◄ Carnets Geol. 19 (15) ►
[1. Introduction]
[2. Material and methods]
[3. Systematic palaeontology: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3]
and ... [Bibliographic references]
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitute und Naturmuseen, Sektion Marine Evertebraten III (Bryozoologie), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Former address: Senckenberg am Meer, Abteilung Meeresforschung, Südstrand 40, 26382 Wilhelmshaven (Germany)
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitute und Naturmuseen, Sektion Marine Evertebraten III (Bryozoologie), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Departments of Earth and Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD (UK)
Institut für Geologie, Universität Hamburg, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg (Germany)
Published online in final form (pdf) on October 10, 2019
DOI 10.4267/2042/70498
[Editor: Bruno Granier]
The bryozoan collection of Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany is a world-renowned collection of great scientific value. It is the world's largest collection of fossil bryozoans from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene and a unique archive documenting the evolution of this phylum of marine invertebrates during this time interval in the Boreal Chalk Sea that extended from the British Isles to the Aral Sea in Central Asia.
The Voigt Collection contains over 300,000 specimens and was relocated to the Senckenberg Institute in 2005 according to the bequest of Ehrhard Voigt. As a result of a DFG-funded project, we present here a three-part type catalogue of the holotypes and neotypes of 256 bryozoan species in the Voigt Collection, of which this is Part 2. In total over the three parts, 247 species are re-illustrated but the name-bearing type specimens of 20 species are missing and no material could be found for 9 species. Two species, described as ctenostome bryozoans by Ehrhard Voigt, are questionable, while a further three 'ctenostome' species and one 'ctenostome' genus are considered as ichnotaxa.
• Bryozoa;
• Cheilostomata;
• Cyclostomata;
• Ctenostomata;
• ichnofossils;
• type catalogue;
• palaeontological collections;
• Cretaceous
Martha S.O., Matsuyama K., Scholz J., Taylor P.M. & Hillmer G. (2019).- The bryozoan collection of Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) at the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt. Part 2 - Ctenostomata and non-ascophoran Cheilostomata.- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 19, no. 15, p. 287-344.
La collection de bryozoaires du Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) conservée ŕ l'Institut Senckenberg de Francfort - 2e partie - Cténostomates et Chéilostomates hormis les Ascophores.- La collection de bryozoaires du Prof. Dr Ehrhard Voigt (1905–2004) conservée ŕ l'Institut de recherche Senckenberg de Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) est une collection de renommée mondiale et de grande valeur scientifique. C'est la plus grande collection au monde de bryozoaires fossiles du Crétacé supérieur et du Paléocčne. Elle constitue un patrimoine unique documentant l'évolution de ce phylum d'invertébrés marins au cours de cette période dans la mer de la Craie Boréale qui s'étendait des îles britanniques ŕ la mer d'Aral en Asie centrale.
La collection Voigt qui compte plus de 300.000 spécimens a été transférée en 2005 ŕ l'Institut Senckenberg grâce ŕ un leg testamentaire d'Ehrhard Voigt. Ŕ l'issue d'un programme financé par la DFG, nous présentons ici en trois parties un catalogue des holotypes ou néotypes de quelques 256 espčces de bryozoaires de la collection Voigt, catalogue dont la présente contribution est la deuxičme des trois. 247 espčces sont illustrées ici ŕ nouveau, tandis qu'aucun matériel n'a pu ętre retrouvé pour neuf d'entre elles. Les spécimens-types porte-noms de vingt espčces n'ont pas été retrouvés, Deux espčces, décrites comme des bryozoaires cténostomes par Ehrhard Voigt, sont douteuses, tandis que trois autres espčces "cténostomes" et un genre "cténostome" sont considérés comme des ichnotaxa.
• Bryozoa ;
• Cheilostomata ;
• Cyclostomata ;
• Ctenostomata ;
• ichnofossiles ;
• catalogue des types ;
• collections de paléontologie ;
• Crétacé
Phylum Bryozoa Ehrenberg, 1831
Class Gymnolaemata Allman, 1856
Order Ctenostomata Busk, 1852
Superfamily Arachnidioidea Hincks, 1880
Family Arachnidiidae Hincks, 1880
Genus Arachnidium Hincks, 1862
Arachnidium longicauda Voigt, 1980
(Fig. 33a–b )
*# 1980 Arachnidium longicauda n.sp. – Voigt, p. 742, Figs. 1–3, 4d.
# 1981b Arachnidium longicauda Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 67, fig. 4.
Holotype: SMF 24798 (Voigt, 1980, Figs. 1, 3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9077.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Pockets in the fourth hardground above the Caster horizon IV d in the Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Arachnidium longicauda is preserved by bioimmuration. The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Superfamily Vesicularioidea Hincks, 1880
Family Buskiidae Hincks, 1880
Genus Buskia Alder, 1857
Buskia hachti Voigt, 1979
(Fig. 33c–d )
*# 1979a Buskia hachti n.sp. – Voigt, p. 545, Pl. 1, figs. 4–5.
Holotype: SMF 24782 (Voigt, 1979a, Pl. 1, figs. 4–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7860.
Locus typicus: Clay pit near Puget-sur-Argens, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.
Stratum typicum: Piacencian.
Stratigraphical range: Piacencian, Pliocene.
Remarks: Buskia hachti is preserved by bioimmuration. The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species and was collected by H.J. von Hacht who passed it to Voigt.
Buskia inexspectata Voigt, 1979
(Fig. 33e–f )
*# 1979a Buskia inexspectata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 543, Pl. 1, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 24783 (Voigt, 1979a, Pl. 1, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 8151.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Buskia inexspectata is preserved by bioimmuration. The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Figure 33: a-b Arachnidium longicauda Voigt,
1980, holotype, SMF 24798, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Buskia hachti Voigt, 1979, holotype, SMF 24782, Piacencian, clay pit near Puget-sur-Argens, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. e-f Buskia inexspectata Voigt, 1979, holotype, SMF 24783, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Ctenostomata incertae sedis
Genus Stolonicella Voigt, 1966
Stolonicella filosa Voigt, 1966
(Fig. 34a–b )
*# 1966 Stolonicella filosa n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 417, Pl. 35, fig. 1.
# 1979a Stolonicella filosa Voigt, 1966 – Voigt, p. 553, Pl. 2, figs. 1–2, Pl. 3, figs. 1–2, Pl. 4, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 24163 (Voigt, 1966, Pl. 35, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3903.
Locus typicus: Abandoned Nekami Quarry on the hill Sint-Pietersberg near Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Chalk tuff of the latest Maastrichtian (Md4).
Further distribution: According to Voigt (1979a) in the late Maastrichtian, Kunrade beds near Benzenrade in the Heerlen municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Stolonicella filosa is preserved by bioimmuration on the underside of a colony of Lichenopora sp. The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species. Dr M. Meijer ceded the holotype to Prof. Dr E. Voigt. The holotype has several cracks that were already visible in the image of Voigt (1966).
Stolonicella hillmeri Voigt, 1979
*# 1979a Stolonicella hillmeri n.sp. – Voigt, p. 554, Pl. 3, fig. 3, Pl. 4, figs. 2–3.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1979a, Pl. 3, fig. 3, Pl. 4, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7711 or 7712.
Locus typicus: Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone in the Late Maastrichtian.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Stolonicella hillmeri is preserved by bioimmuration. Prof. Dr G. Hillmer collected the holotype and ceded it to Prof Dr E. Voigt. In the species description, 7712 is indicated as the Voigt collection number of the holotype, but in the figure captions 7711 is indicated instead. However, both samples, i.e., all material of S. hillmeri, could not be found. Both samples were listed in Eiserhardt (1998).
Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt, 1966
(Fig. 34c–d )
*# 1966 Stolonicella schindewolfi n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 416, Pl. 36, Pl. 37, fig. 5.
# 1973a Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt – Voigt, Pl. I, fig. 5.
# 1979a Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt, 1966 – Voigt, p. 552, Pl. 5, figs. 2–3, Pl. 6, figs. 1–7.
# 1981b Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 67, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 24784 (Voigt, 1966, Pl. 36, Pl. 37, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3557.
Locus typicus: Albert Canal near the Château Neercanne, Riemst-Kanne, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Chalk tuff of the latest Maastrichtian (Md4).
Further distribution: According to Voigt (1979a) in the late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg and Blom Quarry near Terblijt (both Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality) as well as Kunrade beds near Benzenrade in the Heerlen municipality (all Limburg, Netherlands).
Remarks: Stolonicella schindewolfi is the type species of Stolonicella Voigt, 1966. It is preserved by bioimmuration. The holotype bioimmures the same sample as the holotype of Taeniocellaria setifera Voigt, 1966. S. schindewolfi has been redescribed in Voigt (1979a, p. 552) after the finding of new material.
Stolonicella westfalica Voigt, 1966
(Fig. 34e–f )
*# 1966 Stolonicella westfalica n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 418, Fig. 6, Pl. 33, fig. 4, Pl. 35, figs. 2–6.
Holotype: SMF 24165 (Voigt, 1966, Fig. 6, Pl. 33, fig. 4, Pl. 35, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3902.
Locus typicus: The former brick factory Becker in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Broich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Bochum (or Soest?) Greensand on the top of the Mytiloides labiatus beds.
Stratigraphical range: Middle Turonian
Remarks: S. westfalica is preserved by bioimmuration. The age of the greensand on top of the labiatus beds is either middle Turonian, if the Bochum Greensand Member is exposed in the outcrop, or late Turonian, if the greensands belong to the Soest Greensand Member instead.
Figure 34: a-b Stolonicella filosa Voigt,
1966, holotype, SMF 24163, late Maastrichtian, Nekami Quarry on the hill Sint-Pietersberg near Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d
Stolonicella schindewolfi Voigt, 1966, holotype, SMF 24784, late Maastrichtian, Albert Canal near the Château Neercanne, Riemst-Kanne, Flanders, Belgium. e-f Stolonicella westfalica Voigt,
1966, holotype, SMF 24165, middle Turonian, former brick factory Becker in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Bro263ich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. |
Order Cheilostomata Busk, 1852
Suborder Membraniporina Ortmann, 1890
Superfamily Membraniporoidea Busk, 1854
Family Chiplonkarinidae Taylor & Gordon, 2007
Genus Chiplonkarina Taylor & Badve, 1995
Chiplonkarina bretoni Taylor & Badve, 1995
(Fig. 35a–b )
*# 1995 Chiplonkarina bretoni sp. nov. – Taylor & Badve, p. 644, Fig. 4, Pl. 2, figs. 2, 4, Pl. 4, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 26543 (Taylor & Badve, 1995, Pl. 4, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10373.
Locus typicus: Carričre du Billot, Notre-Dame-de-Fresnaye near L'Oudon, Normandy, France.
Stratum typicum: Early Cenomanian (Neostlingoceras carcitanense ammonite Zone).
Paratypes: SMF 26544–26561.
Further distribution: Early Cenomanian, Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France; Essen and Mülheim an der Ruhr (both North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany).
Stratigraphical range: Early Cenomanian.
Remarks: This species is the earliest representative of Chiplonkarina Taylor & Badve, 1995.
Family Electridae Orbigny, 1851
Genus Danocella Voigt, 1999
Danocella hakanssoni Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 35c–d )
*# 1999 Danocella hakanssoni n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 303, Pl. 1, figs. 1–10.
Holotype: SMF 26220 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2, 10)
Original label: Voigt collection number 14454.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift deposit near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Further distribution: Earliest Danian, Nye Klřv, Thisted Kommune, Nordjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposit of Danian age.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Danocella hakanssoni is the type species of Danocella Voigt, 1999. The holotype is mounted on a SEM stub with over 150 other specimens (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 1, fig. 10) and is the ninth specimen in the second row. Specimens assigned to D. hakanssoni show high variability in the shape of the autozooids and opesia.
Figure 35: a-b Chiplonkarina bretoni Taylor & Badve, 1995, holotype, SMF 26543, early Cenomanian (Neostlingoceras carcitanense ammonite Zone), Carričre du Billot, Notre-Dame-de-Fresnaye near L'Oudon, Normandy, France. c-d Danocella hakanssoni Voigt, 1999, holotype, SMF 26220, Danian, glacial drift deposit near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany. |
Genus Herpetopora Lang, 1914
Herpetopora titania Voigt, 1949
(Fig. 36a–b )
*# 1949 Herpetopora danica titania n.subsp. – Voigt, p. 9, Pl. 1, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 26257 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 1, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 135.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone (level ksq 2); the colony encrusts a fragment of the echinoid Echinocorys sp.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Herpetopora titania was first established as a subspecies of H. danica Lang, 1914, differing from the latter in being considerably larger and with the margin of the opesia being more subtly denticulated. Thomas and Larwood (1956) regarded the genus Herpetopora Lang, 1914, as a junior synonym of Pyripora Orbigny, 1852, and the same authors (Thomas & Larwood, 1960, p. 381) excluded both H. danica and H. danica titania from Pyripora as they have hyperstomial ovicells and provisionally assigned them to Membranipora Blainville, 1830. Voigt (1982c) questioned the synonymy of Pyripora and Herpetopora. Taylor and McKinney (2006, p. 56) again excluded H. danica from the genus Herpetopora because of the hyperstomial ovicells and suggested assigning the species to the family Calloporidae Norman, 1903. As no ovicells occur in the subspecies titania, it can be retained provisionally in the genus Herpetopora, as Herpetopora titania.
Genus Pyripora Orbigny, 1852
Pyripora huckei Buge, 1973
(Fig. 36c–d )
*# 1973 Pyripora huckei n.sp. – Buge, p. 35, Pl. 5, fig. 6.
# 1982c Pyripora huckei Buge – Voigt, p. 49, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2, Pl. 2, figs. 1–2.
# 2003 Pyripora huckei Buge, 1973 – Zágoršek, p. 129, Pl. 10, figs. 1–2.
# 2005 Pyripora huckei Buge, 1973 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 550.
Holotype: SMF 26440 (Buge, 1973, Pl. 5, fig. 6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7935.
Locus typicus: Plön, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift of Aquitanian age.
Further distribution: Priabonian, Reingruberhöhe near Niederhollabrunn-Bruderndorf, Upper Austria, Austria.
Stratigraphical range: Priabonian to Aquitanian.
Remarks: Dr Kurt Hucke found the holotype of Pyripora huckei and gave it to Voigt. The species was later re-described (Voigt, 1982c) based on a better-preserved specimen (SMF 24899) encrusting the shell of a bivalve, the holotype lacking many of the typical features of this species.
Figure 36: a-b Herpetopora titania Voigt,
1949, holotype, SMF 26257, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Pyripora huckei Buge, 1973, holotype, SMF 26440, Aquitanian, Plön, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Suborder Flustrina Smitt, 1867
Superfamily Buguloidea Gray, 1848
Family Candidae Orbigny, 1851
Genus Bactrellaria Marsson, 1887
Bactrellaria hamulifera Voigt, 1994
(Fig. 37a–b )
*# 1994c Bactrellaria hamulifera Hag. – Voigt, p. 580, Pl. 5, figs. 1–6; Pl. 6, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 26060 (Voigt, 1994c, Pl. 6, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10372.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht (Meerssen Limestone).
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, abandoned van der Zwaan Quarry and ENCI (Eerste Nederlandse Cement Industrie) pit on the hill Sint-Pietersberg; Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality (all Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Genus Eoscrupocellaria Voigt, 1991
Eoscrupocellaria longiopesiata Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 37c–d )
*# 1999 Eoscrupocellaria longiopesiata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 306, Pl. 3, figs. 21–27.
Holotype: SMF 26224 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 3, figs. 21–22).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10471.
Locus typicus: Lime works of Sigerslev north of Stevns Klint, in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan limestone of early Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, glacial drift near Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Danian.
Figure 37: a-b Bactrellaria hamulifera Voigt,
1994, holotype, SMF 26060, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Netherlands. c-d Eoscrupocellaria longiopesiata Voigt, 1999, holotype, SMF 26224, early Danian, lime works of Sigerslev north of Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark. |
Superfamily Calloporoidea Norman, 1903
Family Bryopastoridae D'Hondt & Gordon, 1999
Genus Monticellaria Voigt, 1987
Monticellaria obscura Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 38a–b )
*# 1987a Monticellaria obscura n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 78, Pl. 16, figs. 1–11.
Holotype: SMF 25522 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 16, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7374.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Danian calcarenite.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole and Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Ratheim borehole near Erkelenz, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Monticellaria obscura is the type species of Monticellaria Voigt, 1987.
Genus Pseudothyracella Labracherie, 1975
Pseudothyracella ciplyensis Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 38c–d )
*# 1987a Pseudothyracella ciplyensis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 57, Pl. 18, figs. 15–24.
Holotype: SMF 25523 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 18, fig. 15).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2526.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Pseudothyracella lanceolata (Voigt, 1962)
(Fig. 38e–f )
*# 1962a "Vincularia" lanceolata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 248, Pl. 27, figs. 9–13.
# 2005 "Vincularia" lanceolata Voigt, 1962 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 553.
Holotype: SMF 24132 (Voigt, 1962a, Pl. 27, fig. 9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3533.
Locus typicus: Quarry near Tornesch, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposits containing white chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, glacial drift C containing flint near Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany; glacial drift A containing flint near Wohltorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Figure 38: a-b Monticellaria obscura Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25522, Danian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Pseudothyracella ciplyensis Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25523, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. e-f Pseudothyracella lanceolata (Voigt,
1962), holotype, SMF 24132, late Maastrichtian, quarry near Tornesch, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Genus Thyracella Voigt, 1930
'Thyracella' rectangulata (Voigt, 1987)
(Fig. 39a–b )
*# 1987a "Membranipora" rectangulata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 47, Pl. 10, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 25520 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 10, fig. 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 8106.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, F.P. Mons borehole, Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Thyracella subclavatoides (Voigt, 1987)
(Fig. 39c–d )
*# 1987a "Membranipora" subclavatoides n.sp. – Voigt, p. 48, Pl. 9, figs. 18–23.
Holotype: SMF 25521 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 9, fig. 18).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7631.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, F.P. Mons borehole, Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: On the original box containing the holotype, Voigt classified this species as belonging to Thyracella Voigt, 1930. However, in Voigt (1987a) he provisionally assigned it to "Membranipora" Blainville, 1830, without mentioning Thyracella. As the species fits perfectly into Thyracella as defined by Voigt (1930) and compares well with other species assigned to this genus, we have no hesitation in transferring "M". subclavatoides to Thyracella. The specimens referred to T. subclavatoides in Voigt (1987a) show a broad range of variability and, as assumed by Voigt himself, may represent more than one species, although intermediate stages occur.
Figure 39: a-b 'Thyracella' rectangulata (Voigt,
1987), holotype, SMF 25520, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. c-d Thyracella subclavatoides (Voigt,
1987), holotype, SMF 25521, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. |
Family Calloporidae Norman, 1903
Genus Acanthobaktron Voigt, 1999
Acanthobaktron spinosum Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 40a–b )
*# 1999 Akanthobaktron spinosum n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 304, Pl. 2, figs. 11–16.
Holotype: SMF 26221 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 2, figs. 11–14).
Original label: Voigt collection number 15017 A.
Locus typicus: Lime works of Sigerslev north of Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan limestone of early Danian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Danian.
Remarks: Akanthobaktron spinosum is the type species of Akanthobaktron Voigt, 1999. However, the spelling of the genus varies several times in Voigt (1999) between Acanthobaktron and Akanthobaktron. The holotype is mounted on an SEM stub together with Voigt collection number 15017 B of the same species.
Genus Biaviculigera Voigt, 1989
Biaviculigera exhauriens poculifera (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 40c–d )
*# 1949 Membranipora exhauriens poculifera n. subsp. – Voigt, p. 20, Pl. 5, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 26275 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 5, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 111.
Locus typicus: Marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk marl, Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: This taxon was classified as a subspecies of Membranipora exhauriens (Brydone, 1929) by Voigt (1949), differing from it only in the shape of the avicularia and the larger opesia. It is here provisionally assigned to Biaviculigera Voigt, 1989.
Biaviculigera falaria (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 40e–f )
*# 1949 Membranipora falaria n.sp. – Voigt, p. 17, Pl. 3, figs. 4–5, Pl. 9, fig. 5.
Holotype: SMF 26269 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 3, figs. 4–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 122.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk, Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone (level ksq 3).
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Figure 40: a-b Acanthobaktron spinosum Voigt, 1999, holotype, SMF 26221, early Danian, lime works of Sigerslev north of Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark. c-d Biaviculigera exhauriens poculifera (Voigt, 1949), holotype, SMF 26275, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Biaviculigera falaria (Voigt, 1949), holotype, SMF 26269, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
'Biaviculigera' tripunctata (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 41a–b )
*# 1839 Cellepora tripunctata nob. – Hagenow, p. 269, Pl. IV, fig. 7a–b.
# 1839 Cellepora ?nova nob. – Hagenow, p. 269.
# 1841 Marginaria (Cellepora) tripunctata v. Hag. – Roemer, p. 13.
?# 1929 Membranipora repetita [sp. nov.] – Brydone, p. 16, Pl. I, fig. 5.
# 1959a Membranipora tripunctata (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 15, Pl. V, figs. 2–4.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24152 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. V, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2435.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Biaviculigera voigti Taylor & McKinney, 2006
(Fig. 41c–d )
*# 2006 Biaviculigera voigti sp. nov. – Taylor & McKinney, p. 87, Pl. 57.
Holotype: SMF 26571 (Taylor & McKinney, 2006, Pl. 57).
Original label: Voigt collection number 13958.
Locus typicus: Macon, Mississippi, USA.
Stratum typicum: Demopolis Chalk.
Paratype: SMF 26571 (encrusting same shell as holotype).
Stratigraphical range: Campanian.
Genus Dionella Medd, 1965
Dionella subboletiformis (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 41e–f )
*# 1949 Membranipora boletiformis subboletiformis n.sp. [sic] – Voigt, p. 18, Pl. 2, figs. 2–3.
Holotype: SMF 26263 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 2, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 127.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone (levels ksq 2–4).
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Membranipora boletiformis subboletiformis was classified as a subspecies of M. boletiformis Brydone, 1914, by Voigt (1949). Brydone's species was subsequently considered a junior synonym of Dionella trifaria (Hagenow, 1846) by Medd (1965). Medd (1965; p. 496) also regarded the subspecies subboletiformis as a possible junior synonym of D. trifaria. However, compared to the neotype of D.trifaria, D. subboletiformis clearly differs in the large number of spine bases surrounding the mural rim, although in the broad definition of D. trifaria provided by Medd (1965) D. subboletiformis would have to be considered a junior synonym of D. trifaria.
Figure 41: a-b 'Biaviculigera' tripunctata (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 24152, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Biaviculigera voigti Taylor & McKinney, 2006, holotype, SMF 26571, Campanian, Macon, Mississippi, United States of America. e-f Dionella subboletiformis (Voigt, 1949), holotype, SMF 26263, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Dionella trifaria (Hagenow, 1846)
(Fig. 42a–b )
*# 1846 Cellepora trifaria v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 617, Pl. XXIII. b, fig. 40.
# 1906 Membranipora griffithi, sp. nov. – Brydone, p. 293, Fig. 1.
# 1914a Membranipora boletiformis, sp. nov. – Brydone, p. 346, Pl. XXVI, figs. 5–6.
# 1914a Membranipora griffithi, mihi – Brydone, p. 347, Pl. XXVI, figs. 7–8.
# 1925 Membranipora triforia [sic] (v. Hag.) – Levinsen, p. 333, Pl. III, fig. 27a–b.
# 1929 Membranipora bradingensis [sp. nov.] – Brydone, p. 29, Pl. IX, fig. 4.
# 1929 Membranipora retrorsa [sp. nov.] – Brydone, p. 29, Pl. IX, fig. 5.
# 1930 Membranipora griffithi Brydone– Voigt, p. 421, Pl. 10, fig. 13.
# 1959a Membranipora trifaria (v. Hagenow), 1846 – Voigt, p. 55, Pl. VI, fig. 2.
# 1962b Membranipora trifaria (Hagenow), 1846 – Voigt, p. 30, Pl. 12, fig. 3.
# 1965 Dionella trifaria (Von Hagenow) – Medd, p. 496, Pl. 67, figs. 1–6, Pl. 68, figs. 1–6.
# 1991a Dionella trifaria (v. Hagenow, 1846) – Voigt, p. 189, Pl. 10, fig. 5.
Syntypes: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26402 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VI, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 401.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Campanian, Seaford, East Sussex and Brading, Isle of Wight (both England, United Kingdom). Middle Campanian, Island of Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Aalborg and Gudumlund near Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark; Khvalynsk, Saratov Oblast, Russia. Late Maastrichtian, Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian to late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Dionella trifaria is the type species of Dionella Medd, 1965.
Genus Flustrellaria Orbigny, 1853
Flustrellaria capuloides (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 42c–d )
*# 1949 Membranipora capuloides n.sp. – Voigt, p. 15, Pl. 2, figs. 4–5.
Holotype: SMF 26265 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 2, figs. 4–5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 119.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk, Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species and, unfortunately, is not well preserved. Flustrellaria capuloides resembles Marginaria capulus (Levinsen, 1925) but differs from it in the structure of the avicularia and in having two different types of spines. Marginaria capulus was assigned to the genus Marginaria Roemer, 1841, by Voigt (1989b), while the similar F. capuloides was not mentioned. Both Marginaria and Flustrellaria Orbigny, 1853, can have circumopesial spines, although they are not mandatory in Marginaria. Dimorphism of the circumopesial spines is also known in the type species of Marginaria, M. elliptica (Hagenow, 1839) from the Maastrichtian (Voigt, 1989b). However, spine bases are much more numerous in F. capuloides. As avicularia in species of the genus Marginaria are more frequent and often clustered between autozooids, we assign capuloides to the genus Flustrellaria pending a comprehensive revision of the calloporid genera.
Flustrellaria flammula (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 42e–f )
*# 1949 Membranipora flammula n.sp. – Voigt, p. 16, Pl. 3, figs. 2–3.
Holotype: SMF 26268 (Voigt, 1949; Pl. 3, figs. 2–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 117.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk, Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone (levels ksq 3 and ksq 4).
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Flustrellaria flammula was regarded as a probable junior synonym of Dionella trigonopora (Marsson, 1887) by Medd (1965, p. 503). However, the absence of distal interzooecial avicularia and other characters clearly distinguishes F. flammula from D. trigonopora (Voigt, 1967). Despite the oral spine bases mentioned in Voigt (1949), additional spine bases are observable in some autozooids, which justify assignment of the species to the genus Flustrellaria Orbigny, 1853, pending revision of calloporid cheilostomes.
Figure 42: a-b Dionella trifaria (Hagenow, 1846), neotype, SMF 26402, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Flustrellaria capuloides (Voigt,
1949), holotype, SMF 26265, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. e-f Flustrellaria flammula (Voigt,
1949), holotype, SMF 26268, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Flustrellaria tegulata (Voigt, 1987)
(Fig. 43a–b )
*# 1987a Callopora tegulata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 38, Pl. 10, figs. 6–10.
Holotype: SMF 25524 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 10, fig. 9).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2802.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Filling of a burrow in the earliest Danian.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Sint-Pietersberg near Maastricht, Limburg; Netherlands. Danian, Mons borehole and Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Waterschei borehole in Genk and Eisden shaft near Maasmechelen, Flanders, Belgium; pisolith limestone near Vigny, Île-de-France, France; Beatrix borehole near Neer, Leudal municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian to Danian.
Remarks: In the figure captions, 2202 is mistakenly indicated as the Voigt collection number of the holotype.
Genus Kunradocella Voigt & Hillmer, 1996
Kunradocella kunradensis (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 43c–d )
?# 1852 Semiflustrella ornata d'Orb. – Orbigny, Pl. 731, figs. 1–4.
?# 1853 Semiflustrella ornata d'Orb., 1851 [sic] – Orbigny, p. 566.
?# 1900 Onychocella (Ogiva) ? inornata [(d'Orbigny, 1851)] [sic] – Canu, p. 405, Pl. 4, fig. 7.
*# 1930 Membranipora kunradensis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 425, Pl. 11, fig. 2.
# 1951 Membranipora kunradensis Voigt, 1930 – Voigt, p. 58, Pl. 9, figs. 7–8.
# 1979b 'Membranipora' kunradensis Voigt, 1930 – Voigt, p. 36, Pl. 1, fig. 6.
# 1987 Membranipora kunradensis Voigt, 1930 – Favorskaya, p. 82, Pl. 1, fig. 1.
# 1996 Kunradocella kunradensis (Voigt, 1930) – Voigt & Hillmer, p. 361, Figs. 1B–E, 2A–E.
Syntypes: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan-rich layers of the Kunrade Limestone.
Neotype: SMF 26354 (Voigt, 1951, Pl. 9, fig. 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 304.
Locus neotypicus: Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: Bryozoan-rich rubbly limestone, Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Sainte-Colombe, Manche, Normandy, France; Pitnak Ridge near the Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex, Lebap Region, Turkmenistan.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Kunradocella kunradensis is the type species of Kunradocella Voigt & Hillmer, 1996. These authors regarded Semiflustrella ornata Orbigny, 1852, as probable senior synonym of K. kunradensis, but declared S. ornata as a nomen dubium as the drawing in the atlas of Paléontologie française (Orbigny, 1852c) shows striking differences from the specimen described in the text livraison (Orbigny, 1853).
Genus Marginaria Roemer, 1841
Marginaria elliptica (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 43e–f )
*# 1839 Cellepora elliptica nob. – Hagenow, p. 268, Pl. IV, fig. 6a–b.
# 1841 Marginaria (Cellepora) elliptica v. Hag. – Roemer, p. 13.
non# 1842 Marginaria (Cellepora) elliptica v. Hag. – Geinitz, p. 93, Pl. XXII, fig. 16a, B.
# 1846 Cellepora elliptica v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 616.
non# 1846 Marginaria elliptica Roemer [sic] – Reuss, p. 68, Pl. XV, figs. 17–18.
non# 1872 Membranipora elliptica Hag. sp. – Reuss, p. 101, Pl. 24, figs. 4–5.
non# 1874a Membranipora elliptica Hag. sp. – Reuss, p. 128.
non# 1874b Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. sp. – Reuss, Pl. 9, figs. 1–2.
non# 1877 Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. sp. – Novák, p. 89, Pl. II, figs. 11–16.
non# 1887 Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. sp. – Frech, p. 150.
p# 1887 Membranipora elliptica v. Hagenow sp. – Marsson, p. 57.
non# 1889 Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. – Frič, p. 90, Fig. 95.
non# 1890a Membranipora elliptica ? Hagenow – Vine, p. 385.
non# 1890b Membranipora elliptica (?) (Hagenow) – Vine, p. 485.
non# 1892 Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. sp. – Hennig, p. 13, Pl. 1, figs. 1–2.
non# 1892 Membranipora elliptica v. Hag. sp. – Počta, p. 30.
non# 1895 Membranipora elliptica n.sp. – MacGillivray, p. 35, Pl. IV, fig. 12.
non# 1900 Membranipora elliptica Reuss [sic] – Canu, p. 354.
non# 1903 Membranipora elliptica Rss. [sic] – Canu, p. 661, Pl. XXI, fig. 6.
non# 1904 Membranipora elliptica Hag. [1839] – Canu, p. 13, Pl. XXXIII, fig. 1.
non# 1907 Membranipora elliptica Hag., 1839 – Canu, p. 61, Pl. I, fig. 17 (imaged as Membranipora elliptica Reuss).
# 1907 Membranipora elliptica Hag. – Levinsen, Fig. 8.
non# 1909 Membranipora elliptica Hagenow, 1839 – Canu, p. 444, Pl. XV, fig. 4.
non# 1911 Membranipora elliptica, Hag. sp. – Frič, p. 61, Fig. 225A–D.
non# 1912 Membranipora elliptica Reuss, 1847 [sic] – Canu, p. 194, Pl. X, figs. 4–8.
non# 1921 Electra elliptica Reuss, 1874 [sic] – Cipolla, p. 23, Pl. I, fig. 5.
non# 1924a Membranipora elliptica v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 191.
# 1925 Membranipora elliptica (v. Hag.) – Levinsen, p. 317, Pl. I, fig. 12a–b.
non# 1927 Electra elliptica Hag. – Zuffardi Comerci, p. 22, Pl. II, fig. 1.
# 1930 Membranipora elliptica v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 419, Pl. 3, figs. 11–12.
# 1935 Marginaria elliptica Roemer, 1841 [sic] – Bassler, p. 143.
non# 1936 Membranipora elliptica Reuss, 1872 – Allčgre, p. 97.
non# 1939 Membranipora elliptica — Reuss 1872 [sic] – Allčgre, p. 164.
p# 1939 Membranipora ambigua nom. nov. – Allčgre, p. 164.
non# 1958 Membranipora elliptica von Hagenow, 1839 – Ducasse, p. 19, Pl. I, fig. 2.
# 1959a Membranipora elliptica (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 14, Fig. 2.
non# 1976 Marginaria elliptica (Hagenow), 1838 [sic] – Chiplonkar & Ghare, p. 64, Pl. V, fig. 13.
# 1989b Marginaria elliptica (v. Hagenow, 1839) – Voigt, p. 29, Pl. 3, figs. 1–4.
non# 2006 Marginaria elliptica Roemer, 1841 [sic] – Zágoršek & Vodrážka, p. 168, Pl. 3, fig. 4.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26417 (Voigt, 1959a, Fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 669.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Maastrichtian, Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany; glacial drift containing white chalk or flint in northern Germany. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark; Saturn pit near Kronsmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Late Maastrichtian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Kvarnby, Husie district, Malmö, Skĺne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Marginaria elliptica is the type species of Marginaria Roemer, 1841. When Roemer first erected it, he assigned C. elliptica and seven other species to it without selecting a type species. Marginaria elliptica was chosen as the type species by Bassler (1935). Voigt (1959a), when selecting a neotype for the species, rejected Bassler's assignment because Bassler (1935) had provided no description of Marginaria and therefore Voigt assigned M. elliptica to Membranipora Blainville, 1830. Subsequently, however, Voigt (1989b) accepted M. elliptica as the type species of Marginaria and provided a comprehensive revision of the genus. The SEM images of a specimen purported to be the neotype of M. elliptica were figured by Voigt (1989b) in Pl. 3, figs. 2–3. However, the specimen shown on these images is not the neotype but Voigt collection number 10657 (=SMF 25838). This specimen shows spine bases on the gymnocyst of the avicularium, which are not evident in the neotype. The specimen figured by Zágoršek and Vodrážka (2006) from the Turonian of the Czech Republic is not conspecific with M. elliptica as avicularia are rare and have a pivotal bar, which is not present in the true M. elliptica.
Figure 43: a-b Flustrellaria tegulata (Voigt, 1987), holotype, SMF 25524, earliest Danian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Kunradocella kunradensis (Voigt,
1930), neotype, SMF 26354, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Marginaria elliptica (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26417, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Marginaria sarthacensis Voigt, 1989
(Fig. 44a–b )
*# 1989b Marginaria sarthacensis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 36, Pl. 6, figs. 1–4.
Holotype: SMF 26104 (Voigt, 1989b, Pl. 6, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10998.
Locus typicus: Saint-Calais, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France.
Stratum typicum: Chalk marl containing Terebratula carantonensis.
Stratigraphical range: Late Cenomanian.
Genus Pachybaktropora Voigt, 1999
Pachybaktropora uniserialis Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 44c–d )
*# 1999 Pachybaktropora uniserialis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 310, Pl. 7, figs. 62–73.
Holotype: SMF 26243 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 7, figs. 62–63).
Original label: Voigt collection number 14213.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift deposit near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift of Danian age.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Pachybaktropora uniserialis is the type species of Pachybaktropora Voigt, 1999.
Genus Pithodella Marsson, 1887
Pithodella impar Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 44e–f )
*# 1987a Pithodella impar n.sp. – Voigt, p. 40, Pl. 11, figs. 1–4.
Holotype: SMF 25525 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 11, fig. 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7506.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole and F.P. Mons borehole in Mons and Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Waterschei borehole in Genk; Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven (both Flanders, Belgium); Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality; Beatrix borehole near Neer, Leudal municipality (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Figure 44: a-b Marginaria sarthacensis Voigt,
1989, holotype, SMF 26104, late Cenomanian, Saint-Calais, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France. c-d Pachybaktropora uniserialis Voigt,
1999, holotype, SMF 26243, Danian, Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Pithodella impar Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25525, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. |
Genus Stamenocella Canu & Bassler, 1917
Stamenocella marlierei Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 45a–b )
*# 1987a Stamenocella marlierei n.sp. – Voigt, p. 41, Pl. 11, figs. 5–13.
Holotype: SMF 25526 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 11, fig. 8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2543.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds (Tuffeau de la Malogne) of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole and F.P. Mons borehole, Mons and Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Waterschei borehole in Genk; Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven; Eisden shaft near Maasmechelen (all Flanders, Belgium); Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality; Beatrix borehole near Neer, Leudal municipality (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Genus Unidistelopora Ostrovsky & Taylor, 2004
Unidistelopora krauseae (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986)
(Fig. 45c–d )
*# 1986 Allantopora krauseae n.sp. – Voigt & Schneemilch, p. 114, Pl. 1, figs. 1–7.
# 2004 Unidistelopora krauseae (Voigt and Schneemilch, 1986) – Ostrovsky & Taylor, p. 784, Pl. 4, figs. 1–6.
# 2005 Unidistelopora krauseae (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986) – Ostrovsky & Taylor, p. 325, Figs. 5A, B, 21D, 24P.
# 2013 Unidistelopora krauseae (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986) – Ostrovsky, Figs. 2.10A, B.
Holotype: SMF 25912 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 1, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11025.
Locus typicus: Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk marl.
Further distribution: Early Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Unidistelopora krauseae is the type species of Unidistelopora Ostrovsky & Taylor, 2004. I. Krause collected the holotype, which encrusts a fragment of octocoral, and gave it to Voigt.
Genus Wilbertopora Cheetham, 1954
Wilbertopora brandesi (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 45e–f )
*# 1930 Membranipora brandesi n.sp. – Voigt, p. 424, Pl. 4, fig. 12.
# 2014 Membranipora brandesi Voigt, 1930 – Martha, Fig. 8A–B.
# 2015 Wilbertopora brandesi (Voigt, 1930) – Martha et al., p. 701, Figs. 8a–g, 9.
Holotype: SMF 29999 (Voigt, 1930, Pl. 4, fig. 12).
Original label: 3/7.
Locus typicus: Abandoned quarry of the former iron-ore mine of Bülten-Adenstedt near Ilsede-Groß Bülten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glauconitic arenaceous limestone of the Gehrden Formation, Gonioteuthis westfalica belemnite Zone, middle Santonian.
Stratigraphical range: Middle Santonian.
Remarks: The holotype belongs to the Brandes Collection and is the only specimen from Voigt (1930) that could be recovered (Martha, 2014).
Figure 45: a-b Stamenocella marlierei Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25526, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. c-d Unidistelopora krauseae (Voigt & Schneemilch,
1986), holotype, SMF 25912, early Campanian, Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Wilbertopora brandesi (Voigt,
1930), holotype, SMF 29999, middle Santonian (Gonioteuthis westfalica belemnite Zone), abandoned quarry of the former iron-ore mine of Bülten-Adenstedt near Ilsede-Groß Bülten, Lower Saxony, Germany. |
Wilbertopora capsula (Voigt, 1949)
(Fig. 46a–b )
*# 1949 Membranipora capsula n.sp. – Voigt, p. 14, Pl. 3, fig. 1, Pl. 4, fig. 6.
Holotype: SMF 26267 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 3, fig. 1, Pl. 4, fig. 6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 114.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian, Lüneburg-Zeltberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Wilbertopora capsula resembles Membranipora cuculligera Brydone, 1914, which has similar avicularia, but has smaller autozooids and no spine bases.
Wilbertopora oxyteichos (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 46c–d )
*# 1930 Membranipora (Membraniporidra) oxyteichos n.sp. – Voigt, p. 427, Pl. 5, figs. 7–8.
# 1949 Membranipora oxyteichos Voigt – Voigt, p. 12, Pl. 2, fig. 1.
?# 1958 Membranipora oxyteichos Voigt, 1930 – Ducasse, p. 36, Pl. II, fig. 8.
Syntypes: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone).
Neotype: SMF 26262 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 2, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 153.
Locus neotypicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Belemnitella mucronata senior belemnite Zone), Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Family Chaperiidae Jullien, 1888
Genus Amphiblestrella Prud'homme, 1961
Amphiblestrella elegans (Hagenow, 1851)
(Fig. 46e–f )
*# 1851 Siphonella elegans, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 84.
# 1851 Siphonella gracilis, Hag. – Hagenow, Pl. VI, fig. 7.
# 1851 Flustrella baculina d'Orb., 1851 [sic] – Hagenow, p. 291, Pl. 699, figs. 4–6.
# 1886 Membranipora elegans, Hagenow – Pergens & Meunier, p. 239.
# 1887 Membranipora elegans v. Hagenow sp. – Marsson, p. 59.
# 1925 Membranipora elegans (v. Hag.) – Levinsen, p. 338, Pl. III, fig. 32a–b.
# 1925 Membranipora elegans (v. Hag.). var. faxensis – Levinsen, p. 339.
# 1930 Amphiblestrum elegans v. Hag. – Voigt, p. 448, Pl. 13, figs. 13–16.
# 1961 Amphiblestrella elegans (von Hagenow), 1851 – Prud'homme, p. 949.
# 1962 Amphiblestrum elegans (v. Hagenow) and Amphiblestrum elegans faxensis (Levinsen) – Berthelsen, p. 100, Pl. 9, figs. 1–5.
# 1963 Amphiblestrella elegans (von Hagenow, 1851) – Veenstra, p. 104, Pl. 3, fig. 14.
# 1968c Amphiblestrella elegans (von Hagenow) – Voigt, p. 20, Pl. 4, figs. 1–3.
# 1979 Ellisina elegans (von Hagenow) – Medd, p. 20, Pl. 3, figs. 2–7.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Neotype: SMF 26473 (Medd, 1979, Pl. 3, figs. 2–6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3606.
Locus neotypicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum neotypicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht, late Maastrichtian
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Meudon, Île-de-France, France. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Late Maastrichtian, Chef-du-Pont, Néhou and Sainte-Colombe, Manche, Normandy, France; Tornesch, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Danian, Faxe quarries; Herfřlge, Křge Kommune; Kagstrup, Solrřd Kommune; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune (all Zealand Region, Denmark); Island of Saltholm and Torslunde near Taastrup, Capital Region, Denmark; Voldum, Favrskov Kommune, Midtjylland Region, Denmark; Klintholm, island of Funen, South Denmark Region, Denmark; Köthen (Anhalt), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian to Danian.
Figure 46: a-b Wilbertopora capsula (Voigt,
1949), holotype, SMF 26267, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Wilbertopora oxyteichos (Voigt,
1930), holotype, SMF 26267, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. e-f Amphiblestrella elegans (Hagenow, 1851), neotype, SMF 26473, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Amphiblestrella ringens (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 47a–b )
?*# 1839 Cellepora ringens nob. – Hagenow, p. 278.
non# 1841 Discopora (Cellepora) ringens v. Hagenow – Roemer, p. 12.
# 1851 Cellepora (Discop.) ringens, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 92, Pl. XI, fig. 8.
# 1887 Semieschara ringens v. Hagenow sp. – Marsson, p. 74.
# 1892 Periteichisma ringens v. Hag. sp. – Hennig, p. 23, Pl. 1, fig. 9.
p# 1910 Membranipora Britannica, mihi – Brydone, p. 76, Pl. VIII, fig. 4 (non Pl. VIII, fig. 3).
# 1910 Membranipora Britannica, var. demissa, nov. – Brydone, p. 77, Pl. VIII, fig. 6.
p# 1916 Membranipora demissa, nov. – Brydone, p. 98, Pl. VI, fig. 5.
# 1930 Amphiblestrum ringens v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 447, Pl. 13, figs. 8–9.
?# 1930 Amphiblestrum ringens v. Hag. nov. var. major – Voigt, p. 447, Pl. 13, fig. 10.
# 1936 Semieschara tumefacta, nov. – Brydone, p. 81, Pl. XXXIX, fig. 12.
# 1959a Amphiblestrum ringens (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 31.
# 1961 Amphiblestrella ringens (von Hagenow), 1839 – Prud'homme, p. 947.
# 1963 Amphiblestrella ringens (von Hagenow, 1839) – Veenstra, p. 103, Pl. 3, fig. 13.
?# 1963 Amphiblestrella ringens (von Hagenow), var. major Voigt, 1930 – Veenstra, p. 104.
# 1967 Amphiblestrella ringens (v. Hagenow, 1839) – Voigt, p. 14, Pl. 3, figs. 1–2.
# 1979 Ellisina ringens (von Hagenow) – Medd, p. 17, Fig. 5, Pl. 2, figs. 7–11, Pl. 3, fig. 1, Pl. 4, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26471 (Medd, 1979, Pl. 2, figs. 7–8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3605.
Locus neotypicus: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Campanian,: Balsberg north of Kristianstad; Maltesholms slott near Kristianstad; Annetorp, Malmö (all Skĺne län, Sweden). Late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Sweden. Early Maastrichtian, unspecified locality along the Emba River (Kazakh: Ембі or Жем; Russian: Эмба), Aktobe or Mangystau Province, Kazakhstan; "Teschewa" Gorge, Kopet Dag Mountains, northwest of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan; Studland, Dorset; Weybourne, Norfolk (both England, United Kingdom) and several other localities in southern and eastern England. Late Maastrichtian, "Teschewa" Gorge, Kopet Dag Mountain range, northwest of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan; Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom and several other localities in southern and eastern England.
Stratigraphical range: Campanian to Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Amphiblestrella ringens is the type species of Amphiblestrella Prud'homme, 1961, the validity of which has been disputed by Medd (1979).
Family Quadricellariidae Gordon, 1984
Genus Cellarinidra Orbigny, 1854
Cellarinidra fertilis Voigt, 1989
(Fig. 47c–d )
*# 1989b Cellarinidra fertilis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 75, Pl. 16, figs. 15–17.
Holotype: SMF 26105 (Voigt, 1989b, Pl. 16, fig. 16).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11160.
Locus typicus: Quarry north of Předboj, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic.
Stratum typicum: Transgressive sediments above crystalline basement (Actinocamax plenus ammonite Zone, early Turonian).
Stratigraphical range: Early Turonian.
Remarks: In the figure caption for Pl. 16, fig. 16, 10993B is indicated as the Voigt collection number of the holotype. However, this specimen is imaged in Pl. 16, fig. 13 as Cellarinidra turonensis (Orbigny, 1851). The correct Voigt collection number for the holotype of C. fertilis is 11160.
Genus Nellia Busk, 1852
'Nellia' schmidti (Voigt, 1962)
(Fig. 47e–f )
*# 1962a Callopora schmidti n.sp. – Voigt, p. 245, Pl. 27, figs. 14–18.
# 2005 Callopora schmidti Voigt, 1962 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 534.
Holotype: SMF 24140 (Voigt, 1962a, Pl. 27, fig. 18).
Original label: Voigt collection number 3541.
Locus typicus: Either a former brick factory in Oststeinbek-Havighorst, Schleswig-Holstein, or glacial drift H, Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposit containing white chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, glacial drift A containing flint, gravel pit near Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Voigt (1962a) indicated a former brick factory in Havighorst as the type locality, whereas the original label of the holotype indicates that the specimen came from the glacial drift H near Neu Wulmstorf, which is situated about 25 km southwest of Havighorst.
Figure 47: a-b Amphiblestrella ringens (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26471, late Maastrichtian, Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Cellarinidra fertilis Voigt,
1989, holotype, SMF 26105, early Turonian (Actinocamax plenus ammonite Zone), quarry north of Předboj, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic. e-f 'Nellia' schmidti (Voigt, 1962), holotype, SMF 24140, late Maastrichtian, either from a former brick factory in Oststeinbek-Havighorst, Schleswig-Holstein or from Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany. |
Superfamily Cellarioidea Lamouroux, 1821
Family Cellariidae Lamouroux, 1821
Genus Hemistylus Voigt, 1928
Hemistylus dissimilis Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 48a–b )
*# 1987a Hemistylus dissimilis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 75, Pl. 16, figs. 14–26.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 16, figs. 14–15).
Original label: Voigt collection number 8051.
Locus typicus: Sophia Jacoba shaft near Hückelhoven, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Danian calcarenite.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole, Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Beatrix borehole and Neer borehole near Neer, Leudal municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998). Here, we image specimen SMF 25537 (Voigt collection number 8211), which was figured by Voigt (1987a, Pl. 16, figs. 24–26).
Superfamily Microporoidea Gray, 1848
Family Coscinopleuridae Canu, 1913
Genus Acoscinopleura Voigt, 1956
Acoscinopleura crassa Koromyslova et al., 2018
(Fig. 48c–d )
*# 2018 Acoscinopleura crassa sp. nov. – Koromyslova et al., p. 256, Figs. 3i–j, 7a–m.
Holotype: SMF 29950 (Koromyslova et al., 2018, Figs. 3i–j, 7a–f).
Original label: None.
Locus typicus: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the late Maastrichtian.
Paratypes: SMF 29951–29952.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early to late Maastrichtian.
Acoscinopleura dualis Koromyslova et al., 2018
(Fig. 48e–f )
p# 1956 Acoscinopleura fallax n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 54, Pl. 10, figs. 3, 6–7 (non Pl. 10, figs. 1–2, 4–5).
*# 2018 Acoscinopleura dualis sp. nov. – Koromyslova et al., p. 253, Figs. 3g–h, 6a–j.
Holotype: SMF 24098 (Koromyslova et al., 2018, Figs. 3g–h, 6a–h).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2384.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Belemnella lanceolata belemnite Zone (early Maastrichtian).
Paratypes: SMF 24092–24093.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Hemmoor-Basbeck, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early to late Maastrichtian.
Figure 48: a-b Hemistylus dissimilis Voigt,
1987, SMF 25537, early Danian, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region. c-d Acoscinopleura crassa Koromyslova et al., 2018, holotype, SMF 29950, late Maastrichtian, Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Acoscinopleura dualis Koromyslova et al., 2018, holotype, SMF 24098, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 49a–b )
?# 1840 Eschara gladiiformis nob. – Hagenow, p. 645.
?# 1930 Coscinopleura lamourouxi v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 491, Pl. 25, fig. 18.
*p# 1956 Acoscinopleura fallax n.sp. – Voigt, p. 54, Pl. 10, fig. 1 (non Pl. 10, figs. 2–7).
?# 1959a Eschara gladiiformis v. Hag. = Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956 – Voigt, p. 47.
?# 1969 Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956 – Maryańska, p. 115, Pl. XI, fig. 1.
?# 1992 Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956 – Favorskaya, p. 130, Pl. 69, figs. 6–8.
non# 2015 Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956 – Koromyslova et al., p. 55, Fig. 1Д–Ж.
# 2018 Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt, 1956 – Koromyslova et al., p. 258, Figs. 3k, 8a–h.
Holotype: SMF 24097 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 10, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2389.
Locus typicus: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone in the late Maastrichtian.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Voigt (1959a) regarded Acoscinopleura fallax as a junior synonym of Eschara gladiiformis Hagenow, 1840, after examining material recovered from the Hagenow collection. However, as Hagenow (1840) had provided no images of E. gladiiformis and the description was inaccurate, he considered E. gladiiformis as a nomen nudum. In the species description (Voigt, 1956), Stubbenkammer on the island of Rügen is named as the type locality, whereas the original label of the specimen and the figure captions indicate that the specimen is from the Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone of the Hemmoor white chalk. Koromyslova et al. (2018) re-examined the type material and restricted A. fallax to the holotype only.
Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt, 1930)
(Fig. 49c–d )
# 1925 Rhagasostoma elegans (v. Hag.). Varietet b – Levinsen, p. 369.
*# 1930 Coscinopleura foliacea n.sp. – Voigt, p. 491, Pl. 25, fig. 19, Pl. 39, fig. 8.
?# 1933 Coscinopleura foliacea Voigt – Schönfelder, p. 93, Pl. XIV, figs. 23a–b.
# 1956 Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt), 1930 – Voigt, p. 52, Pl. 8, figs. 6–7, Pl. 9, figs. 3–5.
# 2015 Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt, 1930) – Koromyslova et al., p. 55, Fig. 1А–Г.
# 2018 Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt, 1930) – Koromyslova et al., p. 245, Figs. 2a–m, 3a–b.
Holotype: The samples belonging to the first Voigt Collection were destroyed in 1943 in a fire of the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26417 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 8, fig. 6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 933.
Locus neotypicus: Stubbenkammer, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Phosphatic Chalk near Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Acoscinopleura foliacea is the type species of Acoscinopleura Voigt, 1956.
Acoscinopleura occulta Koromyslova et al., 2018
(Fig. 49e–f )
p# 1956 Acoscinopleura fallax n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 54, Pl. 10, figs. 2, 4–5 (non Pl. 10, figs. 1, 3, 6–7).
*# 2018 Acoscinopleura dualis sp. nov. – Koromyslova et al., p. 259, Figs. 3l, 9a–o.
Holotype: SMF 24086 (Koromyslova et al., 2018, Figs. 3l, 9a–i).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2385.
Locus typicus: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the late Maastrichtian.
Paratypes: SMF 24099, 24104.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Figure 49: a-b Acoscinopleura fallax Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24097, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Acoscinopleura foliacea (Voigt,
1930), neotype, SMF 26417, early Maastrichtian, Stubbenkammer on the island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Acoscinopleura occulta Koromyslova et al., 2018, holotype, SMF 24086, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany. |
Acoscinopleura rimosa Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 50a–b )
*# 1956 Acoscinopleura rimosa n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 55, Pl. 11, figs. 1–7.
# 1979b Acoscinopleura rimosa Voigt, 1956 – Voigt, p. 50, Pl. 10, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: SMF 24096 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 11, figs. 5–7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2416.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Phosphatic Chalk.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany; Kunrade beds near Benzenrade, Heerlen municipality; Voerendaal-Kunrade (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype is broken into two large and two small fragments, but all features of the species are still recognizable.
Acoscinopleura rugica Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 50c–d )
*# 1956 Acoscinopleura rugica n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 53, Pl. 9, figs. 1–2, Pl. 12, figs. 1–3.
?# 1969 Acoscinopleura rugica Voigt, 1956 – Maryańska, p. 116, Pl. X, fig. 2, Pl. XI, fig. 4.
# 2015 Acoscinopleura rugica Voigt, 1956 – Koromyslova et al., p. 55, Fig. 13–М.
# 2018 Acoscinopleura rugica Voigt, 1956 – Koromyslova et al., p. 250, Figs. 3e, 5a–k.
Holotype: SMF 24091 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 12, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2381.
Locus typicus: Stubbenkammer, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Belemnella lanceolata belemnite Zone (early Maastrichtian).
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Nasiłów, Gmina Janowiec, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland.
Stratigraphical range: Early (?to late) Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The reverse side of the holotype was figured by Voigt (1956, Pl. 12, fig. 2) as Voigt collection number 2409. The holotype was broken into two pieces after examination, but all features are still recognizable.
Genus Coscinopleura Marsson, 1887
Coscinopleura elegans (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 50e–f )
*# 1839 Eschara elegans nob. – Hagenow, p. 265, Pl. IV, figs. 3a–e.
# 1841 Eschara elegans v. Hag. – Roemer, p. 16.
# 1846 Eschara elegans v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 608.
# 1881 Eschara elegans Hagenow – Quenstedt, p. 327, Pl. 154, fig. 85.
# 1887 Coscinopleura elegans v. Hagenow – Marsson, p. 72.
# 1892 Rhagasostoma elegans v. Hag. sp. – Hennig, p. 33, Pl. 2, figs. 22–24.
?# 1924b Coscinopleura elegans v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 217.
# 1925 Rhagasostoma elegans (v. Hag.) Varietet a – Levinsen, p. 368.
# 1925 Coscinopleura elegans v. Hag. – Voigt, Pl. 1, fig. 18.
p# 1930 Coscinopleura elegans v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 490, Pl. 25, fig. 16 (non Pl. 25, fig. 17).
# 1948 Coscinopleura elegans (von Hagenow) – Berthelsen, p. 11, Figs. 1–3.
# 1953 Coscinopleura elegans Hag., 1840 – Bassler, p. G178, Fig. 136.6.
# 1956 Coscinopleura elegans elegans (v. Hag.) – Voigt, p. 41, Pl. 2, figs. 7–8, Pl. 3, figs. 1–4, Pl. 4, figs. 6–7.
# 1959a Coscinopleura elegans elegans (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 11.
# 1963 Coscinopleura elegans elegans (von Hagenow, 1839) – Veenstra, p. 125, Pl. 7, figs. 6–7.
?# 1969 Coscinopleura elegans elegans (Hagenow, 1839) – Maryańska, p. 113.
# 1979b Coscinopleura elegans (v. Hagenow, 1839) – Voigt, p. 49, Pl. 10, fig. 3.
# 1991b Coscinopleura elegans (von Hagenow) – Voigt, Pl. 3, fig. 9.
# 2001 Coscinopleura elegans – Hĺkansson & Thomsen, Fig. 11.5.E.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24055 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 2, fig. 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2417.
Locus neotypicus: Stubbenkammer, island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Phosphatic Chalk near Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Hemmoor; Zeltberg near Lüneburg (both Lower Saxony, Germany); Heide (Holstein), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; several deep boreholes in northwestern Germany; Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Late Maastrichtian, Stevns Klint, Zealand Region, Denmark and several other localities in Denmark; Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany; Hemmoor and near Hemmoor-Basbeck (both Lower Saxony, Germany); Kunrade beds near Benzenrade, Heerlen municipality, Limburg, Netherlands; Nasiłów, Gmina Janowiec, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland. Danian (?), Kazimierz Dolny, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian to late Maastrichtian or Danian.
Remarks: Coscinopleura elegans is the type species of Coscinopleura Marsson, 1887.
Figure 50: a-b Acoscinopleura rimosa Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24096, late Maastrichtian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. c-d Acoscinopleura rugica Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24091, early Maastrichtian (Belemnella lanceolata belemnite Zone), Stubbenkammer on the Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Coscinopleura elegans (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 24055, early Maastrichtian, Stubbenkammer on the island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Coscinopleura elegans beisseli Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 51a–b )
*# 1956 Coscinopleura elegans beisseli n. subsp. – Voigt, p. 45, Pl. 4, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 24053 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 4, figs. 1, 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2392 (= Voigt collection number 2420).
Locus typicus: Aachen-Vetschau, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Vetschau Chalk of the Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian (Belemnittella junior belemnite Zone), Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany; Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The differences between Coscinopleura elegans and the subspecies C. elegans beisseli are minimal, C. elegans beisseli having slightly smaller autozooids, opesia with shorter opesiules and more kenozooids at the edges of each branch. Voigt (1956) indicated 2420 as the Voigt collection number of the holotype. However, a sample with this collection number could not be found, and the correct Voigt collection number of the holotype is 2392. Coscinopleura elegans beisseli was reported from the late Maastrichtian chalk tuff of Saint-Symphorien by Voigt (1957a).
Coscinopleura elegans praecursor Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 51c–d )
*# 1956 Coscinopleura elegans praecursor n. subsp. – Voigt, p. 42, Pl. 2, figs. 5–6.
Holotype: SMF 24061 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 2, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2418.
Locus typicus: Ascheberg-Herbern, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Marl from the Hoplitoplacenticeras vari ammonite Zone (middle Campanian).
Stratigraphical range: Middle Campanian.
Remarks: The only two specimens reported of this subspecies are only moderately preserved. The subspecies differs from Coscinopleura elegans only in having somewhat smaller autozooids.
Coscinopleura elegans rarepunctata Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 51e–f )
*# 1956 Coscinopleura elegans rarepunctata n. subsp. – Voigt, p. 44, Pl. 3, figs. 5–6]
Holotype: SMF 24056 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 3, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2309.
Locus typicus: Stubbenkammer, island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Belemnella lanceolata belemnite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: This subspecies differs from Coscinopleura elegans in having larger and less numerous pores in the vibracula.
Figure 51: a-b Coscinopleura elegans beisseli Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24053, late Maastrichtian (Belemnittella junior belemnite Zone), Aachen-Vetschau, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. c-d Coscinopleura elegans praecursor Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24061, middle Campanian (Hoplitoplacenticeras vari ammonite Zone), Ascheberg-Herbern, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. e-f Coscinopleura elegans rarepunctata Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24056, early Maastrichtian (Belemnella lanceolata belemnite Zone), Stubbenkammer on the island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Coscinopleura lamourouxi (Hagenow, 1851)
(Fig. 52a–b )
# 1851 Eschara microstoma, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 73, Pl. VIII, fig. 19.
*# 1851 Eschara Lamourouxi, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 73, Pl. VIII, fig. 20, Pl. XII, fig. 11.
?p# 1865 Eschara pulchra Bronn – Beissel, Pl. I, fig. 11 (non Pl. I, fig. 10).
# 1920 Coscinopleura lamourouxi Hagenow, 1851 – Canu, p. 194.
p# 1930 Coscinopleura elegans v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 490, Pl. 25, figs. 16–17.
non# 1930 Coscinopleura lamourouxi v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 491, Pl. 25, fig. 18.
# 1956 Coscinopleura lamourouxi (v. Hag.), 1851 – Voigt, p. 45, Pl. 1, figs. 1–6, Pl. 2, figs. 1–4.
# 1963 Coscinopleura lamourouxi (von Hagenow, 1851) – Veenstra, p. 126, Pl. 7, fig. 12.
# 1979b Coscinopleura lamourouxi (von Hagenow, 1851) – Voigt, p. 48, Pl. 10, fig. 4.
# 1988 Coscinopleura lamourouxi (Hagenow) – Favorskaya, Pl. II, figs. 2–5.
# 1996 Coscinopleura lamourouxi (v. Hagenow) – Favorskaya, Pl. 4, fig. 7.
# 2001 Coscinopleura lamourouxi – Hĺkansson & Thomsen, Figs. 11.4.C, 11.5.D.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Neotype: SMF 24081 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 1, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2425.
Locus neotypicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum neotypicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Maastrichtian: Saint-Gaudens; Cazeneuve (both Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, Occitanie, France); Olazti/Olazagutía, Navarra, Spain. Late Maastrichtian, Albert Canal near Riemst, Flanders, Belgium; Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany; Tuffeau de Maastricht, Sint Pieter neighbourhood, Maastricht; Voerendaal-Kunrade; abandoned van der Zwaan Quarry and a layer of coprolites at Slavante, Sint-Pietersberg hill (all Limburg, Netherlands); unspecified locality in Tadjikistan; central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan. Late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Hemmoor and Hemmoor-Basbeck, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Coscinopleura lamourouxi was reported from the late Maastrichtian chalk tuff of Saint-Symphorien by Voigt (1957a) and from Tadjikistan by Voigt (1967).
Genus Tremocoscinopleura Voigt, 1956
Tremocoscinopleura holsatica Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 52c–d )
*# 1956 Tremocoscinopleura holsatica n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 61, Pl. 8, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 24042 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 8, figs. 1–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 1852.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Belemnitella mucronata senior belemnite Zone (early Campanian).
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Hannover-Misburg, Lower Saxony, Germany; Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Tremocoscinopleura monops Voigt, 1956
(Fig. 52e–f )
*# 1956 Tremocoscinopleura monops n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 60, Pl. 7, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: SMF 24046 (Voigt, 1956, Pl. 7, fig. 6).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2393.
Locus typicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade beds, Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Sehnde-Ilten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Tremocoscinopleura monops is the type species of Tremocoscinopleura Voigt, 1956.
Figure 52: a-b Coscinopleura lamourouxi (Hagenow, 1851), holotype, SMF 24081, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. c-d Tremocoscinopleura holsatica Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24042, early Campanian (Belemnitella mucronata senior belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. e-f Tremocoscinopleura monops Voigt,
1956, holotype, SMF 24046, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Family Lunulitidae Lagaaij, 1952
Genus Discoflustrellaria Orbigny, 1853
Discoflustrellaria cerioporacea (Hagenow, 1840)
(Fig. 53a–b )
*# 1840 Eschara cerioporacea n.sp. – Hagenow, p. 643.
# 1959a Discoflustrellaria cerioporacea (v. Hagenow), 1840 – Voigt, p. 46, Pl. VII, fig. 5.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26409 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VII, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 408.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Germany: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: This species was referred by Hagenow to the undescribed genus named Delopora in Geinitz (1849, p. 246), the spelling of which was later corrected to Thelopora (Hagenow, 1851, p. 6). Both generic names have to be regarded as nomina nuda.
Genus Lunulites Lamarck, 1816
Lunulites conulus Hĺkansson & Voigt, 1996
*# 1996 Lunulites conulus n.sp. – Hĺkansson & Voigt, p. 193, Pl. 3, fig. 5C–E.
Holotype: Not found (Hĺkansson & Voigt, 1996, Pl. 3, fig. 5C–E).
Original label: Voigt collection number 438.
Locus typicus: "Lundergĺrd", probably Lundegĺrde near Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratum typicum: Late early Maastrichtian.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Rřrdal, Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark. Late Maastrichtian, Blegkilde, Gudumlund and Rřrdal near Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998) and may be in Perth, Australia with Eckart Hĺkansson along with the rest of the material described by Hĺkansson and Voigt (1996).
Lunulites vespertilio Hĺkansson & Voigt, 1996
*# 1996 Lunulites vespertilio n.sp. – Hĺkansson & Voigt, p. 195, Pl. 3, fig. A, B, G.
Holotype: Not found (Hĺkansson & Voigt, 1996, Pl. 3, fig. 5A, B, G).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6650.
Locus typicus: Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998) and may be in Perth, Australia with Eckart Hĺkansson along with the rest of the material described by Hĺkansson and Voigt (1996).
Lunulites voigti Buge, 1973
(Fig. 53c–d )
?# 1952 Lunulites sp. – Lagaaij, p. 18, Pl. II, fig. 6a–b.
*# 1973 Lunulites voigti nov. sp. – Buge, p. 38, Pl. 6, figs. 7–8.
Holotype: SMF 26445 (Buge, 1973, Pl. 6, figs. 7–8).
Original label: None.
Locus typicus: Reinbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Serravalian, Miocene.
Further distribution: Burdigalian, Miste near Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands. Serravalian (Helvetian), Hamminkeln-Dingden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; Twistringen, Lower Saxony, Germany. Late Miocene, Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Burdigalian to Late Miocene.
Figure 53: a-b Discoflustrellaria cerioporacea (Hagenow, 1840),
neotype, SMF 26409, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d Lunulites voigti Buge, 1973, holotype, SMF 26445, Serravalian, Reinbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Genus Pavolunulites Orbigny, 1852
Pavolunulites lehmanni Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986
(Fig. 54a–b )
*# 1986 Pavolunulites lehmanni n.sp. – Voigt & Schneemilch, p. 116, Pl. 1, fig. 8, Pl. 3, figs. 1–13.
Holotype: SMF 25910 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 3, figs. 6–8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10927.
Locus typicus: Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Chalk marl of early Campanian age (Goniotheutis quadrata belemnite Zone).
Further distribution: Early Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Pavolunulites siemersi Voigt, 1962
(Fig. 54c–d )
*# 1962a Pavolunulites siemersi n.sp. – Voigt, p. 249, Fig. 1, Pl. 27, figs. 1–3.
# 1996 Pavolunulites siemersi Voigt – Hĺkansson & Voigt, Fig. 10H.
# 2005 Pavolunulites siemersi Voigt, 1962 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 546.
Holotype: SMF 24125 (Voigt, 1962a, Pl. 27, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 404.
Locus typicus: Quarry near Tornesch, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposits containing white chalk of late Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, glacial drift deposit with white chalk near Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany; Götzberg near Henstedt-Ulzberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Family Microporidae Gray, 1848
Genus Puncturiella Levinsen, 1925
Subgenus Puncturiellina Voigt, 1987
Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) subsculpta Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 54e–f )
p# 1886 Vincularia sculpta, d'Orbigny – Pergens & Meunier, p. 231.
# 1892 Steganoporella? sculpta d'Orb. sp. – Hennig, p. 35, Pl. 1, fig. 20.
# 1930 Microporella cf. pulchra Ulrich und Bassler – Voigt, p. 476, Pl. 24, fig. 20.
p# 1962 Puncturiella sculpta (d'Orbigny) – Berthelsen, p. 155, Pl. 17, figs. 1–2.
# 1964 Puncturiella cf. sculpta (d'Orbigny, 1851) – Voigt, p. 448, Pl. VII, fig. 8.
*# 1987a Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) subsculpta n.sp. – Voigt, p. 67, Pl. 15, figs. 1–10.
# 1996 Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) subsculpta Voigt – Favorskaya, Pl. 7, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 25527 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 15, fig. 3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2532 (Voigt collection number 2523).
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds (Tuffeau de la Malogne) of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons drilling and F.P. Mons drilling in Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Waterschei drilling in Genk; Eisden shaft near Maasmechelen (both Flanders, Belgium); Faxe quarries; Herfřlge in the Křge Kommune; Kagstrup in the Solrřd Kommune, Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune (all Zealand Region, Denmark); Klintholm on the Island of Funen, South Denmark Region, Denmark; Island of Saltholm, Capital Region, Denmark; Ratheim drilling near Erkelenz, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands; Boryszew drilling near Boryszew in the Gmina Wiązowna, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland; unknown locality in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; Annetorp in Malmö, Skĺne län, Sweden.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) subsculpta is the type species of the subgenus Puncturiellina Voigt, 1987.
Figure 54: a-b Pavolunulites lehmanni Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, holotype, SMF 25910, early Campanian (Goniotheutis quadrata belemnite Zone), Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d Pavolunulites siemersi Voigt, 1962, holotype, SMF 24125, late Maastrichtian, quarry near Tornesch, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. e-f Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) subsculpta Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25527, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. |
Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) tenera (Voigt, 1924)
(Fig. 55a–b )
*# 1924c Homalostega tenera v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 8, Pl. I, figs. 32–33.
# 1930 Micropora tenera Voigt – Voigt, p. 476, Pl. 22, fig. 22.
?# 1962 Puncturiella tenera (Voigt) – Berthelsen, p. 156, Pl. 17, fig. 3.
# 1987a Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) tenera (Voigt, 1924) – Voigt, p. 69, Pl. 15, figs. 16–19.
# 2005 Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) tenera (Voigt, 1924) Berthelsen, 1962 (Voigt, 1987) – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 549.
Lectotype (defined in Voigt, 1987a): Voigt (1924c, Pl. I, fig. 33). This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Köthen (Anhalt), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposits of Danian age.
Neotype: SMF 25528 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 15, figs. 18–19).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7661.
Locus neotypicus: Oststeinbek-Havighorst, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: Erratic glacial drift deposits of Danian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Blaue Berge near Dessau-Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; Faxe quarries and Herfřlge in the Křge Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Klintholm, island of Funen, South Denmark Region.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Family Monoporellidae Hincks, 1882
Genus Stichomicropora Voigt, 1949
Stichomicropora biconstricta (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 55c–d )
*# 1839 Cellepora biconstricta nob. – Hagenow, p. 272.
?# 1911 Micropora convexa, nov. sp. – Canu, p. 250, Pl. VII, figs. 1–3.
# 1925 Micropora erecta (v. Hag.). Var. b – Levinsen, p. 362, Pl. 4, fig. 50.
# 1930 Micropora convexa Canu – Voigt, p. 474, Pl. 22, figs. 6–7.
# 1959a Stichomicropora biconstricta (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 21, Pl. VI, fig. 3.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26403 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VI, fig. 3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 402.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skĺne län, Sweden. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune, Zealand Region, Denmark; Aalborg, Region Nordjylland, Denmark. Danian: General Roca, Río Negro Province, Argentina; Faxe quarries, Zealand Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian to Danian.
Stichomicropora sicksi Voigt, 1949
(Fig. 55e–f )
*# 1949 Stichomicropora sicksi n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 34, Pl. 7, figs. 1–3.
# 1953 Stichomicropora sicksi Voigt, 1920 [sic] – Bassler, p. G171, fig. 130.2.
Holotype: SMF 26286 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 7, figs. 2–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 137.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian (Belemnitella mucronata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Stichomicropora sicksi is the type species of Stichomicropora Voigt, 1949.
Figure 55: a-b Puncturiella (Puncturiellina) tenera (Voigt,
1924), neotype, SMF 25528, Danian, Oststeinbek-Havighorst, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Stichomicropora biconstricta (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26403, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Stichomicropora sicksi Voigt,
1949, holotype, SMF 26286, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |
Family Onychocellidae Jullien, 1882
Genus Aechmellina Taylor et al., 2018
Aechmellina falcifera Voigt, 1949
(Fig. 56a–b )
*# 1949 Aechmella falcifera n.sp. – Voigt, p. 28, Pl. 6, figs. 2–3.
# 1996b Aechmella falcifera Voigt – Voigt, Fig. 32.
# 2018 Aechmellina falcifera (Voigt, 1949) – Taylor et al., Fig. 3a–d.
Holotype: SMF 26280 (Voigt, 1949, Pl. 6, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 136.
Locus typicus: Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone.
Further distribution: Early Campanian, marl pit near Lahstedt-Oberg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: Aechmellina falcifera is the type species of Aechmellina Taylor et al., 2018.
Genus Ehrhardina Martha & Taylor, 2016
Ehrhardina pikeae Martha & Taylor, 2016
(Fig. 56c–d )
*# 2016 Ehrhardina pikeae n.sp. – Martha & Taylor, p. 316, Fig. 3A–E.
Holotype: SMF 29988 (Martha & Taylor, 2016, Fig. 3A–E).
Original label: Voigt collection number 11345.
Locus typicus: Kassenberg, Rauen Quarry in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Broich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Red limestone from the rocky shore facies of the Essen Greensand Formation, Neostlingoceras carcitanense ammonite Zone.
Stratigraphical range: Earliest Cenomanian.
Genus Euritina Canu, 1900
Euritina seroniae (Voigt, 1985)
(Fig. 56e–f )
*# 1985b Callopora (?) seroniae n.sp. – Voigt, p. 139, Fig. 4c–e.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1985b, Fig. 4c).
Original label: Not specified.
Locus typicus: Detritus along the A10 autoroute (E05) near Jonzac, Charente Maritime, France.
Stratum typicum: Aubeterre Formation, Campanian.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, Royan, Charente Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian.
Remarks: No collection number for the holotype was provided by Voigt (1985b). Furthermore, it is unclear whether the holotype belonged to the Voigt Collection or to the collections of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. None of the specimens of the Voigt Collection resembles the holotype. Françoise Bigey, who searched the MNHN collections, was also unable to find the holotype there. Here, we image specimen SMF 25310 (Voigt collection number 8919), which was figured by Voigt (1985b, Fig. 4e).
Figure 56: a-b Aechmella falcifera Voigt,
1949, holotype, SMF 26280, early Campanian (Gonioteuthis quadrata belemnite Zone), Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. c-d Ehrhardina pikeae Martha & Taylor,
2016, holotype, SMF 29988, early Cenomanian (Neostlingoceras carcitanense ammonite Zone), Kassenberg, Rauen Quarry in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Broich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. e-f Euritina seroniae (Voigt,
1985), SMF 25310, late Campanian, Conche des Nonnes near Royan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. |
Genus Floridina Jullien, 1882
Floridina eisdenensis Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 57a–b )
*# 1987a Floridina eisdenensis n.sp. – Voigt, p. 59, Pl. 13, figs. 13–16.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 13, figs. 13–14).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2321.
Locus typicus: Eisden shaft near Maasmechelen, Flanders, Belgium.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole and Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Danian calcarenite.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998). Here, we image specimen SMF 31563 (Voigt collection number 2553), which has not previously been depicted.
Floridina impressipora (Marsson, 1887)
(Fig. 57c–d )
p# 1839 Cellepora gothica nob. – Hagenow, p. 276.
*# 1887 Semieschara impressipora n.sp. – Marsson, p. 75, Pl. VII, fig. 4.
# 1881 Cellepora gothica Hagenow, 1839 – Quenstedt, p. 313, Pl. 154, fig. 40.
# 1925 Thalamoporella impressipora (Marsson) – Levinsen, p. 372.
# 1930 Floridina impressipora Marsson – Voigt, p. 472, Pl. 20, fig. 17.
# 1942 Micropora (Semieschara) impressipora Marsson sp. – Brydone, p. 62.
# 1959a Floridina impressipora (Marss.) – Voigt, Pl. VI, fig. 7.
# 1979b Floridina impressipora (Marsson, 1887) – Voigt, p. 47, Pl. 9, figs. 4–5.
Holotype: The material of Marsson (1887) belonged to the collections of the Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt (Prussian Geological Land Survey) that Voigt (1982a) reported to have been destroyed during World War II. However, a part of the collection has been recovered (Martha, 2014).
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26404 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VI, fig. 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 403.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Floridina impressipora was reported from the late Maastrichtian chalk tuff of Saint-Symphorien by Voigt (1957a).
Floridina membraniporoides Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 57e–f )
*# 1987a Floridina membraniporoides n.sp. – Voigt, p. 60, Pl. 14, figs. 1–11.
Holotype: SMF 25529 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 14, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7304.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons borehole, Mons municipiality, Wallonia, Belgium; Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders; Belgium; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, and Beatrix borehole near Neer, Leudal municipality (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: The holotype is broken into two fragments, but all features of the species are still recognizable.
Figure 57: a-b Floridina eisdenensis Voigt,
1987, SMF 31563, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. c-d Floridina impressipora (Marsson,
1887), neotype, SMF 26404, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Floridina membraniporoides Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25529, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. |
Floridina scutata brevior Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 58a–b )
*# 1987a Floridina scutata brevior n. subsp. – Voigt, p. 62, Pl. 13, figs. 5–6.
Holotype: SMF 25530 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 13, fig. 5).
Original label: Voigt collection number 2528.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds (Tuffeau de la Malogne) of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, Mons and F.P. Mons boreholes, Mons municipiality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Floridina scutata brevior is a subspecies of Floridina scutata (Levinsen, 1925).
Genus Holsacella Voigt, 1999
Holsacella biserialis Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 58c–d )
*# 1999 Holsacella biserialis n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 305, Pl. 2, figs. 17–20.
# 2018 Holsacella biserialis Voigt – Taylor et al., Fig. 13a–c.
Holotype: SMF 26223 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 2, figs. 17–20).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7467.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift deposit near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposits of Danian age.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: Holsacella biserialis is the type species of Holsacella Voigt, 1999. The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Genus Inversaria Hagenow, 1851
Inversaria crassipes (Marsson, 1887)
(Fig. 58e–f )
?# 1839 Eschara infundibulata nob. – Hagenow, p. 264.
# 1839 Ceriopora milleporacea (?) Goldf. – Hagenow, p. 282.
# 1841 Eschara irregularis N. – Roemer, p. 17.
p# 1881 Ceriopora milleporacea Goldfuss – Quenstedt, p. 273, Pl. 153, fig. 77 (non Pl. 153, fig. 76).
*# 1887 Eschara crassipes n.sp. – Marsson, p. 68, Pl. VI, fig. 15.
# 1925 Membranipora crassipes (Marss.) – Levinsen, p. 309.
# 1930 Onychocella crassipes Marsson – Voigt, p. 456, Pl. 15, fig. 18.
# 1959a Onychocella crassipes (Marsson), 1887 – Voigt, p. 35.
# 1963 Onychocella crassipes (Marsson, 1887) – Veenstra, p. 109, Pl. 5, fig. 1.
# 1973 Inversaria crassipes (Marsson, 1887) – Voigt & Williams, p. 155, Pl. 7, figs. 1–9; Pl. 16, figs. 3–4.
Holotype: The material of Marsson (1887) belonged to the collections of the Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt (Prussian Geological Land Survey) that Voigt (1982a) reported to have been destroyed during World War II. However, a part of the collection has been recovered (Martha, 2014).
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24480 (Voigt & Williams, 1973, Pl. 7, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6548.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; glacial drifts containing white chalk in northern Germany; deep drilling near Rypin, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. Late Maastrichtian (?), sandy tills in the "Blaue Berge" near Dessau-Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early (to late) Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The species was also mentioned as Inversaria ramosa nom. nud. in a list compiled by Hagenow in Geinitz (1849).
Figure 58: a-b Floridina scutata brevior Voigt,
1987, holotype, SMF 25530, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. c-d Holsacella biserialis Voigt, 1999, holotype, SMF 26223, Danian, Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Inversaria crassipes (Marsson,
1887), neotype, SMF 24480, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Inversaria flabellula (Hagenow, 1846)
(Fig. 59a–b )
*# 1846 Ceriopora flabellula v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 596; Pl. XXIII.b, fig. 11.
# 1909 Ceriopora flabellula, Hagenow, 1846 – Gregory, p. 169
p# 1930 Onychocella flabellula v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 456, Pl. 15, fig. 19–20, Pl. 39, fig. 6 (non Pl. 15, fig. 21).
# 1973 Inversaria flabellula (v. Hagenow, 1846) – Voigt & Williams, p. 161, Pl. 7, figs. 1–9, Pl. 16, figs. 3–4.
# 2018 Inversaria flabellula (von Hagenow) – Taylor et al., Fig. 15f.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 24478 (Voigt & Williams, 1973, Pl. 9, figs. 1, 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6540.
Locus neotypicus: Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skĺne län, Sweden.
Further distribution: Inversaria aff. flabellula in the late Campanian of Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad, Skĺne län, Sweden.
Stratum neotypicum: Rubbly limestone of late Campanian age.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian.
Inversaria trigonopora Hagenow, 1851
(Fig. 59c–d )
*# 1851 Inversaria trigonopora, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 57, Pl. VI, fig. 8.
# 1881 Inversaria tubiporacea (Goldfuss) – Hamm, p. 39.
# 1899 Inversaria trigonopora, von Hagenow, 1851 – Gregory, p. 354.
# 1973 Inversaria trigonopora v. Hagenow, 1851 – Voigt & Williams, p. 161, Pl. 5, figs. 1–5, Pl. 6, figs. 1–6; Pl. 15, figs. 5–6, Pl. 16, figs. 1–2.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Neotype: SMF 24484 (Voigt & Williams, 1973, Pl. 5, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6582.
Locus neotypicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum neotypicum: Chalk tuff of late Maastrichtian age (Mb to Md).
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg and Blom Quarry near Terblijt (both Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality); abandoned van der Zwaan Quarry and ENCI (Eerste Nederlandse Cement Industrie) pit on the hill Sint-Pietersberg (all Limburg, Netherlands); Albert Canal near the Château Neercanne, Riemst-Kanne, Flanders, Belgium.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Inversaria trigonopora is the type species of Inversaria Hagenow, 1851. In the figure captions, Curfs Quarry is named as the type locality, while the original label shows that the specimen came from Kunrade.
Inversaria tuber Voigt & Williams, 1973
(Fig. 59e–f )
*# 1973 Inversaria tuber n.sp. – Voigt & Williams, p. 159, Pl. 7, fig. 10, Pl. 8, figs. 1–4.
# 1979b Inversaria tuber Voigt & Williams, 1973 – Voigt, p. 44, Pl. 7, figs. 1–3.
# 2018 Inversaria tuber Voigt and Williams – Taylor et al., Fig. 15d–e.
Holotype: SMF 24524 (Voigt & Williams, 1973, Pl. 8, figs. 2–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6545.
Locus typicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan-rich layers of the Kunrade Limestone.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, abandoned Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade and along the A76 motorway near Benzenrade in the Heerlen municipality (both Limburg, Netherlands).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Figure 59: a-b Inversaria flabellula (Hagenow, 1846), neotype, SMF 24478, late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp, Skĺne län, Sweden. c-d Inversaria trigonopora Hagenow, 1851, neotype, SMF 24484, late Maastrichtian, Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Inversaria tuber Voigt & Williams, 1973, holotype, SMF 24524, late Maastrichtian, Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Kamilocella barbata (Martha et al., 2017)
(Fig. 60a–b )
*# 2017 "Onychocella" barbata sp. nov. – Martha et al., p. 39, Fig. 11f1–5.
Holotype: SMF 29981 (Martha et al., 2017, Fig. 11f1–f5).
Original label: SMF 29981.
Locus typicus: Hoher Stein, Dresden-Plauen, Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Rocky shore facies of the Dölzschen Formation, Actinocamax plenus ammonite Zone (latest Cenomanian).
Stratigraphical range: Late Cenomanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species.
Genus Latereschara Orbigny, 1851
Latereschara galeata (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 60c–d )
*# 1839 Eschara galeata nob. – Hagenow, p. 264.
# 1841 Eschara galeata v. Hag. – Roemer, p. 16.
# 1846 Eschara galeata v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 609, Pl. XXIII.b, fig. 31.
?# 1851 Eschara pavonia, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 83, Pl. X, fig. 6.
# 1865 Eschara galeata v. Hagen. – Beissel, p. 22, Pl. 1, figs. 16–20, Pl. 2, fig. 21.
# 1887 Eschara galeata v. Hagenow – Marsson, p. 71.
?# 1892 Rhagasostoma galeatum v. Hag. sp. – Hennig, p. 29.
# 1925 Rhagasostoma galeatum (v. Hag.) – Levinsen, p. 369.
# 1930 Latereschara ovigera – Brydone, p. 50, Pl. XXIX, figs. 6–10.
# 1930 Onychocella galeata v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 462, Pl. 18, fig. 1.
# 1930 Onychocella galeata v. Hagenow – Wahle, p. 29, Pl. I, fig. 5.
# 1959a Latereschara galeata (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 10, Fig. 1.
# 1967 Latereschara galeata (v. Hagenow, 1839) – Voigt, p. 43, Pl. 19, figs. 2–3.
?# 1969 Latereschara galeata (Hag., 1839) – Maryańska, p. 111, Pl. IX, fig. 7.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26416 (Voigt, 1959a, Fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 668.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Late Campanian, "Kredin" gorge, Kopet Dag Mountains northwest of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Early Maastrichtian, Island of Mřn, Zealand Region, Denmark; Aalborg, Nordjylland Region, Denmark; Zeltberg near Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany; Friedrichberg and Preusberg near Aachen, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany; Trimingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Late Maastrichtian, Saint-Symphorien, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium; Hillerslev, Thisted Kommune and Gudumlund, near Aalborg (both Nordjylland Region, Denmark); Nasiłów, Gmina Janowiec, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland. Maastrichtian or Danian, glacial drift deposits near Wierzbno, Lubusz Voivodeship, Poland.
Stratigraphical range: Late Campanian to late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Voigt collection number 668 contains two specimens of the species, the right one being the neotype. The species was reported from Lüneburg-Zeltberg by Voigt (1995c).
Genus Nudonychocella Voigt & Ernst, 1985
Nudonychocella nuda Voigt & Ernst, 1985
(Fig. 60e–f )
p# 1930 Membranipora subsimplex d'Orbigny – Voigt, p. 414, Pl. 2, figs. 11–12.
*# 1985b Nudonychocella nuda n.g.n.sp. – Voigt & Ernst, p. 59, Figs. 1.1–5, 2.1–5.
# 2018 Nudonychocella nuda Voigt and Ernst – Taylor et al., Fig. 19a–b.
Holotype: SMF 25383 (Voigt & Ernst, 1985b, Figs. 1.2–3).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9571.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone, Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Tuffeau de Maastricht and equivalent strata in Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Nudonychocella nuda is the type species of Nudonychocella Voigt & Ernst, 1985.
Figure 60: a-b Kamilocella barbata (Martha et al.,
2017), holotype, SMF 29981, late Cenomanian (Actinocamax plenus ammonite Zone), Hoher Stein in Dresden-Plauen, Saxony, Germany. c-d Latereschara galeata (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26416, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Nudonychocella nuda Voigt & Ernst,
1985, holotype, SMF 25383, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands, d shows the ancestrula with a cryptocyst. |
Genus Ogiva Jullien, 1882
Ogiva ellinorvoigtae Martha et al., 2015
(Fig. 61a–b )
p# 1924a Ogiva promonturiorum n.sp. – Voigt, p. 209, Pl. VII, fig. 22 (non Pl. VII, figs. 21, 23–24).
*# 2015 Ogiva ellinorvoigtae sp. nov. – Martha et al., p. 700, Figs. 6a–f, 7.
Holotype: SMF 29995 (Martha et al., 2015, Fig. 6a–b).
Original label: Voigt collection number 4505.
Locus typicus: Abandoned quarry of the former iron-ore mine of Bülten-Adenstedt near Ilsede-Groß Bülten, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glauconitic arenaceous limestone of the Gehrden Formation, Gonioteuthis westfalica belemnite Zone, middle Santonian.
Paratypes: SMF 29996–29998.
Further distribution: Coniacian or early Santonian, Siphonia marl of the Emscher Formation, foot of the Sudmerberg near Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany. Middle Santonian, Barbara pit near Lengede-Barbecke; abandoned iron-ore mine Vallstedt, northeast of Lengede-Broistedt; Sudmerberg Formation from a former excavation on the Butterberg in Bad Harzburg (all Lower Saxony, Germany). Late Santonian (doubtful), Blumenauer Straße, Hannover-Linden, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Early Santonian (Coniacian?) to late (?) Santonian.
Genus Onychocella Jullien, 1882
Genus Kamilocella Taylor et al., 2018
'Onychocella' cavernosa Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986
(Fig. 61c–d )
*# 1986 Onychocella cavernosa n.sp. – Voigt & Schneemilch, p. 118, Pl. 2, figs. 1–4.
Holotype: SMF 25909 (Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, Pl. 2, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10814.
Locus typicus: Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Chalk marl of early Campanian age (Goniotheutis quadrata belemnite Zone).
Stratigraphical range: Early Campanian.
Remarks: The holotype is the only reported specimen of this species. It consists of two fragments that were parts of the same colony according to Voigt & Schneemilch (1986). One branch displays cavities around the opesia of each autozooid that were termed "periphere Cavernen" by Voigt & Schneemilch (1986). However, they clearly differ from peripheral caverns found in other species of Onychocella, and in some coscinopleurid species, since they are very regular in shape, size and position. Furthermore, the cavities are always surrounded by a raised margin and sometimes furrows are recognizable separating them from the adjacent autozooids. Therefore, these are not the same as the hollow peripheral caverns defined above but are instead kenozooids. The generic affinity of this species is uncertain.
Onychocella depressa (Hagenow, 1851)
(Fig. 61e–f )
*# 1851 Cellepora (Discop.) depressa, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 93, Pl. XI, fig. 13.
non# 1872 Membranipora depressa Hag. sp. – Reuss, p. 103, Pl. 25, fig. 1.
non# 1874 Membranipora depressa Hag. sp. – Reuss, p. 128.
non# 1877 Membranipora depressa v. Hag. sp. – Novák, p. 88, Pl. II, figs. 9–10.
non# 1892 Membranipora depressa von Hagenow sp. – Počta, p. 31, Pl. IV, fig. 18.
non# 1895 Membranipora depressa n.sp. – MacGillivray, p. 37, Pl. V, fig. 3.
non# 1900 Onychocella depressa Hag. – Canu, p. 391.
non# 1911 Membranipora depressa, Hag. sp. – Frič, p. 61.
non# 1924a Onychocella depressa v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 202.
?# 1927 Onychocella depressa Hag. – Zuffardi Comerci, p. 15, Pl. II, fig. 6–7.
p# 1930 Onychocella depressa v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 454, Pl. 15, fig. 2.
# 1989b Onychocella depressa (v. Hagenow, 1851) – Voigt, p. 57, Pl. 13, figs. 3–7.
?# 2003 Onychocella depressa (v. Hagenow, 1851) – Zágoršek & Kroh, p. 10, fig. 4b.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Neotype: SMF 25863 (Voigt, 1989b, Pl. 13, fig. 4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 1370.
Locus neotypicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum neotypicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht (Meerssen Limestone).
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Maastrichtian.
Figure 61: a-b Ogiva ellinorvoigtae Martha et al.,
2015, holotype, SMF 29995, middle Santonian (Gonioteuthis westfalica belemnite Zone), abandoned quarry of the former iron-ore mine of Bülten-Adenstedt near Ilsede-Groß Bülten, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d 'Onychocella' cavernosa Voigt & Schneemilch, 1986, holotype, SMF 25909, early Campanian (Goniotheutis quadrata belemnite Zone), Alemannia quarry near Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. e-f Onychocella depressa (Hagenow, 1851), neotype, SMF 25863, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
'Onychocella' discerpta (Voigt, 1962)
(Fig. 62a–b )
*# 1962a Membranipora discerpta n.sp. – Voigt, p. 244, Pl. 27, figs. 4–8.
# 2005 Membranipora discerpta Voigt, 1962 – Hinz-Schallreuter & Schallreuter, p. 545.
Holotype: SMF 24127 (Voigt, 1962a, Pl. 27, figs. 7–8).
Original label: Voigt collection number 875.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift A containing flint in a gravel pit near Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Glacial drift deposit containing white chalk of late Maastrichtian age (Pteria danica bivalve Zone).
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype colony is broken, but the characteristic features of the species are still all visible on the largest fragment. The generic assignment of this species is very tentative.
'Onychocella' hexagona (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 62c–d )
*# 1839 Cellepora hexagona nob. – Hagenow, p. 276, Pl. IV, fig. 12a–c.
# 1887 Membranipora velamen Goldfuss sp. – Marsson, p. 56, Pl. V, fig. 12.
p# 1930 Membranipora velamen Goldfuß – Voigt, p. 415, Pl. 2, fig. 16.
# 1959a Membranipora hexagona (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 29, Pl. V, fig. 1.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection from the the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of the early Maastrichtian.
Neotype: SMF 26398 (Voigt, 1959a; Pl. V, fig. 1).
Original label Voigt collection number 395.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of the early Maastrichtian.
Further distribution: Early Maastrichtian, Hemmoor and Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Late Maastrichtian to middle Danian, Hemmoor, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphic range: Early Maastrichtian to middle Danian.
Remarks: By assigning the Hagenow species to Membranipora Blainville, 1830, Voigt (1959a) created a homonym of M. hexagona Busk, 1856 (see discussion in Hastings, 1966, p. 67). Although Busk's species has not been re-imaged and a proper classification is still pending, it is unlikely from the description given in Hastings (1966) that the Hagenow and the Busk species are congeneric. The assignment of this species can only be very tentative.
Onychocella meijeri Voigt, 1987
(Fig. 62e–f )
*# 1987a Onychocella meijeri n.sp. – Voigt, p. 52, Pl. 12, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: SMF 25531 (Voigt, 1987a, Pl. 12, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7505.
Locus typicus: Ciply, Mons municipality, Wallonia, Belgium.
Stratum typicum: Basal beds (Tuffeau de la Malogne) of the Tuffeau de Ciply.
Further distribution: Danian, F.P. Mons borehole, Mons, Wallonia, Belgium; Albert Canal near Riemst-Vroenhoven, Flanders, Belgium; Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands; Pisolith limestone near Vigny, Île-de-France, France.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Figure 62: a-b 'Onychocella' discerpta (Voigt, 1962), holotype, SMF 24127, late Maastrichtian (Pteria Danica bivalve Zone), Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d 'Onychocella' hexagona (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26398, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Onychocella meijeri Voigt, 1987, holotype, SMF 25531, Danian, Ciply in the municipality Mons, Wallonia, Belgium. |
Onychocella pockrandti Voigt, 1975
(Fig. 63a–b )
*# 1975a Onychocella pockrandti n.sp. – Voigt, p. 247, Pl. 12, figs. 1–3.
# 1983 Onychocella pockrandti Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 4, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 24557 (Voigt, 1975a, Pl. 4, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7173.
Locus typicus: Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Late early Campanian.
Further distribution: Santonian, Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Early late Campanian, chalk pit of the cement factory Alsen-Breitenburg near Lägerdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Earliest Maastrichtian, Saturn pit near Kronsmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Santonian to earliest Maastrichtian.
Remarks: W. Pockrandt collected the holotype and gave it to Voigt. In the species descriptions, Lägerdorf is named as the type locality, while the original label shows that the specimen comes from Höver.
'Onychcella' prismatica (Hagenow, 1839)
(Fig. 63c–d )
*# 1839 Glauconome prismatica nob. – Hagenow, p. 293.
?# 1851 Vincularia bisinuata, d'Orb., 1851 – Orbigny, p. 85, Pl. 659, figs. 1–3.
# 1887 Vincularia canalifera v. Hagenow – Marsson, p. 64.
# 1959 Vincularia prismatica (v. Hagenow), 1839 – Voigt, p. 45, Pl. VII, figs. 7–8.
# 1962 Vincularia prismatica (v. Hagenow) – Berthelsen, p. 67, Pl. 4, fig. 5.
# 1963 "Vincularia" prismatica (von Hagenow, 1839) – Veenstra, p. 113, Pl. 2, figs. 12–14.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26411 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VII, fig. 7).
Original label: Voigt collection number 410.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Further distribution: Danian, Faxe quarries, Herfřlge, Křge Kommune; Kagstrup, Solrřd Kommune; Stevns Klint in the Stevns Kommune (all Zealand Region, Denmark); Island of Saltholm and Torslunde near Taastrup, Capital Region, Denmark; Klintholm on the Island of Funen, South Denmark Region, Denmark.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian to Danian.
Remarks: The species is here transferred provisionally to Onychocella pending proper revision.
Onychocella pseudoirregularis (Voigt, 1924)
(Fig. 63e–f )
# 1851 Cellepora (Discopora) irregularis, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 92, Pl. XI, fig. 14.
*p# 1924b Onychocella pseudoirregularis nom. nov. – Voigt, p. 203, Pl. VII, figs. 13–14.
p# 1930 Onychocella pseudoirregularis Voigt – Voigt, p. 453, Pl. 15, fig. 5.
?# 1958 Onychocella pseudoirregularis Voigt, 1924 – Ducasse, p. 50, Pl. V, fig. 3.
# 1989b Onychocella pseudoirregularis Voigt, 1924 – Voigt, p. 53, Pl. 11, figs. 2–6.
non# 2003 Onychocella pseudoirregularis Voigt, 1924 – Zágoršek & Kroh, p. 10, Fig. 4d.
Syntypes: This material belonged to the first Voigt Collection that was destroyed in a fire at the Geologisches Staatsinstitut Hamburg in 1943.
Locus typicus: Gehrden; Sudmerberg near Goslar; Ilsede-Groß Bülten (all Lower Saxony, Germany); Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: (Ober-)Emscher Formation and glauconitic arenaceous limestone of the Gehrden Formation, Gonioteuthis westfalica belemnite Zone, middle Santonian.
Neotype: SMF 26103 (Voigt, 1989b, Pl. 3, figs. 3–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 10691A.
Locus neotypicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum neotypicum: Tuffeau de Maastricht.
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Tuffeau de Maastricht in the area around Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Voigt (1924b) selected Onychocella pseudoirregularis as a replacement name for material from Maastricht of Cellepora irregularis Hagenow, 1851, as the name Onychocella irregularis was preoccupied by Eschara irregularis Hagenow, 1839, from Rügen. Although no material from Maastricht was examined by Voigt (1924b), Voigt (1989b) selected a sample from Maastricht as the neotype and reinterpreted the species strictly in the sense of Hagenow (1851). Whether the German Santonian material and the material from the early Maastrichtian of Rügen are conspecific with the material from Maastricht remains unresolved as all material was destroyed during World War II. However, Voigt (1989b) expressed concerns on its conspecifity and did not include the Santonian localities in his revision.
Figure 63: a-b Onychocella pockrandti Voigt, 1975, holotype, SMF 24557, early Campanian, Sehnde-Höver, Lower Saxony, Germany. c-d 'Onychocella' prismatica (Hagenow, 1839), neotype, SMF 26411, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. e-f Onychocella pseudoirregularis (Voigt,
1924), neotype, SMF 26103, late Maastrichtian, Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands. |
Onychocella regularis (Hagenow, 1846)
(Fig. 64a–b )
# 1846 Cellepora regularis v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 619, Pl. XXIII.b, fig. 45.
*# 1959a Onychocella regularis (v. Hagenow), 1846 – Voigt, p. 55, Pl. VII, figs. 3–4.
Holotype: The originals of the Hagenow collection in the Stettiner Museum were lost during World War II.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Neotype: SMF 26408 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VII, figs. 3–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 407.
Locus neotypicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Chiplonkar (1939) described a new species named Eschara regularis from the Bagh Beds (?Turonian) of Madhya Pradesh, India. This species was later referred to Onychocella Jullien, 1882, by Taylor and Badve (1994), therefore creating a secondary homonym of O. regularis, which requires a replacement name.
'Onychocella' spinifera Voigt, 1981
(Fig. 64c–d )
*# 1981c Onychocella spinifera n.sp. – Voigt, p. 291, Fig. 3A–G.
# 1992b Onychocella spinifera Voigt – Voigt, Pl. 6, figs. 1–3.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1981c, Fig. 3A).
Original label: Voigt collection number 9194.
Locus typicus: Abandoned Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade Limestone IV d.
Stratigraphical range: Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone in the Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998). Here, we image specimen SMF 24802 (Voigt collection number 9192), which was figured by Voigt (1981c, Fig. 3D).
Onychocella subirregularis Voigt, 1959
(Fig. 64e–f )
non# 1839 Eschara irregularis nob. – Hagenow, p. 264, Pl. IV, fig. 2a–b.
# 1839 Cellepora irregularis nob. – Hagenow, p. 276.
?# 1841 Discopora (Cellepora) irregularis v. Hagenow – Roemer, p. 12.
# 1846 Cellepora irregularis v. Hag. – Hagenow, p. 619.
non# 1851 Cellepora (Discopora) irregularis, Hag. – Hagenow, p. 92, Pl. XI, fig. 14.
*# 1959a Onychocella subirregularis nom. nov. – Voigt, p. 28, Pl. VII, fig. 2.
# 1989b Onychocella subirregularis Voigt, 1959 – Voigt, p. 52, Pl. 11, fig. 1.
Holotype: SMF 26407 (Voigt, 1959a, Pl. VII, fig. 2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 351.
Locus typicus: Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Stratum typicum: White chalk of early Maastrichtian age.
Stratigraphical range: Early Maastrichtian.
Remarks: Voigt (1959a) suggested Onychocella subirregularis as a replacement name for material of Cellepora irregularis Hagenow, 1839, since the name O. irregularis was preoccupied by another Rügen species, Eschara irregularis Hagenow, 1839, introduced in the same publication.
Figure 64: a-b Onychocella regularis (Hagenow, 1846), neotype, SMF 26408, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. c-d 'Onychocella' spinifera Voigt,
1981, SMF 24802, late Maastrichtian (Belemnitella junior belemnite Zone), Schunk Quarry near Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Onychocella subirregularis Voigt, 1959, holotype, SMF 26407, early Maastrichtian, Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. |
Onychocella subpalpigera Voigt, 1985
(Fig. 65a–b )
*# 1985a Onychocella subpalpigera nov. sp. – Voigt, p. 634, Pl. 5, figs. 1–4.
Holotype: SMF 25361 (Voigt, 1985a, Pl. 5, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 8771.
Locus typicus: Fécamp, Normandy, France.
Stratum typicum: Coniacian.
Paratype: SMF 25361.
Further distribution: Coniacian to Santonian, Gorges du Nant near Cognin-les-Gorges, Isčre, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Coniacian, Vattetot-sur-Mer, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France. Coniacian (Marsupites testudinarius crinoid Zone), Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France.
Stratigraphical range: Coniacian to Santonian.
Remarks: The holotype and the paratype designated by Voigt (1985a) are in the same cavity slide.
Onychocella tuberculata Voigt, 1992
(Fig. 65c–d )
*# 1992b Onychocella tuberculata n.sp. – Voigt, p. 151, Pl. 4, fig. 4, Pl. 5, figs. 1–5.
Holotype: Not found (Voigt, 1992b, Pl. 5, fig. 1).
Original label: Voigt collection number 4241.
Locus typicus: Voerendaal-Kunrade, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Kunrade Limestone, late Maastrichtian (Belemnella casimirovensis belemnite Zone).
Further distribution: Late Maastrichtian, Blom Quarry near Terblijt, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratigraphical range: Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks: The holotype was listed by Eiserhardt (1998). Here, we image specimen SMF 25893 (Voigt collection number 12103), which was figured by Voigt (1992b, Pl. 4, fig. 4).
Genus Rhagasostoma Koschinsky, 1885
Rhagasostoma hexagonum Koschinsky, 1885
(Fig. 65e–f )
*# 1885 Rhagasostoma hexagonum n.sp. – Koschinsky, p. 30, Pl. V, figs. 5–7.
# 1920 Rhagasostoma hexagonum Koschinsky, 1885 – Canu & Bassler, Fig. 66A.
# 1923 R. hexagonum Koschinsky, 1885 – Canu & Bassler, Fig. 8G.
# 1953 R. hexagonum – Bassler, p. G174, Fig. 133.9.
# 2018 Rhagasostoma hexagonum Koschinsky – Taylor et al., Fig. 26a–g.
Holotype: The type material of Rhagasostoma hexagonum could not be located according to Martin Nose (Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie in Munich, Germany) and Kamil Zágoršek (Technická univerzita v Liberci, Lieberec, Czech Republic).
Locus typicus: 'Götzreuth', graben near Siegsdorf-Gerhartsreit, Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Gosaumergel (Gosau marls) of the Gerhartsreiter Schichten.
Neotype: SMF 29757 (Taylor et al., 2018, Fig. 26a–d).
Original label: None.
Locus neotypicus: Rollgraben near Teisendorf, Bavaria, Germany.
Stratum neotypicum: Lutetian, Eocene.
Stratigraphical range: Lutetian.
Remarks: Rhagasostoma hexagonum is the type species of Rhagasostoma Koschinsky, 1885.
Figure 65: a-b Onychocella subpalpigera Voigt,
1985, holotype, SMF 25361, Coniacian, Fécamp, Normandy, France. c-d Onychocella tuberculata Voigt, 1992, SMF 25893, late Maastrichtian, Blom Quarry near Terblijt in the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, Netherlands. e-f Rhagasostoma hexagonum Koschinsky, 1885, SMF 29757, Lutetian, Rollgraben near Teisendorf, Bavaria, Germany. |
Genus Solenonychocella Voigt & Williams, 1973
Solenonychocella hennigi Voigt & Williams, 1973
(Fig. 66a–b )
# 1892 Membranipora rustica d'Orb. sp. – Hennig, p. 15, Pl. 1, fig. 14.
p# 1930 Onychocella flabellula v. Hagenow – Voigt, p. 456, Pl. 15, fig. 21 (non Pl. 15, figs. 19–20, Pl. 39, fig. 6).
*# 1973 Solenonychocella hennigi n.g. n.sp. – Voigt & Williams, p. 172, Pl. 11, figs. 1–8, Pl. 12, figs. 1–9, Pl. 13, figs. 1–5, Pl. 16, figs. 5–6, Pl. 18, figs. 1–2; Pl. 19, figs. 1–2, Pl. 20, figs. 1–2.
# 1983 Solenonychocella hennigi Voigt [sic] – Voigt, Pl. 4, fig. 6.
# 2018 Solenonychocella hennigi Voigt and Williams – Taylor et al., Fig. 30a–d.
Holotype: SMF 24512 (Voigt & Williams, 1973, Pl. 11, figs. 1–2).
Original label: Voigt collection number 6672.
Locus typicus: Maltesholms slott near Kristianstad, Skĺne län, Sweden.
Stratum typicum: Early Campanian.
Further distribution: (?) Coniacian to Santonian: "Ringelesnätt" near Ignaberga, Hässleholms kommune. Early Campanian, Karlshamn, Blekinge län, Sweden; Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad; Balsberg north of Kristianstad; Ignaberga, Hässleholms kommun (all Skĺne län, Sweden); "Ifö" (probably the island Ivön, formerly spelled Ifön near Bromölla, Skĺne län, Sweden). Late Campanian, Staversvad near Kristianstad-Arkelstorp; Hemmingslycke near Kristianstad; Bĺstad (all Skĺne län, Sweden).
Stratigraphical range: Coniacian to late Campanian.
Remarks: Solenonychocella hennigi is the type species of Solenonychocella Voigt & Williams, 1973. In the original species description, Hemmingslycke is named as the locality of the holotype, while the label with the specimen and the figure captions indicate that the specimen comes from Maltesholms slott.
Family Poricellariidae Harmer, 1926
Genus Poricellaria Orbigny, 1854
Poricellaria daniensis Voigt, 1999
(Fig. 66c–d )
*# 1999 Poricellaria daniensis n.g. n.sp. – Voigt, p. 307, Pl. 5, figs. 35–46.
Holotype: SMF 26233 (Voigt, 1999, Pl. 5, fig. 35).
Original label: Voigt collection number 12989.
Locus typicus: Glacial drift deposit near the Staberhuk lighthouse, Fehmarn-Staberdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Stratum typicum: Bryozoan limestone of the Baltic Danian.
Further distribution: Danian, glacial drift deposits near Neu Wulmstorf-Daerstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Unplaced Family
Family Bicorniferidae Keij, 1977
Genus Voorthuyseniella Szczechura, 1969
Voorthuyseniella incrustans Spiegler & Eiserhardt, 2002
*# 2002 Voorthuyseniella incrustans Spiegler & Eiserhardt, n.sp. – Spiegler & Eiserhardt, p. 9, Pl. 1, figs. 1–4, Pl. 2, figs. 1–4.
Holotype: Not found (Spiegler & Eiserhardt, 2002, Pl. 1, fig. 1, Pl. 2, figs. 1–4).
Original label: Voigt collection number 7390-A.
Locus typicus: Curfs Quarry near Berg, Valkenburg aan de Geul municipality, Limburg, Netherlands.
Stratum typicum: Base of Geulhem Chalk, Houthem Formation.
Stratigraphical range: Danian.
Remarks: All material from the publication of Spiegler and Eiserhardt (2002) is missing.
Figure 66: a-b Solenonychocella hennigi Voigt & Williams, 1973, holotype, SMF 24512, early Campanian, Maltesholms slott near Kristianstad, Skĺne län, Sweden. c-d Poricellaria daniensis Voigt, 1999, holotype, SMF 26233, Danian, near the lighthouse Staberhuk in Fehmarn-Staberdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. |