
Sous-embranchement (subphylum) des Craniiformea
Classe des Craniata
Ordre des Craniida
Super-famille des Cranioidea



   Famille CRANIIDAE Menke, 1828   

[nom. correct. Gray, 1840, pro Craniaceae Menke, 1828, nom. imperf.]
[=family Craniacea Menke, 1830; Craniadae Forbes, 1838] [incl. Valdiviathyrididae, nom. correct. Rowell, 1965, pro Valdiviathyridae Helmcke, 1940, nom. imperf.; Pseudocraniidae Popov in Popov & Pushkin, 1986]

"Characters as for order"

(Nota of C. C. Emig : Each taxon should include a true diagnosis to differentiate the hierarchical taxa and allow to identify clearly each taxon following the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 1999)

Diagnosis from volume 2 of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.

NOTA : Toutes diagnoses indiquées ici portent mention de la source utilisée dont il est obligatoire de citer la référence pour tout usage . La liste des espèces a été dressée par C. C. Emig.
For all the diagnoses indicated herein, the original reference is given and must be cited for any use. The species list is provided by C. C. Emig.

  • Emig C. C., 1997 in: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (R. L. Kaesler, ed.), Part H.  Brachiopoda.  Geological Society of America and University of Kansas, Boulder, Colorado, and Lawrence,  Kansas, Vol. 1, 473-502.

  • Laurin B., 1997. Brachiopodes récoltées dans les eaux de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyauté, Matthew et Chesterfield. In : A. Crosnier (ed.), Résultats des campagnes MUSORSTOM, Vol. 18. Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., 176, 411-471.

  • Lee D. E., 1987. Cenozoic and Recent Inarticulate brachiopods of New Zealand: Discina, Pelagodiscus and Neocrania. J. Roy. Soc. N. Z., 17 (1), 49-72.

  • Lee D. E. & C. H. C. Brunton, 1986. Neocrania n. gen., and a revision of Cretaceous-Recent brachiopod genera in the Family Craniidae. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 40 (4), 141-160.

  • Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (R. L. Kaesler, ed.), Part H.  Brachiopoda.  Geological Society of America and University of Kansas, Boulder, Colorado, and Lawrence,  Kansas, Vol. 2 (2000).

  • Lee D. E. & C. H. C. Brunton, 2001. Novocrania, a new name for the genus Neocrania Lee & Brunton, 1986 (Brachiopoda, Craniida), preoccupied by Neocrania Davis, 1978 (Insecta, lepidoptera); Bull. nat. Hist. Mus. London (Geol.), 57 (1), 5.


  • Genus Novocrania Lee & Brunton, 2001

    Genus Valdiviathyris Helmcke, 1940

    Genus Neoancistrocrania Laurin, 1992