◄ Carnets Geol. 20 (17) ►
[1. Introduction]
[2. Geological setting]
[3. Material and methods]
[4. Systematic palaeontology]
[5. Discussion and conclusion]
[Bibliographic references] and ...
Office National des Mines, 24, rue de l'énergie, 2035 La Charguia, Tunis (Tunisia)
(corresponding author) University of Catania. Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Science, Corso Italia 55, 95129 Catania (Italy)
Office National des Mines, 24, rue de l'énergie, 2035 La Charguia, Tunis (Tunisia)
Published online in final form (pdf) on October 14, 2020
DOI 10.2110/carnets.2020.2017
[Editor: Bruno Granier;
language editor: Stephen Eagar]
Micropalaeontological analyses were performed on two stratigraphical sections sampled in upper Messinian deposits outcropping in eastern Tunisia, allowing us to identify some sedimentary levels with high concentrations of fresh or brackish water ostracods, which can be referred to the Lago-Mare fauna. Some of these species can be considered Paratethysian, or rather as species that spread in the Mediterranean area starting from the Paratethys areas, while others show Paratethysian affinity. The Lago-Mare fauna is little known in the south Mediterranean regions and the present article provides new data on its geographic distribution.
Of the two sections sampled, the first one, the Wadi El Kebir section, is located in the south eastern part of the Cape Bon Peninsula and shows horizons dominated by Cyprideis agrigentina and Cyprideis ex C. torosa group; the second one, the Salakta section, is located in the Sahel region and shows a level with a very rich Lago-Mare ostracod fauna consisting essentially of Amnicythere propinqua, Mediocytherideis punctata, and Ilyocypris gibba.
• Ostracods;
• upper Messinian;
• Lago-Mare facies;
• Tunisia;
• palaeoenvironmental evolution
Temani R., Sciuto F. & Ammar H.K. (2020).- Messinian Lago-Mare ostracods from Tunisia.- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 20, no. 17, p. 315-331.
Ostracodes du Lago-Mare messinien en Tunisie.- Des analyses micropaléontologiques ont été réalisées sur deux coupes stratigraphiques échantillonnées dans des dépôts du Messinien supérieur affleurant en Tunisie orientale. Elles nous ont permis d'identifier certains niveaux sédimentaires présentant de fortes concentrations en ostracodes d'eaux douce ou saumâtre, qui peuvent être rapportés à la faune de faciès Lago-Mare. Certaines de ces espèces peuvent être considérées comme paratéthysiennes ou plutôt comme des espèces ayant migré en Mer Méditerranéenne depuis les régions paratéthysiennes, alors que d'autres présentent une affinité paratéthysienne. La faune de faciès Lago-Mare est peu connue dans les régions sud-méditerranéennes et cet article fournit de nouvelles données sur sa répartition géographique.
Des deux sections étudiées, la première, la coupe de Wadi El Kebir, située dans la partie sud-est de la péninsule du Cap Bon, comporte des niveaux dominés par Cyprideis agrigentina et Cyprideis ex gr. C. torosa, tandis que la seconde, la coupe de Salakta, située dans la région du Sahel, comporte un niveau doté d'une très riche faune d'ostracodes de faciès Lago-Mare, essentiellement constituée des espèces Amnicythere propinqua, Mediocytherideis punctata et Ilyocypris gibba.
• Ostracodes ;
• Messinien supérieur ;
• faciès Lago-Mare ;
• Tunisie ;
• évolution paléoenvironmentale
At the end of the Miocene, the Mediterranean basin underwent one of the most disturbing environmental crisis that occurred in geological time. During this event, called Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) (Hsü et al., 1973; Clauzon et al., 1996; Gliozzi et al., 2007; Garcia-Castellanos et al., 2009; Grossi et al., 2011; Krijgsman et al., 2018; G. Mascle & J. Mascle, 2019; Ben Moshe et al., 2020, inter alia), started 5.97 Ma ago (Manzi et al., 2013), large thicknesses of evaporites were deposited on the bottom of Mediterranean Sea (Ruggieri, 1967; Benson, 1978; Cita et al., 1978; G. Mascle & J. Mascle, 2019, inter alia). The causes that led to the deposition of evaporitic salts can be correlated to the more or less total closure of the connection between the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas.
According to an old hypothesis, the Mediterranean Sea dried up completely, due to the closure of the Strait of Gibraltar, leading to the deposition of evaporitic salts in deep hypersaline basins (Hsü et al., 1973; Benson 1973a, 1973b; Cita et al., 1978, inter alia). More recently, researchers have argued that the Strait of Gibraltar did not close entirely and that the Mediterranean Sea did not completely dry up; on the contrary, they suggest the presence of shallow saline water sedimentation on the floor of deep depressions, with a recurrent feeding mechanism of these depressions, including alternation of dewatering and filling events, or a system of basins located at different altitudes but connected by waterfalls (Roveri et al., 2014; Krijgsman et al., 2018; G. Mascle & J. Mascle, 2019).
The temporary Mediterranean disconnection from the Atlantic Ocean would be the result of a tectonic uplift of the Gibraltar threshold that controls the inflow of water required to compensate for its hydrological deficit (Cita et al., 1978; Garcia-Castellanos et al., 2009, inter alia).
According to Ben Moshe et al., 2020, during the third stage of the MSC (Lago-Mare event, 5.55-5.33Ma) the Mediterranean Sea level fluctuated repeatedly. Several parts of the Mediterranean Basin emerged and were affected by intense continentalization, with strong subaerial erosion phenomena, chemical dissolution of the previous Messinian evaporites, and, in the widespread lower basin area, deposition of terrigenous sedimentary facies characterized by brackish to a freshwater fauna (Orszag-Sperber et al., 2000; Rouchy et al., 2007; Gliozzi et al., 2007). This sedimentary facies, called "Lago-Mare" (sensu Ruggieri, 1967), occurs discontinuously but widely in the Mediterranean Basin from the Eastern to the Western Basin (Orszag-Sperber et al., 2000; Rouchy & Caruso, 2006; Gliozzi et al., 2007; Grossi et al., 2011; Faranda et al., 2013, inter alia).
According to the studies undertaken in Sicily and in many geographical areas of the Central Mediterranean Basin, the sediments deposited during the Lago-Mare event are represented by two different facies: the first consists of marls containing oligohaline faunas ("Congeria marls") (Di Geronimo et al., 1989; Sciuto et al., 2018), the second consists of reddish arkosic sands ("Arenazzolo") containing brackish to freshwater ostracods (Bonaduce & Sgarella, 1999; Roveri et al., 2008; Sciuto et al., 2018). Part of this fauna points to original mesohaline to hyperhaline shallow-water paleoenvironments with low oxygen content (Grossi et al., 2015) seemingly produced by overflows from the Pannonian-Pontian Paratethysian waters (Gliozzi et al., 2007; Stoica et al., 2016).
Only a few detailed studies have been carried out on the Messinian ostracods of Tunisia, (Gulf of Gabes, South Tunisia; Bonaduce et al., 1992) and even fewer on the "Lago-Mare" fauna. General studies have been performed on the Messinian facies (El Euch-El Koundi et al., 2009; Abdi et al., 2014; Frigui et al., 2016). Therefore, the main purpose of the present contribution focuses on the ostracod fauna collected from two stratigraphic sequences out-cropping in some localities in Eastern Tunisia, is to verify the presence of both Lago-Mare faunas and Paratethysian species therein.
The acquisition of this data will allow us to understand and to interpret the paleoecologic and paleoclimatic evolution of this area during the post evaporitic phase of the late Messinian.
The Messinian facies are relatively rare in Tunisia. The evaporitic ones are only known offshore, the terrigenous ones are only known in the Cap Bon Peninsula in northern Tunisia (Burollet, 1951; Colleuil, 1976; Ben Salem, 1992; Frigui et al., 2016; Temani et al., 2018, 2019) and in the Sahel region (Besème & Kamoun, 1988; Kamoun et al., 2001; Moissette et al., 2010; Abdi et al., 2014; Frigui et al., 2016; Temani et al., 2018, 2019). They are usually squeezed between the upper Tortonian coastal to continental deposits (Saouaf and Somaa Formations) and the Lower Pliocene marine marls.
The Cape Bon Peninsula (Fig. 1
is almost entirely
constituted by the Jebel Abderrahmane anticline. The oldest series exposed is
the Middle Eocene Souar Formation (Burollet, 1956; Abdi
et al., 2014). The overlying Neogene deposits consist of marine and terrestrial
siliciclastic facies and carbonates (Burollet, 1956; Colleuil,
1976; Demarcq et al., 1976; Ben
Salem, 1992; Bédir et al.,
1996; Mannaï-Tayech, 2006).
The Sahel area in Eastern Tunisia (Fig. 1
) extends
from the "North-South Axis" eastward to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a flat
foreland to the east of the Alpine Domain of Tunisia (Fig. 1
). The outcropping
sedimentary series range from the Upper Miocene to the Quaternary (Burollet,
1956; Demarcq
et al., 1967; Kamoun, 1981;
Besème & Kamoun, 1988;
Bédir, 1995; Gaaloul,
1995; Ben Youssef et al.,
2002; Frigui, 2003; Abdi et al.,
Figure 1:
Structural scheme of the Central Mediterranean area with the
location of the OK Section and SAL Section (modified after many authors). |
In these areas, the Messinian deposits (Fig. 2 )
are represented by two
lithostratigraphic units: the Beni Khiar Fm. and the Oued El Bir Fm. (Colleuil,
1976; Fournié, 1978; Bismuth,
1984; Bédir
et al., 1996; Moissette et
al., 2010; Frigui
et al., 2016). The Beni Khiar Fm., with its lateral offshore
equivalent, the Melqart Fm. (Bonaduce et
al., 1988), consists of oolitic and bioclastic limestones alternating with
sandy and marly layers. The Oued El Bir Fm., or Oued bel Khedim Fm. in offshore
wells, consists of sands, sandstones, and sometimes chalky clays. The Beni Khiar
Fm. was described by Colleuil (1976) who proposed a Tortonian age for its
lower part (Somaa and Beni Khiar formations and a Messinian age for its
uppermost part (Oued El Bir Fm.). Ben Salem (1998) and Hooyberghs
and Ben Salem (1999) distinguished continental siliciclastic
deposits (Somaa Fm.) followed by marine deposits represented by sandstones and
clays (Beni Khiar Fm.) referred to the lower Messinian (N17 biozone of Blow).
The oolitic limestones follow. The sedimentary sequence ends with lagoonal and
lacustrine siliciclastic deposits (Oued El Bir Fm.) attributed to the upper
Messinian (Fig. 2
(Moissette et
al., 2010; Abdi et al.,
2014; Frigui et
al., 2016).
Stratigraphic schema of the investigated region (modified after
Frigui et al., 2016). |
Two stratigraphic sequences were sampled for ostracod faunas: the Wadi El Kebir section and the Salakta section.
The Wadi El Kebir (OK) section (Fig. 3 )
crops out in the eastern side of
the Wadi El Kebir dam, in the Nabeul region, south eastern part of the Cape Bon
Peninsula. It consists of about 8.5 m thick siliciclastic deposits. It can be
divided into two lithostratigraphic units. The first one, 2.5m thick, is mostly
sandy and capped at the top by sandstone sediments (70 cm) that are very rich in
gastropods. This horizon shows bioturbation at the base, with bryozoa, algae,
and echinoderms debris at the top. The second unit begins with centimetric
sandy-clayey layers followed by laminated clays interbedded in sandstones. The
top part (80 cm thick) is mostly sandy and sometimes shows clay levels with
sandstones. These deposits correspond to the upper Messinian "Oued El Bir Fm." (Fig. 2
(Said Benzarti et al., 2010; Moissette
et al., 2010; Frigui et
al., 2016; present paper). Fifty-one samples were taken from the Wadi El Kebir section.
The Salakta section (SAL)
(Fig. 5 )
is nearly 10 m thick and is located
about 3 km north of the village of Salakta. The lower levels consist of 2 m
thick silty marls followed
by 3.5 m of bioclastic sand interbedded with centrimetric marl levels. This sand
shows fragments of bivalves and bioturbations in some levels. Moving upwards,
one finds 1.5 m of yellow sandstone displaying abundant gasteropod molds,
followed by 2m of yellow fine sands containing bioclasts and Pectinids and
grading up to calcareous sandstones. The whole is covered by 1m of green marl
containing broken and complete oyster shells and 50 cm of fine sand. Thirty-one
samples were taken from the Salakta section. The deposits correspond to the
upper Messinian "Oued El Bir Fm."
For each sample, 250g of sediments were washed using diluted hydrogen peroxide for their disaggregation and sieved through standard sieves (63/125/250/500 µm). Residuals ≥250 mm were picked out completely and used for detailed taxonomic investigations. From the 125 µm sieve-residual 0.2 g/sample were picked and then quartered when necessary.
SEM micrographs were obtained through a LMU Tescan Vega II Scanning Electron Microscope at the Electronic Microscopy Laboratory of the University of Catania.
The specimens are deposited in the paleontological and sedimentological laboratory of the Geological Survey of the National Office of Mines of Tunisia.
Wadi El Kebir (OK) section (Figs. 3
- 4
31 ostracod taxa were identified in the OK section. The ostracod fauna is
rare and not referable to a purely marine environment and dispersed along the
entire section and is only represented,
sometimes abundantly, by species of the genus Cyprideis
Jones, 1857.
The sedimentary succession cropping out at OK section and the
corresponding stratigraphical log with sampling location. |
Figure 4:
Distribution of ostracods and foraminifers along the OK section
(abscissa axis=samples; ordinate axis=number of specimens). |
Salakta (SAL) section
(Figs. 5
- 6
53 ostracod taxa were identified in the SAL section. The ostracod fauna
is not referable to a purely marine environment and is concentrated in a precise
stratigraphic interval between samples 9 and 17 (Fig. 4
). Ostracod association
in this level consist of such
species widespread and abundant
as Candona and Cyprideis associated
with Phlyctenophora farkasi (Zalanyi, 1913) and I. gibba, followed
by Amnicythere
propinqua (Livental, 1929), Mediocytherideis
punctata (Ligios
et al., 2008) and species belonging to the
genera Cytherois, Cypria, and
Ilyocypris. Foraminifers are rare. In
this group of samples were found charophyte gyrogonites,
the best preserved of which are referable to Chara hispida Linnaeus,
1753, and C.
vulgaris Linnaeus, 1753.
The sedimentary succession cropping out at SAL Section and the
corresponding stratigraphical log with sampling location. |
Figure 6:
Distribution of foraminifers and ostracods along the SAL Section
(abscissa axis=samples; ordinate axis=number of specimens). |
The distribution of Miocyprideis polita Bonaduce et al., 1992, is particularly meaningful; it is distributed, sometimes abundantly, in the lower and upper portion of the section, but it is practically absent between samples 9 and 21.
Ostracod species are particularly important for the late Messinian paleogeography and paleo-environment. They are well represented in some stratigraphic levels of the two sections and are listed systematically (according to Meisch et al., 2019).
They were found for the first time in this studied sector of the Mediterranean area.
Class OSTRACODA Latreille, 1806
Subclass PODOCOPA Sars, 1866
Order PODOCOPIDA Sars, 1866
Family CANDONIDAE Kaufmann, 1900
Genus Phlyctenophora Brady, 1880
Type species: Phlyctenophora zealandica Brady, 1880.
Phlyctenophora farkasi (Zalanyi, 1913)
(Pl. 1
fig. 1)
2006 Phlyctenophora farkasi (Zalanyi), Olteanu, p. 20.
2007 Phlyctenophora farkasi, Pezely & Sremac, p. 83.
2008 Phlyctenophora farkasi (Zalanyi, 1913), Faranda et al., p. 301, Pl. 5, fig. 4
2013 Phlyctenophora farkasi (Zalanyi, 1913), Faranda et al., p. 846, Figs. 6 (u), 7 (e, f, h).
P. farkasi is reported always from shallow marine water and transitional environments, such as marshes, lagoons, and estuaries, often associated with Neomonoceratina laskarevi (Krstic & Pietrzeniuk, 1972). The species has been found in the Upper Miocene of central Crete (Faranda et al., 2008), the Badenian (Langhian-lower Serravallian) of the North Croatian Basin (Bakrač et al., 2010), Transylvania (Olteanu, 2006), and Medvednica Mt. (Croatia) (Pezelj & Sremac, 2007). In the Messinian the species is reported from the Adana Basin in southern Turkey (Faranda et al., 2013). The species does not appear to be reported in Italy. The genus is reported from the Upper-Middle Miocene of Buonfornello (Aruta, 1982).
P. farkasi is stratigraphically referred to the higher part of the upper Badenian in the Carpathian area (Olteanu, 2006) and in the Pokupsko area (Banovina, Croatia) where it is recognized the NO10 Zone Carinocythereis carinata - Phlyctenophora farkasi of the upper Badenian (Hajek-Tadesse & Prtoljan, 2011). According to Olteanu (2006), the species would be part of an association that would represent the faunal transition between the Paratethysian region fauna and those of the Mediterranean area.
Family ILYOCYPRIDIDAE Kaufmann, 1900
Subfamily Ilyocypridinae Kaufmann, 1900
Genus Ilyocypris Brady & Norman, 1889
Type species: Cypris gibba Ramdohr, 1808
Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr, 1808)
(Pl. 1
fig. 2)
1808 Cypris gibba Ramdohr, p. 91, Pl. 3, figs. 13-14, 17;
1965 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Devoto, p. 345, Fig. 50.
1979 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Carbonnel & Peypouquet, p. 195, Pl. 1, fig. 2.
1998 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Gliozzi & Mazzini, p. 80, Pl. 2, fig. A.
1999 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Mazzini et al., p. 297, Pl. 2, fig. 5.
2000 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Meisch, p. 245, Fig. 104.
2005 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Rodriguez-Làzaro & Martin-Rubio, p. 40, Pl. 1, figs. 1-3, 7.
2006 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Rossetti et al., p. 124, Fig. 2 (I-K).
2006 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Pieri et al., p. 5.
2008 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Akdemir, p. 109, Fig. 3.
2008 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Beker et al., p. 12, Pl. 1, figs. 10-11.
2014 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Uçak et al., p. 4.
2015 Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr); Sciuto et al., p. 50, Pl. 1, U.
Remarks: I. gibba (Ramdohr) is a Holarctic species, known from a very wide area in Europe and Asia, as well as from East Africa and North America (Henderson, 1990). In Sicily it has been recorded in Recent deposits by Pieri et al. (2006) and in Pleistocene sediments by Sciuto et al. (2015). The stratigraphical distribution of I. gibba is wide, ranging from the Tortonian to the Recent (Beker et al., 2008). The species is widespread in all freshwater environments, in a wide temperature range.
Family CYTHERIDEIDAE Sars, 1925
Genus Cyprideis Jones, 1857
Type species: Candona torosa Jones, 1850, by subsequent designation of Jones (1857).
Cyprideis agrigentina Decima, 1964
(Pl. 1
fig. 3)
1964 Cyprideis pannonica agrigentina; Decima, p. 108-111, Pl. 29, figs. 4-8; Pl. 30, figs. 1-10; Pl. 31, fig. 1.2; Pl. 37, figs. 16-21.
1964 Cyprideis pannonica pseudoagrigentina; Decima, p. 111-113, Pl. 31, figs. 3-7; Pl. 32, figs. 1-2; Pl. 38, figs. 1-2.
1978 Cyprideis pannonica (Méhes); Benson, p. 780, Pl. 2, figs. 4-8.
1999 Cyprideis "agrigentina" Decima; Bonaduce & Sgarrella, p. 84-86, Pl. 1, fig. 1.
2007 Cyprideis agrigentina Decima; Rouchy et al., p. 392-393, 400, 407, 410-411, Pl. 4, figs. 1-2.
2008 Cyprideis agrigentina Decima; Gross et al., p. 133, 135, 137-140.
2008 Cyprideis agrigentina Decima; Trenkwalder et al., p. 94.
2018 Cyprideis agrigentina Decima; Sciuto et al., p. 11, Fig. 6.9
Remarks: According to Gliozzi (1999) the specific attribution of Cyprideis is rather complex. Indeed, the morphological characters of the carapace can be too diverse to justify the adoption of the term C. ex gr. pannonica by Gross et al. (2008) to indicate rather small and nearly smooth specimens of the genus found in upper Sarmatian and lower Pannonian sediments of the central Paratethys. This character is so distinct that Ligios and Gliozzi (2012) continue to propose to create the "C. torosa group", including species such as C. agrigentina Decima, 1964, C. ruggierii Decima, 1964, C. torosa (Jones, 1850), and in part C. crotonensis Decima, 1964, and C. calabra Decima, 1964 (Ligios & Gliozzi, 2012).
In this paper, we have decided to continue to use the specific name "agrigentina". We have identified the species through the observation of the internal characters of the carapace and particularly muscle scars, hinge, and duplicature. All the others specimens of "Cyprideis" have been grouped into the "C. torosa group" according to Ligios and Gliozzi (2012).
C. agrigentina is widespread in all the brackish Mediterranean domain during the "Lago-Mare" phase of the Messinian Salinity Crisis from the end of the evaporitic phase (about 5.5 Ma) to the Messinian/Zanclean boundary (5.33 Ma) (Cosentino et al., 2007; Gross et al., 2008; Guerra-Merchán et al., 2010; Cipollari et al., 2013). It seems to occur more frequently in the mesohaline high mesohaline facies, where it creates oligotypic assemblages together with Ammonia tepida (Bonaduce & Sgarrella, 1999; Grossi & Gennari, 2008; Guerra-Merchán et al., 2010), while in the oligo-mesohaline environment it seems to be vicariant with Cyprideis anlavauxensis (Grossi & Gennari, 2008).
C. agrigentina is reported from the Messinian of Eraclea Minoa (Decima, 1964), the Pannonian Stage of the northern Vienna Basin (Kováč et al., 1998), the Upper Miocene of eastern Anatolia (Nazik et al., 2008), the Pliocene of Almeria (Addicott et al., 1978), the Sarmatian of Turkey, the lower Sarmatian of Romania (Radu & Stoica, 2005), the Upper Miocene deposits of Anatolia (Şafak et al., 1999) and the lower Pannonian of Hungary (Kollmann, 1960). The majority of Cyprideis species live in brackish (meso-brachyhaline), euryhaline, mainly mesohaline (5-18‰) environments but also oligohaline and hyperhaline (Gross, 2004, inter alia). Gliozzi et al. (2007) consider C. agrigentina as a Lago-Mare species with Paratethysian affinity. Unlike C. torosa, C. agrigentina cannot be considered as a paleosalinometer for the MSC (Grossi et al., 2015).
Cyprideis ex C. torosa (Jones, 1850) group Ligios & Gliozzi (2012)
(Pl. 1
fig. 4)
1964 Cyprideis torosa (Jones); Decima, Pl. 11, figs. 3-8c; Pl. 12, figs. 1-8d; Pl. 15, figs. 11-15.
2002 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Wouters, Pl. 3, figs. 1a-4d.
2005 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Matzke-Karasz & Witt, Pl. 3, figs. 8-11.
2007 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Medley et al., Pl. 1, fig. e.
2012 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Lucena-Moya et al., p. 6.
2011 Cyprideis torosa; Frenzel et al., p. 59.
2013 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Valls et al., Fig 3, G-I.
2014 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Chekhovskaya et al., p. 213, Pl. 2, fig. 7.
2015 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Altınsaçlı et al., p. 379.
2015 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Schornikov, Pl. 1, figs. 15-18.
2016 Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850); Bejaoui et al., Fig. 7, G-I.
2016 Cyprideis torosa (Jones); Baak et al., Figs. 4, 18.
2018 Cyprideis ex C. torosa (Jones, 1850) group; Sciuto et al., p. 11, Fig. 6.10-12
Remarks: Following Ligios and Gliozzi (2012), who point to the remarkable similarity of C. agrigentina, C. ruggierii, C. torosa, and in part C. crotonensis and C. calabra, we included these species in a comprehensive informal "C. torosa group". Wouters (2016) also confirms that Cyprideis torosa Jones, 1850, is a single, highly variable, polymorphic, and widely distributed species, with locally different populations. This group includes euryhaline and eurythermal species that can live from freshwater to hypersaline water (sebkha) (Athersuch et al., 1989; Boomer et al., 1996; Bejaoui et al., 2016). It has been reported from western and southern Europe, i.e. the Mediterranean coasts, including the Mediterranean Isles, and from the Atlantic coasts of west and northwest Europe. The species is also known from North Africa (Bejaoui et al., 2016), Eurasia, central and southwest Asia, (Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Lake Aral, and Lake Issyk Kul), and China (Wouters, 2002). It was also found in hypersaline environment at Santa Pola, a coastal salt marsh of the western Mediterranean (Mezquita et al., 2011), in brackish estuaries and lagoons of mainland Portugal (Cabral et al., 2016), and in coastal mesohaline lagoons in Turkey (Altinsaçli et al., 2015). Fossil specimens are reported from the Miocene to Recent (Meisch, 2000).
Family LEPTOCYTHERIDAE Hanai, 1957
Subfamily Leptocytherinae Hanai, 1957
Genus Leptocythere Sars, 1925
Type species: Cythere pellucida Baird, 1850.
Amnicythere propinqua (Livental, 1929)
(Pl. 1
fig. 5)
1929 Cythere propinqua Livental, p. 20, Pl. 1, figs. 21-22.
1996 Leptocythere cymbula Livental, 1929; Boomer et al., p. 81, Fig. 4 A-H.
1999 Leptocythere propinqua Livental; Gliozzi, p. 199, Pl. 1, fig. c.
2004 Amnicythere cymbula Olteanu, p. 4.
2007 Amnicythere propinqua (Livental, 1929); Gliozzi et al., p. 331.
2008 Amnicythere propinqua (Livental, 1929); Gliozzi & Grossi, p. 290.
2008 Amnicythere propinqua (Livental, 1929); Grossi & Gennari, p. 77.
2014 Amnicythere cymbula (Livental, 1929), Chekhovskaya et al., p. 213, Pl. 1, fig. 8.
2016 Amnicythere propinqua Livental; Stoica et al., p. 859, Pl. 4, figs. 1-11.
2018 Amnicythere propinqua Livental; Williams et al., p. 56, Fig. 12 (1).
Remarks: A. propinqua is typical of shallow and oligo mesohaline waters. It is reported from the Upper Miocene strata (Pontian) of the Taman Peninsula (Azov Sea) (Stoica et al., 2016), from the Upper Pliocene and post Pliocene of the Caspian and Black Sea regions (Boomer et al., 1996), from the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene of the northern Caspian Sea, where it is commonly reported at depth of 2.5-10 m with salinity of 7-13.5‰ (Chekhovskaya et al., 2014), and from the Holocene of the Black Sea, where it is considered to be part of the Ponto-Caspian (brackish) assemblages (Williams et al., 2018).
In the Mediterranean region A. propinqua is reported from Lago-Mare events in the northern and central Apennines (Gliozzi et al., 2007; Gliozzi & Grossi, 2008; Grossi & Gennari, 2008), in the upper Messinian of Aléria Basin (Corsica) (Carbonnel, 1978), and in the upper Messinian of the Moncucco quarry (Torino Hill) (Trenkwalder et al., 2008).
The genus Amnicythere is widespread in the Miocene in the Paratethysian with Loxoconchissa, Loxocorniculina, Pontoniella, and Zalanyiella. These taxa migrated to the Mediterranean domain during the Messinian Lago-Mare event (Grossi & Gennari, 2008), and A. propinqua is therefore indicated as Paratethysian (Gliozzi et al., 2005; Gliozzi & Grossi, 2008).
Subfamily Mediocytherideisinae Mandelstam, 1960
Genus Mediocytherideis Mandelstam, 1956
Type species: Cytherideis apatoica Schweyer, 1949, by original designation.
Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) punctata Ligios et al., 2008
(Pl. 1
fig. 6)
2008 Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) punctata Ligios et al., p. 156, Pl. 4, figs. 1-10; Pl. 5, figs. 1,2.
2012 Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) punctata Ligios et al.; Ligios et al., p. 357
The reports of all the species belonging to the genus Mediocytherideis refer to brackish environments (Ligios et al., 2008). The genus is reported from the Upper Miocene sediments of Lake Pannon, from where it spread, alongside other taxa, to Recent Caspian Sea (Cziczer et al., 2009), and from the Upper Miocene of the Strymon Basin (northern Greece) (Grossi et al., 2015). Mediocytherideis is considered as a Paratethysian genus, while the species M. punctata is a Mediterranean species with Paratethysian affinity (Gliozzi et al., 2007; Ligios et al., 2008).
The characters of the microfauna found along the two sections analysed in the present paper highlight that, during the late Messinian post-evaporitic phase, thin basins of tectonic origin formed above the evaporitic and pre-evaporitic substratum also in the North African region (Rouchy et al., 2001; Rouchy & Caruso, 2006; Sciuto et al., 2018, inter alia). These basins, which could at first be assimilated to open lagoons, were, at certain times of their evolution, isolated from the sea and colonized by brackish and even fresh-water species when river inputs prevailed (Lago-Mare fauna); in the absence of fluvial inputs, conditions of hypersalinity, like sebka, would have been established.
The shallow-water character of these basins is also indicated by the
finding of charophyte gyrogonites, the best preserved of
which are referable to Chara hispida Linnaeus, 1753
(Pl. 1
fig. 15). C. hispida
lives in oligotrophic, freshwater, shallow-lake environments, peatland,
mud-calcareous gjtzia (i.e., floating islands); it can
occasionally be found also in brackish waters. Therefore, it may be
characterized as tolerant to salinity at depth from about 0.5 m to about 3.5 m (Barinova
et al., 2014, and references therein).
According to Gliozzi et al. (2007) and Ligios et al. (2008), Amnicythere propinqua, Cyprideis agrigentina, and Mediocytherideis punctata can be considered as species with Paratethysian affinity.
The finding of species belonging to the genus Miocyprideis in the lower part of the SAL section, would indicate warm climatic conditions for this stratigraphic level. Indeed, Recent species of the genus Miocyprideis live only in warm tropical shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region (Maddocks, 1995, inter alia) and in the Atlantic coasts (Carbonnel, 1986). In the Recent Mediterranean the genus is not reported and its disappearance could be linked to Plio-Pleistocene cooling.
Finally, the discovery, both in Sicily and Tunisia, of C. torosa, suggests that the Sicilian Channel high played a modest role in preventing the migration of the non marine fauna from NE to SW in the paleomediterranean area during the Lago-Mare event (Sciuto et al., 2018; present paper).
The authors are grateful to the Editor and to the anonymous referees for the suggestions on the manuscript. Special thanks are also due to Mr. Alfio Viola (Electronic Microscopy Laboratory, Earth Science Section, Catania University) for SEM assistance. Palaeoecological Research Group contribution no. 463. This research was supported by the University of Catania, Progetto PiaCeRi: "Biodiversità e paleobiodiversità di invertebrati e macroalghe di ambienti marini" - Piano Incentivi per la Ricerca di Ateneo 2020-22 linea di intervento 2.
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fig. 1 - Phlyctenophora farkasi
(Zalanyi, 1913). Right valve internal view (Scale bar 200 µm); |