Denise BRICE, born on 4th July 1928, passed away on 7th February 2025. Covadonga BRIME, born on 26th September 1950, passed away in August 2023. Yves ALMÉRAS, born on 13th October 1937, passed away on 12th January 2023. Ulla ASGAARD, passed away on 18th June 2023.Robin COCKS, born on 17th June 1938, passed away on 15th February 2023. Michael Gwyn BASSETT, born on 31th March 1943, passed away on 5th January 2023. Joyce RICHARDSON, born in 1925, passed away on 12th October 2019. Platon TCHOUMACHENKO, born in 1935, died on 28th August 2019. Cor WINKLER PRINS, born on 18th April 1939, died on 27th June 2019. Eric SIMON, born in December 1948, passed away on 11th February 2018. Maurizio GAETANI died on 19th December 2017. Arthur James BOUCOT, born on 1924, died on 10th April 2017. Gertruda BIERNAT, died on 1st March 2016, she was 93 years old. Xiu-qin CHEN passed away on 28th January, 2016. A short bibliography. Jill HARDESTY, former Assistant Editor and Deputy Director of the Paleontological Institute, University of Kansas, passed away on 10th September 2015. Paul SARTENAER, born on 1925, passed away on 29th July 2015. Olga ZEZINA, born in 1937, died on 1st December 2014. Frank A. MIDDLEMISS (25th March 1920 - 22nd January 2014): He has been an enthusiast researcher, who made substantial studies to improve the knowledge of Mesozoic brachiopods, and of Cretaceous terebratulides in particular, in addition to other important contributions, on British geology, on various aspects of palaeontology, including palaeobiogeograph Hence, even after formal retirement, he remained an authority of international renown. Therefore, his passing away represents a regrettable loss for all who have known him or worked with him or corresponded with him. No doubt, he will be sadly missed by the scientific community, yet his valuable legacy to geology and palaeontology shall remain to be remembered for ever, in his home country [UK] as well as abroad. From Miguel O. Mancenido. Mena SCHEMM-GREGORY passed away on July, 2013. In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis at the Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt-am-Main, Deutschland) and moved to the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). Ellis F. OWEN passed away on 28th October, 2012, a few days short of his 91th birthday. Madis RUBEL deceased 13th December 2011, in Tallinn (Estonia). Anthony D. WRIGHT passed away on 29th July 2011 at home in Leicester (GB). Svetlana LOBACHEVA (11.9.1933 - 6.3.2011), specialist of the Lower Cretaceous brachiopods of Middle Asia, Crimea, and Caucasus, died on March 6, 2011. During the whole life she worked in the A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI) in St. Petersburg. She is the author of the genera Glosseldesia, Septatotephia. J. Thomas DUTRO died on 13th June 2010. A. G. KLETS deceased recently - message sent by Miguel Manceñido, september 2009 : Me ha llegado indirectamente la noticia del muy reciente e inesperado fallecimeinto del Dr. A. G. Klets, autor ruso productivo en el estudio de braquiópodos neopaleozoicos. Howard C. H. BRUNTON passed away on 20th July, 2008. Alexander R. RICHARD deceased 11th December 2006. Yugan JIN passed away on the 26th of June, 2006. This is very sad and will be a shock to many of you. He will be missed by us all. From Dr Shuzhong Shen. Neil Wilfred ARCHBOLD passed away in Argentina in Mendoza 28th November 2005. Aged 55. Jean-Henri DELANCE 2005. Sir Alwyn (WILLIAMS) passed away on Sunday 4th April 2004. No obituary has been received by BrachNet. Obituaries from the University of Glasgow and from H. Brunton in the "Guardian". Briggs D. E. G. & D. Edwards, 2005. Sir Alwyn Williams 8 June 1921 - 4 April 2004, published on Royal Society of Edinburgh website 2004 ![]() ![]() Daniel PAJAUD, 21 décembre 1934 - 13 novembre 2003. Doug CAMPBELL died suddenly at the age of 74. He had been at work in the Geology Department at the University of Otago during the week, and was still actively working on several brachiopod-related projects. Doug was joint secretary of the 2nd Brachiopod Congress held in Dunedin in 1990 (received 2nd August 2001 from Daphne Lee). V. P. MAKRIDIN died on 27th April 2001, the Russian specialist of Jurassic brachiopods was 86 years old. Ewa POPIEL-BARCZYK died in Warsaw on 2nd November 2000. She was a very fine brachiopodologist and those of us who visited Museum Ziemi well remember her extreme kindness. Algirdas DAGYS 2000. G. Arthur COOPER passed away 17 of October 2000 (aged 98 - born 1902). & Memorial: ![]() Arturo Jorge AMOS in 1999. Alan ANSELL in 1999. From Howard Brunton : "Some of you will know Juichi YANAGIDA and I am sorry to report that he died of cancer in late September 1999. His last paper published is with Nakornsri on Permian Brachiopods from North-central Thailand in the Bulletin Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, vol. 18. Vladimir HAVLICEK died on September 10, 1999 in his 77th before his last paper entitled "Lochkovian brachiopods of the Prague Basin (Lower Devonian, Czech Republic)" appeared. Wolfgang STRUVE (1924-1997) by Alvarez F. & Talent J., 1997, Noticias Paleontologicas, 30, 49-51. |