )
*# 1949 Distansescharella fallax n.sp. – Voigt, p. 38, Pl. 10, figs. 6–7.
Holotype: SMF 26297 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 10, figs. 6–7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 140.
Locus typicus: Marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk marl of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Distansescharella familiaris (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 69c–d )
*# 1839 Cellepora familiaris nob. – Hagenow, p. 274.
# 1853 Distansescharella familiaris, de Hagenow, 1839 – Orbigny, p. 463.
# 1900 Cribrilina (Distansescharella) familiaris Hag. – Canu, p. 452.
# 1909 Cribrilina ostreicola nov. – Brydone, p. 399, Pl. XXIII, figs. 1–2.
# 1916b Pliophloea [Cribrilina] ostreicola (Brydone), 1909 – Lang, p. 392.
# 1921 Distansescharella familiaris (von Hagenow) – Lang, p. 138.
# 1921 Pliophloea ostreicola (Brydone) – Lang, p. 185, Fig. 86, Pl. VI, fig. 1.
# 1930 Pliophloea ostreicola Brydone – Voigt, p. 500, Pl. 28, fig. 1.
# 1953 Distansescharella familiaris (Hag., 1839) – Bassler, p. G217, Fig. 143.6.
# 1959a Distansescharella familiaris (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 24, Pl. VIII, fig. 4.
# 1989 Distansescharella familiaris – Harmelin et al., p. 492, Pl. 2, figs. 2–4 (in fig. 4 as P. ostreicola).
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26414 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VIII, fig. 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 417.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Early Maastrichtian, Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian to early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Distansescharella familiaris is the type species of Distansescharella Orbigny, 1853. Although the species was not figured by Hagenow (1839), nor by any subsequent author, Lang (1916b) designated it as the type species of Distansescharella.
Distansescharella? squamulosa (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 69e–f )
*# 1839 Cellepora squamulosa nob. – Hagenow, p. 270.
# 1959a Membraniporella squamulosa v. Hagenow, 1839 – Voigt, p. 16, Pl. IV, fig. 3.
# 1962 Membraniporella squamulosa (v. Hagenow) – Berthelsen, p. 162, Pl. 18, fig. 3.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26397 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. IV, fig. 3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 394.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Voldum, Favrskov Kommune, Denmark; Grenå; Rigtrup, Randers Kommune (all Midtjylland Region, Denmark); Faxe quarries; Herfølge, Køge Kommune; Kagstrup, Solrød Kommune; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune (all Zealand Region, Denmark); Klintholm, Funen Island, South Denmark Region, Denmark; Saltholm Island, Capital Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian to Danian.
Remarks: Membraniporella nitida (Johnston, 1838), the type species of Membraniporella Smitt, 1873, has adventitious avicularia and oral spine bases (see redescription in Hayward & Ryland, 1998), two features which exclude squamulosa from Membraniporella.
Distansescharella stuehmeri Voigt, 1991
*# 1991c Distansescharella stuehmeri n.sp. – Voigt, p. 192, Pl. 11, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1991c, Pl. 11, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9668.
Locus typicus: Submarine outcrop near the island of Düne (Archipelago of Heligoland), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Campanian or Maastrichtian.
Stratigraphical range: Probably Campanian or Maastrichtian.
Remarks: H.H. Stühmer found the type material and gave it to Voigt. All material described in Voigt (1991c) should have been given as a permanent loan to the Voigt Collection. However, the material was never sent to Voigt (personal communication with Stühmer in 2013). At the Museum of Heligoland, the material could not be found (personal communication with P. Schumacherr in 2013).
Figure 69: a-b Distansescharella fallax Voigt,
1949, holotype, SMF 26297, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Distansescharella familiaris (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26414, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Distansescharella ? squamulosa (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26397, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Genus Hexacanthopora Lang, 1916
Hexacanthopora viginticostata Voigt, 1930
(Fig. 70a–b )
*# 1930 Hexacanthopora viginticostata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 495, Pl. 26, fig. 13.
# 1949 Hexacanthopora viginticostata Voigt – Voigt, p. 37, Pl. 9, figs. 1–2.
# 1962 Hexacanthopora viginticostata Voigt – Larwood, p. 102.
Holotype: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Abandoned chalk pit near Peine-Schwicheldt, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata and Belemnitella mucronata belemnite zones.
Neotype: SMF 26292 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 9, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 142.
Locus neotypicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Hannover-Misburg, Lüneburg-Zeltberg and marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Early Campanian (Belemnitella mucronata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein; Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Genus Holostegopora Lang, 1916
Holostegopora? prona Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986
(Fig. 70c–d )
*# 1986 Holostegopora prona n.sp. – Voigt & Schneemilch, p. 121, Pl. 5, figs. 3–6.
Holotype: SMF 25911 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 5, figs. 3–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10935A.
Locus typicus: Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Chalk marl of early Campanian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype, Voigt collection number 10935A, is placed on an SEM stub together with 10935B, which is considered to be a fragment of 10935A (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986). No further specimens of this species are reported. The assignment to Cribrilinidae and Holostegopora Lang, 1916, are both very questionable. Voigt and Schneemilch (1986, Pl. 5, fig. 5) observed imprints and spine-like projections interpreted as traces of costae, but these were not be found during our study of the material.
Genus Keratostoma Voigt, 1987
Keratostoma niemeyeri Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 70e–f )
# 1930 Stichocados cf. moenensis Lang – Voigt, p. 510, Pl. 30, figs. 15–16.
*# 1987c Keratostoma niemeyeri n. gen. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 150, Pl. 1, figs. 1–5, Pl. 2, figs. 1–7, Pl. 3, figs. 1–8.
Holotype: SMF 25499 (Voigt, 1987c, Pl. 1, figs. 1–3, Pl. 2, fig. 4, Pl. 3, fig. 8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9930.
Locus typicus: Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of late Maastrichtian age (Belemnella casimirovensis belemnite Zone) containing Thalassinoides burrows.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Saturn pit near Kronsmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Late Maastrichtian, white chalk of Mariager, Mariagerfjord Municipality, Nordjylland Region, Denmark; Hasselø By near Nykøbing Falster, Guldborgsund Municipality, Zealand Region, Denmark; sandy tills in the "Blaue Berge" near Dessau-Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; glacial drift deposits with white chalk, Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany; Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early to late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Keratostoma niemeyeri is the type species of Keratostoma Voigt, 1987. Specimens assigned to K. niemeyeri show a broad range of variability, but intermediate stages occur.
Figure 70: a-b Hexacanthopora viginticostata Voigt,
1930, neotype, SMF 26292, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Holostegopora ? prona Voigt & Schneemilch,
1986, holotype, SMF 25911, early Campanian, Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Keratostoma niemeyeri Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25499, late Maastrichtian (Belemnella casimirovensis belemnite Zone), Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark. |
Genus Murinopsia Jullien, 1886
Murinopsia raniceps Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986
(Fig. 71a–b )
*# 1986 Murinopsia raniceps n.sp. – Voigt, p. 123, Pl. 4, figs. 1–5, Pl. 5, figs. 1–2, Pl. 6, fig. 1, Pl. 7, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 25908 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 4, fig. 3, Pl. 5, fig. 2, Pl. 6, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10779.
Locus typicus: Chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of late Campanian age (Bostrychoceras polyplocum ammonite Zone).
Further distribution: Early Campanian, Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany; chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early to late Campanian.
Remarks: One zooid of the holotype colony is broken.
Genus Pachydera Marsson, 1887
Pachydera lagingi Voigt, 1993
(Fig. 71c–d )
*# 1993b Pachydera lagingi n.sp. – Voigt, p. 139, Pl. 1, figs. 1–4, Pl. 2, figs. 1–5, Pl. 3, figs. 1–5.
# 2005 Pachydera lagingi Voigt, 1993 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 546.
Holotype: SMF 25994 (Voigt, 1993b, Pl. 1, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12856.
Locus typicus: Wunder gravel pit, Schwanheide-Zweedorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift containing white chalk of Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; Hemmoor, Lüneburg and in glacial drift deposits near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf (all Lower Saxony, Germany); Saturn pit near Kronsmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late early Maastrichtian.
Pachydera moenensis (Lang, 1916)
(Fig. 71e–f )
*# 1916a Stichocados möenensis, sp. n. – Lang, p. 99.
# 1916a Stichocados ordinatus, sp. n. – Lang, p. 99.
# 1922 Stichocados ordinatus, Lang – Lang, p. 177, Fig. 56, Pl. 4, fig. 2.
# 1922 Stichocados moenensis, Lang – Lang, p. 180.
# 1925 Pachydera angulata n.sp. – Levinsen, p. 394, Pl. VIII, fig. 10.
non# 1930 Stichocados ordinatus Lang– Voigt, p. 510, Pl. 30, fig. 14.
non# 1930 Stichocados cf. moenensis Lang – Voigt, p. 510, Pl. 30, figs. 15–16.
# 1987c Stichocados moenensis Lang, 1916 = Pachydera angulata Levinsen, 1925 – Voigt, p. 161, Fig. 2A–E, Pl. 4, figs. 1–6.
Holotype: Unnumbered specimen in the Canu Collection, Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. The holotype had been taken as a loan before World War II by P.A. Gaillard to Royan and was probably destroyed during air raids.
Locus typicus: Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Early Maastrichtian.
Neotype: SMF 25459 (Voigt, 1987c, Pl. 4, figs. 1–2).
Locus neotypicus: Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Original label: Voigt collection number 10904. In Voigt (1987c, p. 164), the Voigt collection number 10887 is given by mistake, the latter being the number of the specimen imaged in Pl. 4, figs. 5–6.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Rørdal in Aalborg, Region Nordjylland, Denmark; Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Late Maastrichtian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Early to late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Lang (1916a) indicated that the holotype is from the Danian of Møn. Since no Danian outcrops on Møn, Voigt (1987c) corrected the stratigraphical age to early Maastrichtian. Voigt (1987c) selected a neotype for S. moenensis but this is superfluous as the holotype of S. ordinatus from the island of Rügen is present in the collections of the Natural History Museum, London and has never been lost.
Figure 71: a-b Murinopsia raniceps Voigt & Schneemilch,
1986, holotype, SMF 25908, late Campanian (Bostrychoceras polyplocum ammonite Zone), chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Pachydera lagingi Voigt,
1993, holotype, SMF 25994, early Maastrichtian, Wunder gravel pit in Schwanheide-Zweedorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Pachydera moenensis (Lang, 1916), neotype, SMF 25459, early Maastrichtian, Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark. |
Genus Pliophloea Gabb & Horn, 1862
Pliophloea densistriata Voigt, 1949
(Fig. 72a–b )
*# 1949 Pliophloea densistriata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 39, Pl. 9, figs. 3–4.
Holotype: SMF 26293 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 9, figs. 3–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 139.
Locus typicus: Marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk marl of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported sample of this species.
Genus Pnictopora Lang, 1916
Pnictopora balavoinei Flor, 1968
(Fig. 72c–d )
*# 1968 Pnictopora balavoinei n.sp. – Flor, p. 95, Pl. 26, figs. 1–7, 9, 11.
# 1972 Pnictopora balavoinei Flor, 1968 – Flor, Pl. 2, fig. 29.
# 1975a Pnictopora balavoinei Flor – Voigt, Pl. 3, figs. 8–9.
Holotype: SMF 26437 (Flor, 1968, Pl. 26, figs. 1–7, 9, 11).
Original label: Voigt collection number 5299.
Locus typicus: Aulnay-sur-Iton, Eure, Normandy, France.
Stratum typicum: Probably Santonian (Micraster coranguinum echinoid Zone), Craie Sableuse en poches.
Stratigraphical range: Santonian.
Remarks: Pierre Balavoine collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt. Traces of costae on the intraterminal frontal wall of this species are faintly visible if specimens are coloured.
Figure 72: a-b Pliophloea densistriata Voigt,
1949, holotype, SMF 26293, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Pnictopora balavoinei Flor,
1968, holotype, SMF 26437, Santonian (Micraster coranguinum echinoid Zone), Aulnay-sur-Iton, Normandy, France. |
Genus Taractopora Lang, 1916
Taractopora ernsti Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986
(Fig. 73a–b )
*# 1986 Taractopora ernsti n.sp. – Voigt & Schneemilch, p. 119, Pl. 8, figs. 1–4, Pl. 9, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 25913 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 8, figs. 1–4, Pl. 9, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11083.
Locus typicus: Chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Campanian age; colony encrusting a fragment of echinoid.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Genus Tricephalopora Lang, 1916
Tricephalopora vermicularis (Hagenow, 1846)
(Fig. 73c–d )
*# 1846 Cellepora vermicularis v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 613, Pl. XXIII.b., fig. 35.
# 1916a Tricephalopora [Cellepora] vermicularis (Geinitz), 1846 [sic] – Lang, p. 87.
# 1922 Tricephalopora vermicularis (Geinitz) – Lang, p. 60.
# 1930 Tricephalopora vermicularis v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 505, Pl. 29, fig. 13.
# 1959a Tricephalopora vermicularis (v. Hagenow), 1846 – Voigt, p. 54, Pl. VIII, fig. 5.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26415 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VIII, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 418.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Figure 73: a-b Taractopora ernsti Voigt & Schneemilch,
1986, holotype, SMF 25913, early Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Tricephalopora vermicularis (Hagenow, 1846), neotype, SMF 26415, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Superfamily Scorioporoidea Gordon, 2002
Family Scorioporidae Gordon, 2002
Genus Bathystomella Strand, 1928
Bathystomella cordiformis (Hagenow, 1846)
(Fig. 74a–b )
# 1846 Eschara lentiformis v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 605, Pl. XXIII.b, fig. 24.
*# 1846 Eschara cordiformis v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 606.
non# 1852 Escharifora lentiformis, d'Orb., 1851 [sic] – Orbigny, p. 461, Pl. 715, figs. 13–16.
# 1887 Bathystoma cordiforme v. Hagenow sp. – Marsson, p. 88, Pl. IX, fig. 1.
# 1930 Bathystoma cordiforme v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 536, Pl. 37, fig. 11.
# 1942 Bathystoma cordiforme Marsson – Brydone, p. 63.
# 1953 Bathystomella cordiformis (Hag., 1846) – Bassler, p. G217, Fig. 164.9.
# 1959a Bathystomella cordiformis (v. Hagenow), 1846 – Voigt, p. 52-53, Pl. X, figs. 1–2.
# 1972 Bathystomella cordiformis (von Hagenow) – Tavener-Smith & Williams, Pl. 17, fig. 84.
Syntypes: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24150 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. X, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2440.
Locus neotypicus: Dronningestolen on the island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Marsson (1887) designated Eschara cordiformis as the type species of Bathystoma Marsson, 1887, which was renamed by Strand (1928) into Bathystomella as Bathystoma was preoccupied by a genus of fish, the latter being now considered a nomen nudum.
Genus Beisselinopsis Voigt, 1951
Beisselinopsis dietzi Voigt, 1951
(Fig. 74c–d )
# 1930 Beisselina solandri v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 525, Pl. 34, fig. 10.
# 1930 Beisselina (?) detrita v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 526, Pl. 34, fig. 12.
?# 1951 Beisselinopsis hiltermanni n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 66, Fig. 13, Pl. 10, figs. 11–12.
*# 1951 Beisselinopsis dietzi n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 67, Pl. 10, figs. 9–10.
Holotype: SMF 26365 (Voigt, 1951, Pl. 10, fig. 9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 317.
Locus typicus: Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan-rich rubbly limestone in the Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Tuffeau de Maastricht near Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: This species probably represents only poorly preserved specimens of Beisselinopsis hiltermanni Voigt, 1951, according to Voigt (1964, p. 452) and Voigt (1987a, p. 91).
Beisselinopsis hiltermanni Voigt, 1951
(Fig. 74e–f )
?# 1930 Beisselina solandri v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 525, Pl. 34, fig. 10.
?# 1930 Beisselina (?) detrita v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 526, Pl. 34, fig. 12.
*# 1951 Beisselinopsis hiltermanni n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 66, Fig. 13, Pl. 10, figs. 11–12.
?# 1951 Beisselinopsis dietzi n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 67, Pl. 10, figs. 9–10.
?# 1964 Beisselinopsis cf. hiltermanni Voigt, 1951 – Voigt, p. 452, Pl. IX, figs. 9–10.
?# 1969 Beisselinopsis hiltermanni Voigt, 1951 – Maryańska, p. 118, Pl. XII, figs. 5–6.
# 1987a Beisselinopsis hiltermanni Voigt, 1951 – Voigt, p. 91, Pl. 23, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 26367 (Voigt, 1951, Pl. 10, fig. 11).
Original label: Voigt collection number 317.
Locus typicus: Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: (Probably) chalk marl containing flint.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany; Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. Danian, F.P. Mons drilling and Ciply in the municipality of Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality; Beatrix drilling near Neer, municipality of Leudal (both Limburg, Netherlands); "Siwak" near Nasiłów, Gmina Janowiec, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland; Boryszew drilling near Boryszew, Gmina Wiązowna, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland. Baltic Danian in Denmark and southern Sweden and several glacial drifts of Danian age in northern Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian to Danian.
Remarks: Beisselinopsis hiltermanni is the type species of Beisselinopsis Voigt, 1951. Dr H. Hiltermann collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt for description. The original collection number was B 2 (6944).
Figure 74: a-b Bathystomella cordiformis (Hagenow, 1846), neotype, SMF 24150, early Maastrichtian, Dronningestolen on the island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark. c-d Beisselinopsis dietzi Voigt,
1951, holotype, SMF 26365, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Beisselinopsis hiltermanni Voigt,
1951, holotype, SMF 26367, early Maastrichtian, Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. |
Genus Columnotheca Marsson, 1887
Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887
(Fig. 75a–b )
# 1840 Ceriopora (?) echinata nob. – Hagenow, p. 647.
?# 1852 Eschara cricoporacea v. Hgw. – Kade, p. 29.
# 1881 Pustulipora circulata – Quenstedt, p. 335, Pl. 155, fig. 17c, C.
# 1886 Spiropora vertebralis, Stoliczka – Pergens & Meunier, p. 210, Pl. XI, fig. 2.
*# 1887 Columnotheca cribrosa n.sp. – Marsson, p. 82, Pl. VIII, fig. 1.
# 1892 Columnotheca cribrosa Marss. – Hennig, p. 42.
?# 1894 Spiropora vertebralis, Stoliczka sp. – Hennig, p. 18.
# 1925 Monoporella cribrosa (Marsson) – Levinsen, p. 405, Pl. VII, fig. 82a–b.
# 1930 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Voigt, p. 519, Pl. 33, fig. 13a–b.
# 1953 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Bassler, p. G193, Fig. 145.7.
# 1959a Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Voigt, p. 49.
non# 1962 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Berthelsen, p. 207, Pl. 24, fig. 7.
# 1963 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Veenstra, p. 130, Pl. 8, figs. 5–9.
# 1968d Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Voigt, p. 384, Figs. 1A–D, 2A–D, 3A–B, 4A–I, 5A–B.
# 1969 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Maryańska, p. 120.
# 1971 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Cheetham, Pl. 11, figs. 1–4.
# 1975b Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Voigt, Pl. 3, fig. 9.
# 1977a Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Thomsen, Fig. 8B.
# 1977b Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Thomsen, Figs. 4I, 10B, D.
# 1983 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Voigt, Pl. 4, fig. 16.
# 1987a Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Voigt, p. 81, Pl. 20, fig. 30.
# 1995 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Thomsen & Håkansson, Fig. 2A.
# 2002 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887 – Gordon, p. 115, Figs. 22–24.
Holotype: The material of Marsson (1887) belonged to the collections of the Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt (Prussian Geological Land Survey) that Voigt (1982a) reported to have been destroyed during World War II. However, part of the collection survived (Martha, 2014).
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24233 (Voigt, 1968d, Fig. 1A).
Original label: Voigt collection number 5366.
Locus neotypicus: Sassnitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Hemmoor; Lüneburg-Zeltberg (both Lower Saxony, Germany). Late Maastrichtian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark and other localities in Denmark; Hemmoor; Sehnde-Ilten (both Lower Saxony, Germany); Nasiłów, Gmina Janowiec, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland; Kvarnby, Malmö Husie, Skåne län, Sweden. Danian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune; Faxe quarries (both Zealand Region, Denmark); Voldum, Favrskov Kommune and Råsted, Randers Kommune (both Region Midtjylland, Denmark); Løgstør in the Vesthimmerlands Kommune, Region Nordtjylland, Denmark and many other localities in Denmark and southern Sweden. Common in drift deposits from northern Germany and the Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian and Danian.
Remarks: Columnotheca cribrosa is the type species of Columnotheca Marsson, 1887. Study of the holotype of Pustulipora circulata Quenstedt, 1881, has proved it to be a senior synonym of C. cribrosa. However, as P. circulata has never been used as a valid name after its first description and the younger name has been commonly used, Voigt (1968d) considered P. circulata as a nomen oblitum.
Columnotheca monopora Voigt, 1968
(Fig. 75c–d )
# 1962 Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson – Berthelsen, p. 207, Pl. 24, fig. 7.
*# 1968d Columnotheca monopora n.sp. – Voigt, p. 393, Figs. 7A–D, 8A–C.
Holotype: SMF 24228 (Voigt, 1968d, Fig. 7A).
Original label: Voigt collection number 5363.
Locus typicus: Bjørndal quarry near Hvidbjerg, Struer Kommune, Midtjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of late middle Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, glacial drift deposits near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany; Belbek near Sevastopol and two localities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Russia/Ukraine referred to by Voigt (1968d) as "Salatschik" and "Mala Sadowaja". Middle Danian, Voldum in the Favrskov Kommune, Midtjylland Region, Denmark; Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark. Late Danian, Herfølge, Køge Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Östra Torp near Smygehamn, Trelleborgs Kommune, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: In the original species description, Faxe is mentioned as the type locality. However, the holotype is from Bjørndal (Jütland) as indicated in the figure captions and on the original label of the specimen. The image of the holotype is flipped horizontally in Voigt (1968d).
Infraorder Hippothoomorpha Gordon, 1989
Superfamily Hippothooidea Busk, 1859
Family Dysnoetoporidae Voigt, 1971
Genus Dysnoetopora Canu & Bassler, 1926
'Dysnoetopora' confusa Voigt, 1951
(Fig. 75e–f )
*# 1951 Dysnoetopora confusa n. sp. – Voigt, p. 57, Fig. 11, Pl. 8, figs. 1–7.
# 1971 Dysnoetopora? confusa Voigt, 1951 – Voigt, p. 98.
Holotype: SMF 26344 (Voigt, 1951, Pl. 8, figs. 1, 6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 294.
Locus typicus: Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan-rich rubbly limestone in the Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The assignment of this species to the genus Dysnoetopora Canu & Bassler, 1926, and to the Cheilostomata in general is uncertain as the interior structures of the zooids cannot be examined due to the poor preservation of the specimens, the apertures being almost completely filled with sediment.
Figure 75: a-b Columnotheca cribrosa Marsson, 1887, neotype, SMF 24233, early Maastrichtian, Sassnitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Columnotheca monopora Voigt,
1968, holotype, SMF 24228, late middle Danian, Bjørndal quarry near Hvidbjerg in the Struer Kommune, Region Midtjylland, Denmark. e-f 'Dysnoetopora' confusa Voigt,
1951, holotype, SMF 26344, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany. |
Family Hippothoidae Busk, 1859
Genus Celleporella Gray, 1848
Celleporella felderi Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 76a–b )
*# 1983 Celleporella felderi n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 197, Pl. 18, figs. 1–4, Pl. 19, figs. 1–8.
Holotype: SMF 25100 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 18, figs. 1–3, Pl. 19, fig. 8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9737.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, along the Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Celleporella felderi is the only species of Celleporella Gray, 1848, known from the Cretaceous.
Genus Laterotecatia Voigt, 1979
Laterotecatia pseudamathia Voigt, 1979
(Fig. 76c–d )
p# 1972 Amathia immurata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 90, Pl. 17, figs. 2–5 (non Pl. 17, fig. 1).
*# 1979a Laterotecatia pseudamathia n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 558, Pl. 8, figs. 1–10.
# 1983 Laterotecatia pseudamathia Voigt – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 191, Pl. 14, figs. 1–9.
Holotype: SMF 24796 (Voigt, 1979a, Pl. 8, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7713.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Kunrade beds near Benzenrade, Heerlen municipality; Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Laterotecatia pseudamathia is the type species of Laterotecatia Voigt, 1979a. Revised diagnoses of the species and genus were provided by Voigt and Hillmer (1983). Voigt (1979a) assigned all paratypes of the supposedly ctenostome bryozoan Amathia immurata Voigt, 1972, to L. pseudamathia. The holotype of L. pseudamathia consists of sixteen autozooids from a broken colony placed on a gold foil, coated and covered by a protective foil. We did not remove the protective foil in order to avoid damage or loss of this unique specimen.
Family Pasytheidae Davis, 1934
Genus Tecatia Morris, 1980
Tecatia alternans Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 76e–f )
*# 1983 Tecatia alternans n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 179, Pl. 5, figs. 2–8, Pl. 6, figs. 1–4, Pl. 20, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 25105 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 6, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9977.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt, municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Hardground above the Caster horizon (at the boundary of layers Ivd and Ive) Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality; Voerendaal-Kunrade (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype colony is an external mould preserved by bioimmuration, while other colonies of the species are represented by calcified skeletons.
Figure 76: a-b Celleporella felderi Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25100, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Laterotecatia pseudamathia Voigt,
1979, holotype, SMF 24796, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Tecatia alternans Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25105, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Tecatia arachnoidea Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 77a–b )
*# 1983 Tecatia arachnoidea n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 182, Pl. 4, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 25106 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 4, figs. 2–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9985.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Hardground above the Caster horizon (at the boundary of layers IVd and IVe) Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Colonies of Tecatia arachnoidea are known only as external moulds preserved by bioimmuration. In the species description, Voigt collection number 9757 is named as the holotype, but this is the holotype of T. stomatoporoides Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, instead. The original label of the specimen and the text of the figure captions show that Voigt collection number 9985 is the correct number for the holotype of T. arachnoidea. Part of the colony is damaged, with the left zooid of Voigt and Hillmer (1983, Pl. 4, fig. 2) being destroyed.
Tecatia minuta Morris, 1980
(Fig. 77c–d )
*# 1980 Tecatia minuta new species – Morris, p. 11, Fig. 9, Pl. 1, fig. 2, Pl. 7, figs. 1–2.
# 1983 Tecatia minuta Morris, 1980 – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 177, Pl. 3, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: Not found (Morris, 1980, Pl. 1, fig. 2, Pl. 7, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7261.
Locus typicus: Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, and Blom Quarry near Terblijt (both in the Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality); Sint-Pietersberg near Maastricht (all Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Both Morris (1980) and Voigt and Hillmer (1983) indicated 7261 as the Voigt collection number of the holotype. However, the specimen labelled with that number is not identical with the figured specimen, although both colonies come from the same locality and both encrust a specimen of Castanopora bipunctata (Goldfuß, 1826). None of the colonies of Tecatia minuta encrusting C. bipunctata found in the Voigt Collection resembles the specimen figured by Morris (1980) as the holotype. Here, we image specimen SMF 25121 (the 'true' specimen labelled with Voigt collection number 7261), which has not previously been depicted.
Tecatia stomatoporoides Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 77e–f )
*# 1983 Tecatia stomatoporoides n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 178, Pl. 3, figs. 7–9, Pl. 4, figs. 5–6, Pl. 5, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 25107 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 3, figs. 7–8, Pl. 4, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9757.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt, municipality of Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: All known colonies of Tecatia stomatoporoides are external moulds preserved by bioimmuration.
Figure 77: a-b Tecatia arachnoidea Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25106, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Tecatia minuta Morris,
1980, SMF 25121, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium. e-f Tecatia stomatoporoides Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25107, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Family Trypostegidae Gordon et al. in Winston, 2005
Genus Boreas Morris, 1980
Boreas kunradensis Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 78a–b )
*# 1983 Boreas kunradensis n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 185, Pl. 10, figs. 1–7.
Holotype: SMF 25099 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 10, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9455.
Locus typicus: Abandoned Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade beds of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Kunrade beds near Benzenrade, Heerlen municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Boreas voigti Morris, 1980
(Fig. 78c–d )
# 1930 Hippothoa fusiformis Canu – Voigt, p. 527, Pl. 35, figs. 13–15.
*# 1980 Boreas voigti new species – Morris, p. 9, Fig. 5, Pl. 3, fig. 5.
# 1983 Boreas voigti Morris, 1980 – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 185, Pl. 9, figs. 1–7.
Holotype: SMF 26479 (Morris, 1980, Fig. 5, Pl. 3, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7357.
Locus typicus: Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratum typicum: Rubbly limestone in the Belemnitella mucronata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian, Karlshamn, Blekinge län, Sweden; "Ifö" (probably the island Ivön, formerly spelled Ifön near Bromölla, Skåne län, Sweden). Late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Campanian.
Remarks: Boreas voigti is the type species of Boreas Morris, 1980. Morris (1980) stated that some specimens labelled as Hippothoa rugulosa (Reuss, 1874b) from the Burdigalian in the collections at Lyon are referable to B. voigti, which is highly doubtful considering the huge stratigraphical gap. Indeed, this material was excluded from B. voigti by Voigt and Hillmer (1983).
Genus Boreasina Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
Boreasina morrisae Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 78e–f )
*# 1983 Boreas morrisae n.g. n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 187, Pl. 11, figs. 1–6, Pl. 12, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 25101 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 11, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9754.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Boreasina morrisae is the type species of Boreasina Voigt & Hillmer, 1983. Both, in the description of and in the figure captions, 5754 is given as the Voigt collection number of the holotype. However, the correct Voigt collection number of the holotype is 9754.
Figure 78: a-b Boreas kunradensis Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25099, late Maastrichtian, Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Boreas voigti Morris,
1980, holotype, SMF 26479, early Campanian (Belemnitella mucronata belemnite Zone),Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden. e-f Boreasina morrisae Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25101, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Boreasina nowickii Voigt, 1991
(Fig. 79a–b )
*# 1991b Boreas nowickii n.sp. – Voigt, p. 519, Pl. 1, fig. 5.
# 2000 Boreasina nowickii Voigt – Gordon, Pl. 1, fig. f.
Holotype: SMF 25866 (Voigt, 1991b, Pl. 1, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11906.
Locus typicus: Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France.
Stratum typicum: Coniacian.
Further distribution: According to Nowicki (1986), several localities in the Aquitaine and Paris basins. Coniacian, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France. Middle Coniacian, near Périgeux, Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitanie, France. Santonian, Vendôme, Loir-et-Cher; Villedieu-le-Château, Loir-et-Cher (both Centre-Val de Loire, France).
Stratigraphical range: Coniacian to Santonian.
Remarks: The species was first described by Nowicki (1986) in his unpublished PhD thesis and renamed in honour of its author by Voigt (1991b) since Nowicki's unpublished name is invalid.
Genus Eohippothoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
Eohippothoa pustulosa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 79c–d )
*# 1983 Eohippothoa pustulosa n.g. n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 173, Pl. 1, figs. 1–6, Pl. 8, figs. 8–9.
Holotype: SMF 25102 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 1, figs. 1–6, Pl. 8, fig. 9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9697.
Locus typicus: Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratum typicum: Rubbly limestone of late Campanian age.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian.
Remarks: Eohippothoa pustulosa is the type species of Eohippothoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983.
Genus Grammothoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
Grammothoa filifera Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 79e–f )
*# 1983 Grammothoa filifera n.g. n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 194, Pl. 3, fig. 6, Pl. 16, figs. 1–6, Pl. 17, figs. 1–6.
# 1987d Grammothoa filifera Voigt & Hillmer – Voigt, Fig. 2E–G.
# 1988 Grammothoa filifera Voigt & Hillmer, 1983 – Voigt, p. 194, Figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 25103 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 16, figs. 3, 6, Pl. 17, fig. 3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9513.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Grammothoa filifera is the type species of Grammothoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983.
Figure 79: a-b Boreasina nowickii Voigt,
1991, holotype, SMF 25866, Coniacian, Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France. c-d Eohippothoa pustulosa Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25102, late Campanian, Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden. e-f Grammothoa filifera Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25103, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Genus Kronothoa Morris, 1980
Kronothoa dissoluta (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 80a–b )
*# 1930 Hippothoa dissoluta n.sp. – Voigt, p. 527, Pl. 35, fig. 16.
# 1980 Kronothoa dissoluta (Voigt) – Morris, p. 10, Fig. 7, Pl. 3, figs. 2–4.
# 1983 Kronothoa dissoluta (Voigt, 1930) – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 183, Pl. 7, figs. 1–7, Pl. 8, figs. 1–8.
Syntypes: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratum typicum: Rubbly limestone of late Campanian age.
Neotype: SMF 26480 (Morris, 1980, Fig. 7, Pl. 3, figs. 2–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7528.
Locus neotypicus: Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratum neotypicum: Rubbly limestone of late Campanian age.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian.
Remarks: Kronothoa dissoluta is the type species of Kronothoa Morris, 1980. In the figure captions of Morris (1980), the species is inadvertently referred to as a new species. Furthermore, the number of the holotype is incorrectly given as 7258 in the Voigt collection.
Genus Kunradina Voigt, 1981
Kunradina bicincta Voigt, 1981
(Fig. 80c–d )
*# 1981c Kunradina bicincta n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 294, Figs. 2C, 4A–K, 5A–D.
# 1983 Kunradina bicincta Voigt, 1981 – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 193, Pl. 15, figs. 1–8.
Holotype: SMF 24804 (Voigt, 1981c, Fig. 4B).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9223.
Locus typicus: Abandoned Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade Limestone IV d, Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, abandoned Nekami Quarry on the hill Sint-Pietersberg near Maastricht; Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg municipality aan de Geul; near Cadier en Keer, Eijsden-Margraten municipality (all Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Kunradina bicincta is the type species of Kunradina Voigt, 1981.
Genus Mosathoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
Mosathoa interrupta Voigt & Hillmer, 1983
(Fig. 80e–f )
*# 1983 Mosathoa interrupta n.g. n.sp. – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 175, Pl. 2, figs. 1–9.
Holotype: SMF 25104 (Voigt & Hillmer, 1983, Pl. 2, figs. 1–9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9512.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Mosathoa interrupta is the type species of Mosathoa Voigt & Hillmer, 1983.
Figure 80: a-b Kronothoa dissoluta (Voigt,
1930), holotype, SMF 26480, late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skåne län, Sweden. c-d Kunradina bicincta Voigt,
1981, holotype, SMF 24804, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Mosathoa interrupta Voigt & Hillmer,
1983, holotype, SMF 25104, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Infraorder Umbonulomorpha Gordon, 1989
Superfamily Arachnopusioidea Busk, 1859
Family Arachnopusiidae Jullien, 1888
Genus Ramicosticella Voigt & Gordon, 1998
Ramicosticella erratica Voigt & Gordon, 1998
(Fig. 81a–b )
*# 1998 Ramicosticella erratica sp. nov. – Voigt & Gordon, p. 96, Figs. 1–10.
# 2005 Ramicosticella erratica Voigt & Gordon, 1998 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 550.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt & Gordon, 1998, Figs. 1, 7–10).
Original label: Voigt collection number 4470, 4740 or 4770.
Locus typicus: Former brick factory in Oststeinbek-Havighorst, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift boulder.
Further distribution: Early Danian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark. Danian, Groß Pampau, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Ramicosticella erratica is the type species of Ramicosticella Voigt & Gordon, 1998. The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998) using the Voigt collection number 4740. Here, we image specimen SMF 26215 (Voigt collection number 10056), which was figured by Voigt and Gordon (1998, Fig. 6).
Superfamily Lepralielloidea Vigneaux, 1949
Family Lepraliellidae Vigneaux, 1949
Genus Frurionella Canu & Bassler, 1926
Frurionella europaea Voigt, 1951
(Fig. 81c–d )
?# 1851 Eschara gaimardi, Bosquet, in litt. – Bosquet in Hagenow, p. 82, Pl. XII, fig. 10.
*# 1951 Frurionella europaea n.sp. – Voigt, p. 60, Pl. 9, figs. 1–3.
# 1963 "Frurionella" europaea Voigt, 1951 – Wiesemann, Fig. 21.
# 1968a Frurionella europaea (Voigt) – Voigt, Pl. 8, fig. 8.
# 1968c Frurionella europaea Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 3, fig. 6.
# 1979b Frurionella europaea Voigt, 1951 – Voigt, p. 40, Pl. 2, figs. 6–7.
# 2004 Frurionella europaea Voigt – Zawischa, Fig. 15.
Holotype: SMF 26349 (Voigt, 1951, Pl. 9, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 299.
Locus typicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade Limestone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, municipality of Mons, Wallonia Belgium; Chef-du-Pont, Normandy, France; Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany; around Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Frurionella europaea may be a junior synonym of Eschara gaimardi Bosquet in Hagenow, 1851, as discussed by Voigt (1951, 1979b). It was reported from the late Maastrichtian chalk tuff of Saint-Symphorien by Voigt (1957a).
Figure 81: a-b Ramicosticella erratica Voigt & Gordon,
1998, SMF 26215, Danian, Groß Pampau, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Frurionella europaea Voigt,
1951, SMF 26349, late Maastrichtian, Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Family Romancheinidae Jullien, 1888
Genus Ochetosella Canu & Bassler, 1917
Ochetosella lata Favorskaya et al., 1996
(Fig. 82a–b )
*# 1996 Ochetosella lata n.sp. – Favorskaya et al., p. 173, Pl. 2, figs. 1a–b, 2–3.
Holotype: SMF 26183 (Favorskaya et al., 1996, Pl. 2, fig. 1a–b).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12822.
Locus typicus: Nukus (No'kis/Нөкис), Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.
Stratum typicum: Paleocene sands.
Stratigraphical range: Paleocene.
Remarks: Favorskaya et al. (1996) cited Voigt collection number 12822 as the holotype. However, there is no specimen in the Voigt collection bearing this number. Specimen 12843 that was depicted in Pl. 2, fig. 2 proves to be the holotype.
Ochetosella makarovae Favorskaya et al., 1996
(Fig. 82c–d )
*# 1996 Ochetosella makarovae n.sp. – Favorskaya et al., p. 172, Fig. 1, Pl. 1, figs. 1a–b, 2–3.
Holotype: SMF 26180 (Favorskaya et al., 1996, Pl. 1, figs. 1a–b)
Original label: Voigt collection number 12820.
Locus typicus: Nukus (No'kis/Нөкис), Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.
Stratum typicum: Paleocene sands.
Stratigraphical range: Paleocene.
Family Tessaradomidae Jullien & Calvet, 1903
Genus Beisselina Canu, 1913
Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 82e–f )
*# 1930 Kleidionella celleporoides n.sp. – Voigt, p. 529, Pl. 37, fig. 4.
# 1959b Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt), 1930 – Voigt, p. 701, Pl. XXXI, figs. 10–12.
?# 1962 Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt) – Berthelsen, p. 199, Pl. 24, figs. 3–5.
# 1963 Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt, 1930) – Wiesemann, p. 34, Figs. 8–10, 11d–e, 12c, 16b, Pl. 2, figs. 5–7.
# 1964 Beisselina celleporoides Voigt, 1930 – Voigt, Pl. XI, figs. 3–4.
Syntypes: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark, and Köthen (Anhalt), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Danian.
Neotype: SMF 26114 (Voigt, 1959b, Pl. XXXI, fig. 10).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3188.
Locus neotypicus: Voldum, Favrskov Kommune, Midtjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratum neotypicum: Bryozoan limestone of middle Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Faxe quarries and Herfølge, Køge Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Klintholm, Island of Funen, South Denmark Region, Denmark; Island of Saltholm and Torslunde near Taastrup, Capital Region, Denmark; Köthen (Anhalt), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Voigt collection number 3188, which has been figured by Voigt (1959b) was designated as the neotype of Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt, 1930) by Wiesemann (1963).
Figure 82: a-b Ochetosella lata Favorskaya et al.,
1996, holotype, SMF 26183, Paleocene, Nukus (No'kis/Нөкис), Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. c-d Ochetosella makarovae Favorskaya et al.,
1996, holotype, SMF 26180, Paleocene, Nukus (No'kis/Нөкис), Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. e-f Beisselina celleporoides (Voigt,
1930), neotype, SMF 26114, middle Danian, Voldum in the Favrskov Kommune, Region Midtjylland, Denmark. |
Infraorder Lepraliomorpha Gordon, 1989
Superfamily Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883
Family Porinidae Orbigny, 1852
Genus Gastropella Canu & Bassler, 1917
Gastropella gueliebaui Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 83a–b )
*# 1999 Gastropella gueliebaui n.sp. – Voigt, p. 308, Pl. 6, figs. 52–58.
Holotype: Lost (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 6, figs. 53–54).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12343.
Locus typicus: Sophia Jacoba shaft near Hückelhoven, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Hückelhoven beds at a depth of 545 m.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: G. Liebau collected all known specimens of this species and gave them to Voigt. The SEM stub onto which the holotype was fixed shows only a small trace of the holotype. Here, we image specimen SMF 26237 (Voigt collection number 12355), which was figured by Voigt (1999, Pl. 6, figs. 55–56).
Gastropella herrigi Voigt, 1999
*# 1999 Gastropella herrigi n.sp. – Voigt, p. 308, Pl. 6, figs. 47–51.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 6, figs. 47–51).
Original label: Voigt collection number 717.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift deposit near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan limestone of Danian age.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only known specimen of this species. The SEM stub labelled as containing the holotype has an unimaged specimen of a different cheilostome, the SEM stubs apparently having been confused. Unfortunately, none of the specimens from the material of Voigt (1999) can be identified as the holotype of G. herrigi and this specimen must be considered lost. Interpretation of the identity of this species is hampered by the length of the scale bars on the figures of G. herrigi not being indicated by Voigt (1999).
'Porina' hamulifera (Voigt, 1987)
(Fig. 83c–d )
*# 1987a Porina hamulifera n.sp. – Voigt, p. 79, Pl. 20, figs. 24–29.
Holotype: SMF 25590 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 20, fig. 25).
Original label: Voigt collection number 8289.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Pockets in the hardground at the base of the Danian.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole and Ciply in the municipality of Mons, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Voigt (1987a) mentioned that 'old' specimens of Porina hamulifera sometimes possess two adventitious avicularia lateral of the peristome. These were not observed in the holotype or other specimens of the type material available.
Superfamily Celleporoidea Johnston, 1838
Family Phidoloporidae Gabb & Horn, 1862
Genus Reteporella Busk, 1884
Reteporella schuermanni (Buge, 1973)
(Fig. 83e–f )
*# 1973 Sertella schuermanni n.sp. – Buge, p. 43, Pl. 7, figs. 6–7.
Holotype: SMF 26447 (Buge, 1973, Pl. 7, figs. 6–7)
Original label: Unlabeled.
Locus typicus: Miste near Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Miocene, Burdigalian.
Stratigraphical range: Burdigalian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species. The genus Sertella Jullien in Jullien & Calvet, 1903, is a junior synonym of Reteporella Busk, 1884, according to Gordon (1989).
Figure 83: a-b Gastropella gueliebaui Voigt,
1999, SMF 26237, Danian, Sophia Jacoba shaft near Hückelhoven, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. c-d 'Porina' hamulifera (Voigt,
1987), holotype, SMF 25590, Danian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Reteporella schuermanni (Buge, 1973), holotype, SMF 26447, Burdigalian, Miste near Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands. |
Cheilostomata incertae sedis
Genus Bubnoffiella Voigt, 1959
Bubnoffiella suffulta (Marsson, 1887)
(Fig. 84a–b )
# 1839 Eschara lima nob. – Hagenow, p. 266.
# 1839 Cellepora lima nob. – Hagenow, p. 272.
# 1840 Cellepora lima n. – Hagenow, p. 639.
# 1846 Cellepora lima v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 614.
*# 1887 Homalostega suffulta n.sp. – Marsson, p. 95, Pl. X, fig. 4.
# 1913 Homalostega cavernosa sp. nov. – Brydone, p. 98, Pl. IV, figs. 4–6.
# 1925 Monoporella suffulta (Marss.) – Levinsen, p. 400, Pl. VII, fig. 77.
# 1930 Homalostega suffulta Marsson – Voigt, p. 631, Pl. 36, fig. 12, Pl. 37, fig. 1.
# 1959a Bubnoffiella suffulta (Marsson), 1887 – Voigt, p. 11 & 22, Pl. VI, figs. 4–6.
?# 1992 Bubnoffiella suffulta (Marsson, 1887) – Favorskaya, p. 136, Pl. 73, fig. 1.
Holotype: The material of Marsson (1887) belonged to the collections of the Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt (Prussian Geological Land Survey) that Voigt (1982a) reported to have been destroyed during World War II. However, a part of the collection has been recovered (Martha, 2014). If the type material of B. suffulta belongs to the recovered material, the neotype would have to be set aside.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24154 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VI, figs. 4–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2436.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Aalborg, Region Nordjylland, Denmark; Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Bubnoffiella suffulta is the type species of Bubnoffiella Voigt, 1959. Voigt (1959a) regarded both Eschara lima Hagenow, 1839, and Cellepora lima Hagenow, 1839 as senior synonyms, but considered them as nomen nudina as they were not figured by Hagenow and the descriptions were incomplete. Bubnoffiella suffulta was reported from the late Maastrichtian chalk tuff of Saint-Symphorien by Voigt (1957a), and it probably also occurs in the Campanian of the Aral Sea region in northern Uzbekistan according to Favorskaya (1992).
Genus Dysnoetocella Voigt, 1964
Dysnoetocella aenigmatica Voigt, 1964
(Fig. 84c–d )
*# 1964 Dysnoetocella aenigmatica n.sp. – Voigt, p. 464, Pl. XIII, figs. 8–9, Pl. XV, figs. 1–5, Pl. XVI, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: SMF 24194 (Voigt, 1964, Pl. XV, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3660.
Locus typicus: Albert Canal at km 24.0 near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Tuff of Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Boryszew borehole near Boryszew, Gmina Wiązowna, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland; km 23.85 of the Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Dysnoetocella aenigmatica is the type species of Dysnoetocella Voigt, 1964.
Genus Fissuricella Voigt, 1959
Fissuricella fissa (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 84e–f )
*# 1930 Andriopora fissa n.sp. – Voigt, p. 496, Pl. 26, figs. 22–23.
# 1959c Fissuricella fissa (Voigt, 1930) – Voigt, p. 263, Pl. 26, figs. 4–7.
# 1962 Fissuricella fissa (Voigt) – Berthelsen, p. 160, Pl. 18, fig. 2.
# 1971 Fissuricella fissa (Voigt) – Cheetham, Pl. 1, fig. 5.
Holotype: The samples belonging to the first Voigt Collection were destroyed in 1943 in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg.
Locus typicus: Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan limestone of middle Danian age.
Neotype: SMF 24109 (Voigt, 1959c, Pl. 26, fig. 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2962.
Locus neotypicus: Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum neotypicum: Bryozoan limestone of middle Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Herfølge, Køge Kommune; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune (both Zealand Region, Denmark); Island of Saltholm, Capital Region, Denmark; abundant in glacial drift deposits containing flint in northern Germany (e.g., Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany), Limhamn, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Figure 84: a-b Bubnoffiella suffulta (Marsson,
1887), neotype, SMF 24154, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Dysnoetocella aenigmatica Voigt,
1964, holotype, SMF 24194, Danian, Albert Canal at km 24.0 near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium. e-f Fissuricella fissa (Voigt,
1930), neotype, SMF 24109, middle Danian, Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark. |
Fissuricella vermiculata Voigt, 1959
(Fig. 85a–b )
*# 1959c Fissuricella vermiculata n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 261, Pl. 25, figs. 1–4, Pl. 26, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: SMF 24112 (Voigt, 1959c, Pl. 25, figs. 1–4, Pl. 26, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2665.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Chalk tuff of the latest Maastrichtian (Md4), Belemnella casimirovensis belemnite Zone; colony encrusting a fragment of the echinoid Hemipneustes sp.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Fissuricella vermiculata is the type species of Fissuricella Voigt, 1959. An SEM image of this species was used on the cover of the memorial volume for Ehrhard Voigt (Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, volume 257).
Genus Hoeverella Taylor & Voigt, 1992
Hoeverella krauseae Taylor & Voigt, 1992
(Fig. 85c–d )
*# 1992 Hoeverella krauseae sp. nov. – Taylor & Voigt, p. 116, Figs. 1–9.
Holotype: SMF 25959 (Taylor & Voigt, 1992, Figs. 1–9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10551.
Locus typicus: Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Hoeverella krauseae is the type species of Hoeverella Taylor & Voigt, 1992. I. Krause collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt.
Genus Stichopora Hagenow, 1846
Stichopora tristicha Voigt, 1962
(Fig. 85e–f )
*# 1962a Stichopora tristicha n.sp. – Voigt, p. 246, Pl. 28, figs. 1–8.
# 2005 Stichopora tristicha Voigt, 1962 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 551.
Holotype: SMF 24137 (Voigt, 1962a, Pl. 28, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3538.
Locus typicus: Former brick factory in Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposit containing white chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian (Belemnella junior belemnite Zone), Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Figure 85: a-b Fissuricella vermiculata Voigt,
1959, holotype, SMF 24112, late Maastrichtian (Belemnella casimirovensis belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Hoeverella krauseae Taylor & Voigt,
1992, holotype, SMF 25959, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Stichopora tristicha Voigt,
1962, holotype, SMF 24137, late Maastrichtian, Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany. |
Genus Taeniocellaria Voigt, 1966
Taeniocellaria setifera Voigt, 1966
(Fig. 86a–b )
*# 1966 Taeniocellaria setifera n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 415, Pl. 36, Pl. 37, figs. 1–4.
# 1979a Taeniocellaria setifera Voigt, 1966 – Voigt, p. 559, Pl. 3, fig. 7.
Holotype: SMF 24785 (Voigt, 1966, Pl. 36, Pl. 37, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3557.
Locus typicus: Albert Canal near the Château Neercanne, Riemst-Kanne, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Chalk tuff of latest Maastrichtian age (Md4).
Stratigraphical range: Latest Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Taeniocellaria setifera is the type species of Taeniocellaria Voigt, 1966. The only reported specimen of this species is the holotype preserved by bioimmuration together with the holotype of Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt, 1966.
Genus Taenioporella Voigt, 1987
Taenioporella articulata (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 86c–d )
# 1886 Vincularia areolata, Hagenow – Pergens & Meunier, p. 232, Pl. XIII, fig. 1.
*# 1930 Taenioporina articulata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 534, Pl. 37, figs. 17–19.
# 1962 Taenioporina articulata Voigt – Berthelsen, p. 208, Pl. 26, fig. 1.
# 1963 Taenioporina articulata Voigt, 1930 – Veenstra, p. 132, Pl. 8, figs. 15–16.
# 1964 Taenioporina articulata Voigt, 1930 – Voigt, p. 449, Pl. IX, figs. 5–6.
# 1987a Taenioporella articulata (Voigt) – Voigt, p. 89, Pl. 21, figs. 1–10.
# 2005 Taenioporina articulata Voigt, 1930 (Voigt, 1987) – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 551.
Holotype: The samples belonging to the first Voigt Collection were destroyed in 1943 in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg.
Locus typicus: Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark; Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; Annetorp, Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age (Rügen); bryozoan limestone of middle Danian age (Faxe); Danian glacial drift deposits (Annetorp).
Neotype: SMF 25532 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 21, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7624.
Locus neotypicus: Voldum, Favrskov Kommune, Region Midtjylland, Denmark.
Stratum neotypicum: Bryozoan limestone of middle Danian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Late Maastrichtian, Hemmoor and Hemmoor-Basbeck, Lower Saxony, Germany; Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy, France. Danian, Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven; Waterschei borehole, Genk; Eisden shaft near Maasmechelen (all Flanders, Belgium); Mons borehole and Ciply (both Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium); Köthen (Anhalt), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality; Beatrix and Neer boreholes near Neer, Leudal municipality (all Limburg, Netherlands); Boryszew borehole near Boryszew, Gmina Wiązowna, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland. Taenioporina articulata also occurs in Danian sediments throughout Denmark and southern Sweden, and in glacial drift deposits of northern Germany. Thanetian, "Pont Labou" near Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian to Thanetian.
Remarks: Taenioporella articulata is the type species of Taenioporella Voigt, 1987. This species was mistaken for Vincularia areolata Hagenow, 1851, by Pergens and Meunier (1886). The figure of the holotype in Voigt (1987a) is flipped horizontally.
Figure 86: a-b Taeniocellaria setifera Voigt,
1966, holotype, SMF 24785, late Maastrichtian, Albert Canal near the Château Neercanne, Riemst-Kanne, Flanders, Belgium. c-d Taenioporella articulata (Voigt,
1930), neotype, SMF 25532, middle Danian, Voldum in the Favrskov Kommune, Region Midtjylland, Denmark. |
'Amathia immurata Voigt, 1972'
(Fig. 87a–b )
*p# 1972 Amathia immurata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 90, Pl. 17, fig. 1 (non Pl. 17, figs. 2–5).
# 1979a Amathia immurata Voigt, 1972 – Voigt, p. 546.
Holotype: SMF 24412 (Voigt, 1972, Pl. 17, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 4110.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht of late Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype colony is an external mould preserved by bioimmuration on the base of the cyclostome species Idmidronea macilenta (Hagenow, 1851) and is the only fossil representative of Amathia Lamouroux, 1812, known to date. Voigt (1979a) assigned all paratypes of Amathia immurata Voigt, 1972, to the new cheilostome species Laterotecatia pseudamathia Voigt, 1979. Amathia immurata is therefore represented only by this badly preserved colony consisting of two longitudinal rows of autozooids. Its affinity with Amathia and classification as a ctenostome bryozoan are very questionable.
'Harmeriella cretacea Voigt, 1957'
(Fig. 87c–d )
*# 1957b Harmeriella (?) cretacea n.sp. – Voigt, p. 348, Figs. 1–2, 4d, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2.
# 1973 Harmeriella (?) cretacea Voigt, 1957 – Voigt & Soule, p. 31.
Holotype: SMF 26386 (Voigt, 1957b, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2).
Original label: SMF XIX 136.
Locus typicus: Sassnitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species. It consists of borings into the cryptocyst of a colony of the cheilostome Stichomicropora membranacea (Hagenow, 1839) oriented in rows suggesting that they were produced by a boring ctenostome bryozoan. However, Voigt and Soule (1973) were uncertain about the classification of the boring as a ctenostome. The species cannot be treated as a bryozoan and should be reclassified as an ichnotaxon.
Figure 87: a-b 'Amathia immurata Voigt, 1972', 'holotype', SMF 24412, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d 'Harmeriella cretacea Voigt,
1957' [borings in Stichomicropora], 'holotype', SMF 26386, early Maastrichtian, Sassnitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
The following species were treated by Voigt and Soule (1973) as ctenostome bryozoans. However, since they are neither body fossils nor bioimmurations but borings presumably made by ctenostome bryozoans, they are treated here as ichnotaxa. Others (e.g., Pohowsky, 1978) had treated ctenostome borings as body fossils on account of their close correspondence to the morphology of the zooids.
Ichnogenus Foraripora Voigt & Soule, 1973
Foraripora pesavis Voigt & Soule, 1973
(Fig. 88a–b )
*# 1973 Foraripora pesavis n.sp. – Voigt & Soule, p. 29, Pl. 3, figs. 1–7.
# 1978 Foraripora pesavis Voigt & Soule, 1973 – Pohowsky, p. 130, Fig. 4C.
# 1996b Foraripora pesavis Voigt & Soule, 1973 – Voigt, Figs. 16, 26.
Holotype: SMF 24470 (Voigt & Soule, 1973, Pl. 3, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3013.
Locus typicus: Chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Late Campanian.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian to early Maastrichtian.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Hvide Klint, Island of Møn, Zealand Region, Denmark. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Remarks: Foraripora pesavis is the type species of Foraripora Voigt & Soule, 1973. The holotype is a boring in a shell of Inoceramus sp.
Ichnogenus Iramena Boekschoten, 1970
Iramena gosaviensis (Voigt & Soule, 1973)
(Fig. 88c–d )
*# 1973 Penetrantia gosaviensis n.sp. – Voigt & Soule, p. 30, Pl. 4, figs. 1–5.
p# 1978 Penetrantia spp. indet. – Pohowsky, p. 87, Figs. 3A, 6B4, 6D, Pl. 9, figs. 2–10, Pl. 10, figs. 1–4, 7, Pl. 12, figs. 4–6.
non# 1988 Iramena bonaresi nov. icnoesp. – Mayoral, p. 15, Fig. 3, Pl. I, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 24467 (Voigt & Soule, 1973, Pl. 4, figs. 1–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 5706.
Locus typicus: Edelbachgraben near Gosau, Upper Austria, Austria.
Stratum typicum: Late Coniacian or early Santonian.
Stratigraphical range: Late Coniacian or early Santonian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species and bores into a shell of Actaeonella sp. Voigt and Soule (1973) had discussed the affinities of Penetrantia gosaviensis with Iramena Boekschoten, 1970, but did not favour the description of their new species as an ichnofossil. Penetrantia gosaviensis was later considered to be a junior synonym of the new ichnospecies Iramena bonaresi described by by Mayoral (1988) from the Early Pliocene of Andalusia, Spain. However, the huge stratigraphical gap and differences in the morphometry do not favour this synonymy.
Ichnogenus Pinaceocladichnus Mayoral, 1988
Pinaceocladichnus echinicola (Voigt & Soule, 1973)
(Fig. 88e–f )
*# 1973 Terebripora (?) echinicola n.sp. – Voigt & Soule, p. 27, Pl. 2, figs. 4–6.
p# 1978 Orbignyopora archiaci (Fischer), 1866 – Pohowsky, p. 59, Figs. 2G, 3C, Pl. 5, figs. 1–5.
# 2005 Terebripora ? echinicola Voigt & Soule, 1973 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 552.
Holotype: SMF 24472 (Voigt & Soule, 1973, Pl. 2, figs. 4–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 5410.
Locus typicus: Seashore near Sierksdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Further distribution: Campanian or Maastrichtian, glacial drift near Schashagen-Brodau, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposit containing white chalk of Campanian or Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Campanian or Maastrichtian.
Remarks: H. Klages collected all specimens of this species and gave them to Voigt. The holotype bores into a fragment of Echinocorys sp. The affinity of T. (?) echinicola with Terebripora Orbigny, 1847, was questioned by Voigt and Soule (1973) in the original description of the species. Pohowsky (1978) considered it to be a possible junior synonym of Orbignyopora archiaci (Fischer, 1866), but the poor preservation of the material from northern German material does not allow a conclusive opinion.
Figure 88: a-b Foraripora pesavis Voigt & Soule, 1973, holotype, SMF 24470, late Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Iramena gosaviensis (Voigt & Soule, 1973), holotype, SMF 24467, late Coniacian or early Santonian, Edelbachgraben near Gosau, Upper Austria, Austria. e-f Pinaceocladichnus echinicola (Voigt & Soule, 1973), holotype, SMF 24472, Campanian or Maastrichtian, seashore near Sierksdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
We are grateful to Brigitte Lotz and Marie-Louise Tritz for technical assistance. For help with digitization during the course of the DFG project, Alfonso López-Gónzalez, Sandra J. Huber, Christoph Neu, Julian Stake and Kristina Wörzler are thanked. Furthermore, the help of Andreas Allspach is gratefully acknowledged for an introduction to the database SeSam used for digitization and for transfer from SeSam to the new database AQUiLA. Françoise Bigey (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris), Sten L. Jakobsen (Københavns Universitet, København), Peter Schumacher (Museum Helgoland) are thanked for information on the fate of material described by Voigt (1985a), Håkansson and Voigt (1996), and Voigt (1991c), respectively. We are grateful to Max Wisshak for advice regarding the classification of ichnotaxa. For help with searches for bryozoans in the Geologisch-/Paläontologisches Museum, Hamburg, and for loan of specimens, we thank Ulrich Kotthoff, and for loan of bryozoan material from the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin we are grateful to Christian Neumann. Our cooperation partners are gratefully acknowledged for information and images of Voigt types from other collections. Dennis P. Gordon (NIWA, Wellington) and Anna V. Koromyslova (Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow) are thanked for helpful reviews and comments on the manuscript. We thank Bruno Granier for editing our manuscript. Financial support by the DFG Project SCHO 581/12-1 "Enhancing documentation and digitalization of the Bryozoa collection donated by Professor Voigt (1905–2004) to the Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany" is gratefully acknowledged.
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